The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 677, although the FLAG is late

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According to security instructions, the Shrek's party came to the ticket office. After a little understanding of the changes in the Harborport, the crowded the passage of things.

All in all, this change has great benefits to the follow-up development of Haishen Port, so that the port has become unordered.

After understanding the changing details of Haishen Port, Tang Sanyi passengers also bought a ticket ticket for Haichen Isle, and then only need to board the ship in front of it.

The Harborport has also established a lounge specializing in the ship. It can not only be used to rest, but also have some restaurants.

This time is just a meal in noon, Ma Hongjun's eyes stared at the facade of the restaurant, and it seems that the aroma that has been floated inside is attracted.

Tang San is also gently smiled, opening a mouthful to everyone: "There are two hours from the boat, and you will enjoy lunch during this period."

"I have no opinion, just I am also hungry!" Dai Muhu replied to Zhu Ziqing and laughed.

Ma Hongjun Xinghao fell into the restaurant, jumping into the restaurant, shouting while running: "I will help you take place, Wuhu!"

They are familiar with Ma Hongjun so familiar, and they have a little understanding of his character. It is nothing more than the old fairy of the mouth and is committed. As for help them, it is only used to hit the cover!

Of course, Tang San and others will not think about it at this point, and even if you can't even say that it is not greedy, Huang Jun will let them feel a strange!

In this way, after enjoying a big meal, I also arrived at the time of ship.

The Speluder, the Shanghai Laodao special, is not surprised by the place, and the ship they ride is very outstanding from the material or design ideas.

Other vessels and Haichen Island of Haishen Port can see an extremely obvious gap. The most obvious is that the size of the sea is almost three times the size of the surrounding vessel.

As we all know, the larger the vessel, the safety is high. The road to the sea is very difficult, and the quality requirements of the ship are very high. The Haizhi Island is specifically designed to lead to the sea island, and the quality is certainly unquestionable.

"This is the first time I first ride so big boat, I have a addiction!" Ma Hongjun held the railing excitedly.

Not just Ma Hongjun, Tang San did not take much, they live in the inland area, and there are not many links to the ocean. Most of the time ride is a carriage, a lot of traffic tools for vessels.

At this time, the captain of Haichen Island said that he said: "The Haizhi Island is about to set sail, please pay attention to safety! There are many risks in the sea, you need extra care!"

Tang San is also politely responded: "We know, thank you for your!"

The captain did not have too much waste of tongue, and it was not a problem. As long as it is not a fool to understand.

Not long after the captain is over, the sea is is slowly started. The huge propeller rotates quickly in the sea, providing a constant power supply for huge hull.

"I sailed it!" The sailors were drunk, and they were busy with one by one. To manipulate such a big bigthing, a person's power is definitely not enough.

The speed of the sea is is very fast, and it will leave the Harbor of the Sea after a while.

Looking at the margin port of the outline, Shrek people also waved towards the shore. They went to Haichen Island from this time, and I didn't know how long it took, or I was short-lived.

Although it is a little sad, they are also prepared, and they quickly adjusted their mentality.

"In order to save the safety of the mainland, we have to get enough strength! This can protect our home." Tang San clenching his fists, and the heart is secretly decided.

It's too weak to say that it is too weak, you want to have enough words, you must become a title, and even say it is a god of the sea.

"Dear guests, welcome to take this Market, I need to introduce you to the sea island?" A elegant man dressed in black dress came over.

Tang Successfully smiled nodded, "If you can, you will be troubled."

The elegant men shook their heads and politely said: "The guests are heavy, I am a speaker of the Haizhi Island, which is my duty for the guests. If you don't understand, you can ask yourself."

"Well, I will introduce us to Haizhi Island first."

"First, first, if you have to come to Haichen Island, is it to seek God?"

The meaning of the elegant men is directly said in the Tang San and others think.

"This kind of thing is not too surprised. After all, if it is not to pursue the gods, the soul of the land rarely came to Haitia Island." Elegant men explained soothing.

Also, this kind of thing is actually a confidential, who comes to Haizhim Island is not for God?

The elegant men tell the Slack and a group telling the things about Haitia Island, so that they have learned a lot about the situation in Haichen Island.

"The time to arrive in Haites is probably around 10 am tomorrow. During this time you can arrange it yourself. However, some security issues need to pay attention, although this channel has a special guard soul, but there is a dangerous Possibility, please be cautious. "Elegant men finished, there was a bow, and then left.

After listening to elegant men's story, everyone has a more comprehensive awareness against Haichen Island. It can be determined that Haichen Island is definitely a place to coexist with danger.

Dai Muhu watched around the deck, now he hasn't seen anyone elsewhere, and it will only be eight people.

But the idle is also idle, and the Slack is talking about the day, and various aspects are involved. Anyway, it is also used to send time, naturally there is a chat.

Such a calm has continued until the second day of the morning, and the Tang San has a habit of cultivating the purple magic pupil, others are also waking up after the Tang San.

"The morning sea breeze is really comfortable!" Xiao Dance was on the tale rod, and the eyes enjoyed the sea breeze whicked to the cheek. This kind of pleasure made her very pleasant.

In the room, the captain took a telescope to observe the sea surface situation in the distance, which is an important task of his captain.

Since it is the safety of the captain, it is responsible for the safety of the entire ship. If an abnormal situation is found, he makes decisions in time.

Looking at the horizontal sea, the captain is also reluctant in the heart, it seems that this journey is quite safe!

Although Haichen Island sent a special guard soul, these souls sometimes followed into the sea of ​​Haizhi in time.

At this time, the captain needs to play a role. When the emergency is encountered, the captain must promptly send a signal to notify the survey of the devil around the surrounding.

"It's normal as it is often the same, I can finally take a break in a while." The captain drank coffee, and the high concentration of a high level was also quite tired one night.

Nowadays, there is another hour away from Haichen Island, and it can be said that there will be no dangerous things happen.

Everything is based on normal conditions, the results of things should be the case, but the captain is a thousand, it should not have a Flag, this is not a good sign!

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