The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 667 Dancing youth

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Let the Xingro Empire send a soldiers into the Tiangou Empire, not a very cheerful thing, after all, who knows that the other party will suddenly come back to Ge.

However, the Xueqing River is not worried about this kind of thing, all of which is in his plan, he has understood the intention of Yuxi Boss, he only needs to wait for a suitable timing to debut.

The Joho Empire was estimated to be completely detained by Yuxi Bouc, according to his understanding of Uttiso, this result is the most normal.

"Tomorrow is laborious, I will send 10,000 soldiers to help you!" Xue Qinghe stunned to everyone in the scene.

Dust and heart shook his head, "Prince His Hall, I think this 10,000 soldiers don't have to die in white, still staying as a strong force as the Tiangou Empire!"

"No, dust is universal. Although this 10,000 soldiers may be sent to too large, but these soldiers can be encountered as aura. You can encounter the Empire. The Empire will be retired with you."

Since the attitude of the Xueqing River is so resolute, the dust is not much more expensive, after all, he just gives an opinion.

"Well, since the wish of the temple, I will not discuss it too much about this problem. Old bones, I will discuss the specific matters tomorrow, the opponent is Yuxi wave spot, but it is absolutely unable to mind!"

The old bones are still the look of the laughter, and they answer: "Of course, there is no problem, everything listens to you, I didn't pay my hand with him, this is more clear."

I looked at the solitary life, I told myself: "Solitary, you recover as soon as possible, tomorrow, what you have to do will disturb the Sui Zhibo spots around."

If you don't have the title of the title of the battle, the front battlefield is not necessarily difficult.

"So you suggest that you can play the biggest role, you will also see it in front of the enemy, not his opponent." Solitary boy is not too much to recognize his short board.

In the face of Unexpected Boss, even if it is more than orphanboy, Douro does not say that he is better than solitary.

And Yu Zhibo spheres, playing the feelings of the other party at the time, if Yu Zhibo spheres are serious, even if it is a strong title Douro, it is not a color.

Single to win Yishihu spots is almost impossible, the group may still hope, although this practice is not too light, but this is no way.

It may only be to join hands, in order to make Yuxi Board feel more interest.

The time has passed, soon, I went to noon next day, the Xueqing River led the 10,000-day fighting soldiers to the location of Yuxi Boss.

According to the news that the news that Johos, they are about to arrive at the battlefield, calculate time and almost almost almost.

On the battlefield of the full-eyed, Yuxi Bao is sitting proudly on the rock column, and the hand has the arrival of everyone.

The teams have arrived at the battlefield almost simultaneously and clamped the Yuxi Bao Pleble.

"I am finally here ... it is so good!" Rota slowly opened his eyes and smiled.

Xing Luo said, it is called the title of the evil tiger, the evil tiger is very strong, and it is the result of the hard work.

The evil tiger Dou Luo stares the figure of the top of the rock column, can't help but feel: "Is this a man known as the taboo? The strength is unleaded!"

The Xingro Empire has experienced Yu Zhibo's spheres, and the Xingroo Empire is not known for the power of Unexpectedrabi. This year is this Unexpected Boss with a strong power of the West, this no one is his opponent.

The evil tiger has come to help the heart, it is also full of pressure. It is necessary to know that Yu Zhibo sphere is not allowed to join hands, saying that they may be able to go in.

Despite this, the evil tiger is still coming to help out, although there is a command of Xinglo Emperor, but the main reason is to himself.

Yuxi Bao is now in the Wushu Temple, and the ambition of the Wushu Temple will understand people. The Tiangou Empire is in, the next one is the Xingro Empire, and this doesn't want to think.

This game star Luo Empire also participated in, and it was a good luck. If you really solve the , it is extremely good for the two empire.

Even if it fails, it is also a lot of the Tiangou Empire. He only dispatched a title, and the Tiangou Empire has arranged three.

The evil tiger Douro ordered the soldiers behind him to stand in place, and they were only in the position where Unexplass is located.

Dust and other people have not hesbore, and resolutely go to Yishibo spots.

Soon four beds, Luo Qi gathered together, and he looked at Rotta in a hurry, and made a preparation at any time.

"I didn't expect it to be you, the evil tiger, I have been working out for a long time!" My Dou Luo is a little active, so that the tension in the four people is slightly relieved.

The evil tiger is also emotional: "Yeah, I didn't expect to stand with you with the same front, but we only have this comrades."

The fightrum shrugs, and the dispute can be cleared in front of it, and it is too simple to be too simple!

Rotta stood up and overlooking the four title Douro, domineering, said: "Four seals Douro are like words, the battle is finally the most happiness! Are you ready to meet me? "

Jian Dou Luo said, the seven kill swords appeared in his hand, responded to the road: "That is natural! This time we will want to overcome you!"

To be said, Jian Dou Luo gave the three people in Doulo, and then burst into Rotta. The seven kill sword sword flashed in the white, with the murderer flying to the Rotta.

"Is the fighting spirit up so high? Just got me!" Rota is also excited, the sickle is smashed, and a shock will go up.

The sickle and the seven killings collided with each other, and the atmosphere around the two was shocked by two violent energy in an instant, forming a vacuum zone.

Looking at the swordsman Luo, who did not fall in the wind, the soldiers of the Tiangou Empire were pleased to cheer, they shouted loudly and cheered for dust.

"Your popularity is quite high, I hope you don't live up to their expectations." Rotta said faintly.

Jian Dou Luo is more important to pay attention to other things. He must put all the mind on the dealing with Yuxi Bao, a little bit of god, may cause irreversible consequences!

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

This is the sound of the sickle and seven killer swords. In just ten seconds, Jian Dou Luo has launched a fierce fight with Rota.

Judou Luo said that it is also a leader in Queo, even if Yu Zhibo spheres, it is impossible to easily defeat him in the case of playing.

There is a saying, Jian Dou Luo's exquisite swordsman make Rotta feel full of fighting, this feeling has not been there. Rotta doesn't mind to play more play with them!

Of course, Rotta only selected Jian Dou Luo's most good aspect, if you really want to end the battle, don't even need to fight, Rota is enough to drink a pot.

Subsequently, Jian Dou Luo is so wonderful to throw a seven kill sword toward Rotta. This sword is relaxed by Rotta, making Rotta not clearly thinking about what to do, interfere with his line of sight? A sword is not enough!

Just when Rotta was about to pursue the dust, he suddenly made a cool intention behind him, and then twisted his body and flashed.

The seven killing sword who was thrown away from Rota flew back from Rota, if he did not respond, it was not allowed to be in the thorn.

Although Rotta is in the thorn, there is no big thing, but it will not be better on the face.

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