The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 666 Empire Union

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How long is my Douro, it's rushing to push the door.

There is no obvious injury on the heart, and the inner heart of Ningfeng is stable. He has always worried that Jian Dou Lu will not be injured. Now it can be temporarily safe.

Compared to Ning Feng's soothing, the face is full of worries.

See Ning Feng, the snow and other people, the dust is busy and open: "All, I just reached an agreement. As long as you be defeated, no matter what kind of means of being used, he promised to stop this."

The Xueqing River only heard the deep meaning therezed. I saw him close his eyes slightly. After the mind, I said: "What is the intention of the big heart?"

Dust and heart did not have answered the question of Xueqing River but asked: "Don't you need a snow night?"

The Xueqing River said calmly: "The father of the father is worrying, this kind of heart-consuming thing is to give me. I asked the father before, and he will handle the next thing to me."

"That is to say, the Snow Night Emperor still doesn't know the grim of the current situation?" The dust looked quietly asked the snow.

The Xue Qinghe nodded, "Yes, the father's action for the Wushu Temple has some precautions. I only know that the current Wu Shu Temple has taken action, but I don't know that Yu Zhibao is hit."

"Compared with this, the dust is still talking about your thoughts!" The Xueqing River does not seem to be too long to turn the topic back to Yisi Bang on this issue.

Dust and heart do not ink directly to tell everyone's thoughts.

"In short, Yu Zhibo is not one or two seals to fight. If he carefully shot, I may have returned. I propose, I will send urgent assistance to Xingro Empire, at least to send two The title of Douro is coming. "

I heard at least two requirements of Douro, the whole people were silent for a while. I have to know that there are three beds that I have a solitary book now. Is it possible to deal with the five seals?

The name of Yuxibo spots is very loud, but many people do not see the world's warfare, so they do not fully believe in these rumors.

Only people who have witnessed fightened fighting can experience the horror of the spots.

At this time, the assistant around the Xueqing River said: "Is it not possible to defeat Unexpense?"

Looking at the eyes of the heart, the Xueqing River explained to him the identity of his assistant. After all, he didn't know the matter and did not know the matter.

"Want to defeat Yuxi Bao, the five seals Douro are not the most secure. Considering that the strength of the title Douro is uniform, the five can only be considered the bottom line."

The words of the dust are like a heart-catching heart, and it can be said that in addition to the snow, Ningfeng, the fightrono, the except for the lonely, the rest is a bit of a bit.

They also thought that they can solve only by Jian Dou Luo. I didn't expect things more serious than they imagined.

Some ministers of the royal family also looked at the Xueqing River. Since the Snow Night Emperor gave the Handling River, they naturally listen to the view of the snow.

The Xueqing River is also very decisive, and he does not think about it: "I pass me command, use the sound soul leader to contact the Xingro Empire Royal Royal Royal Royal."

At this time, I didn't work together with the Xingroen Empire. After the Wushu Hall destroyed the Tiandou Empire, the Xingroo Empire was dangerous.

Soon Xueqing River contact the emperor of the Xingro Empire, the Xueqing River did not say anything, and told the situation of the Tiandou Imperial Crisis directly to the emperor.

After talking on the two, the Xingro Empire still intends to support the Tiangou Empire. Although the two major empires have contradictions, they have a common enemy martial art temple. Once one is destroyed, the other is almost finished.

"The ambition of the Wushu Temple is too big, we should put down some of the previous grievances, join hands together to fight the Wushu Temple. In this, I will send a title to Douro and 10,000 ordinary soldiers to help!"

As for why it is not two beds, it is entirely because Xingro Empire can't make such a huge game. It is a great sincerity that can be sent to the previous grievances and send a title to the Tiandou Empire. It is already the greatest sincerity of the Xingro Empire.

After agreed, the Xueqing River also hanged the sound of the soul tongue, which is a very useful and convenient item from Tongbaoge. Although he has a more convenient phone, but the phone is private contact props, and it is impossible to use it clearly.

"The West Empire will be in a hurry. If you should be able to arrive in the battlefield one day, I hope everything will be smooth!" Xue Qinghe sighed, silently prayed.

If it is not the help of the sound soul tactor, the light should have to waste the time in the past, plus things such as discussing, and wait for the aid to arrive at the battlefield to overtime.

Fortunately, I have held a launch conference before, this sound soul toucher is that time. The Xueqing River was fortunate to have got this event, and the emperor of Shibo and Xingro saw.

This Xingro Empire is willing to serve the Tiandou Empire, and the short-term intersection of the Xing Rong Rong Luo Emperor Xuekang River does not turn off.

It is the friendly conversation of the Xueqing River and Xingluo Emperor, so that the relationship between the two countries has improved slightly in recent years.

At that time, the Xueqing River and Xingro Emperor left the emotional contact information of the sound tactiler, which is also the main reason for the Xingro Emperor.

"Although there is only one title to support, but now I can't find more levels of leveling skills ... If Tang Hao ... count ..." Dust and heart recalls that the Tang Hao is shocking The hammer is quite emotion in my heart.

Tang Hao's whereabouts are not what they can master. If you can get his boost, it is not possible to defeat Urshi spots.

It is a pity that there is not so much world, the truth is the truth, how can I change it.

"Solitary, your injury is not too serious?" The dust looked at the solitary life, and some worriedly asked.

"Drag your blessings, my body has no serious problems! If you don't take your heart, you will be in time, maybe my old life is there!"

It is not such an answer if you have the heart, he solemnly opens: "Solitary, now it is not a joke. Can your body have to recover in tomorrow?"

It is itself a lack of a title to Douura than the expected, and the dust does not want anything wrong. Even if it is the beginning of the beginning, it doesn't necessarily be enough. It's just that the fact is not as beautiful as the ideal situation, so much, the title of Douro can be found.

"If Feiyun Douro is in the words, it is not so anxious. Although I don't like him, it is also a very useful boost!" Solitary bless is also quite regret.

"Fei Yun Douro ... oh, I think it is, it is the one who is killed by the yellow gob, the character is indeed bad." Ningfeng slowly sang, in fact flying clouds Douro's death and he also have some relationships.

Although the character is poor, the strength is not weak, and the strength can be used with a sumeage, and the ghost two Douro is higher.

Unfortunately, the time cannot be reversed, but it is still in the case of the situation.

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