The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 678, Deep Sea Magic Whale, Wang Mei, Different!

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A Sleek, a group of people, had a beautiful sea view, and the Sea Shizhi Island is a group of dolphins in the group, and the sea is moving from time to time. It makes up a beautiful landscape.

The explanator also came to the crowd to explain it carefully: "This soul beast is very friendly in the sea soul, named illusion dolphins. Meet the water drops, these souls will not only attack humanity, but also Will send them back to the safe land. "

"There is also the soul of this personality. It seems that there are many species we don't know in this world." Tang San said, and then watched the little dance next to it.

It seems to feel the eyes of Tang San, and the little dance is also slightly spitting tongue.

"If you can't take it, you will arrive in Haichen Island, enjoy the last hour of the journey!"

Just when everyone is planning to enjoy the sea view, the original clear sky suddenly bleak, and even the soft sea breeze became flying.

The sea dragon roll of Haichen Island has appeared in the top of the sea, and the whole sky is very gloomy because of the emergence of sea dragon rolls. The atmosphere has spooked a lot.

This is just a beginning, after this sea dragon roll, the trend of 10,000 equivalent seaborrolls forms a campaign to surround the Naise Island.

Everyone in the field is not a fool, it is seen that the scene is very big. The captain dropped and drunk half of coffee, and quickly pressed the emergency alarm button of the Haicos Island.

The captain at this time is also extremely worried, although he took timely remedies, can you really come true?

Looking at the scene of this scene like a natural disaster, the captain forced himself calm down. As a ship, he must always stay calm.

The Haichen Island also is also equipped with a strong soul tunner, as long as the commander can't try to make a threat. In her eyes, the existence of this impact can be caused, only one of the captain is, that is, the hegemony of the deep sea, the deep sea whale!

Is the weapon equipped on board really useful to this hegemonic level of soul beast? The captain thoughtfully thought that he had to come up with a minimal solution.

The Haichen Island can be re-created, but such a huge ship overhead is really not general. This is the second, the most important thing is that the captain himself is a sense of sin, he does not allow yourself to make this mistake.

"You must protect the life safety of Haichen Island and onboard people before supporting it!" The captain faintly determined.

But this situation is just that there is a firm determination is far enough, and you must be actually considered. The most ideal situation is to completely stop deep sea whale whale king, but this situation is completely unrealhead before supporting.

This guy is very stable, how is it biased today? And it is still too far from the sea.

The captain does not know what kind of words to describe the current situation. Is it lucky? Still unfortunate?

The captain slammed himself, "I have to stay calm after I want to think about it."

The captain knows the terrorist strength of the deep sea magic whale king, which can be said that if the other party wants to cover the sea island is really relaxed.

On the deck, Tang San and others also looked around everything around. The sky is rolling, and the live and lovely dolphins have already disappeared without trace.

"It seems that I have encountered what trouble!" Dai Mu Bai police stared at the waters of the distance, and his intuition told him that the deep sea is absolutely hidden with an extremely horrible existence.

"Everyone is ready to prepare, we are afraid to encounter difficult opponents!" As a boss, Dai Mu, whisper.

"No problem, we have already been in place!" Oscar was very sparingly, and it has been a flying mushroom intestine.

The ocean is not the home of human beings, and it is necessary to be extra careful in the face of powerful sea soul. Humans in the sea may have some slight advantages, of course, this weak advantage is relatively. If it is a trick, it is unable to be hit into the sea, and human beings in the ocean is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the sea soul beast.

"The strength of this guy is definitely weak, everyone should be careful, remember not to be entered into the sea." Tang San looks more than everyone.


"You passengers, please wait a moment!" The captain trotted, quickly called Tang San and others.

"Mr. Shirt? Now here is dangerous, please don't come out." Tang San is anxiously said to the captain.

They don't know how the strength of the captain, according to the current situation of their perception, the strength of the other party should not be too high.

In this case, Tang San can not want the captain to sacrifice, the strength of the soul is used to protect the weak, if it is a innocent person sacrifice, they will be very self-blaming!

The captain smiled and looked at Tang San, whispered: "Thank you for your concern. I am here to have something to ask you."

Tang San deep breathed a sigh of relief, directly looking at the captain's eyes: "You said, if we can do it, you will never have a good message."

See Tang San promised that the captain also told Tang March to his intention.

"The situation is urgent, I will say a long time, I have now issued a help information like Haichen Island. I have to have soul beasts to arrive here. If you can resist this soul, you should resolve this crisis."

Tang Sanxin is also estimating the gap between the two sides, the enemy's soul beast does not want to think more, but just delay some time ... there should be no problem!

"Mr. Shirt, if we just delay, we should be able to do it! But if you know this soul, please tell us some information."

The captain sighed, and it was a difficulty to open: "If you want to say information, the name of this soul beast is called a deep sea whale king, which can be said to be the soul of the deep sea. I don't know if I can say it. He has reached the extent that it is comparable. "

Shrek is also looking at the captain surprised. They all hope this is a joke. But it is necessary to see the feelings on the face of the captain, let alone, do you have a joke?

"Is it comparable to the strength of the god?" Tang San low down, and then excited the spirit and then said: "What is it, soon, we will face the opponent of God, this time it is a practice. Moreover, let's It's not a guy who is strong as a god! "

Shrek's sputum is coming out of the body of the domineering man ... Yes, the god-level opponents have long been facing.

Isn't it a soul beast than the god? What is fear!

"It's exciting, it's not delaying, let's take a short!" Dai Mu Bai shouted, and then the fairy, ready to fight.

Ning Rongrong is a BUFF that is 60% of the attribute increased directly. The reason why the use of soul skills in advance is to avoid the embarrassing situation that will not be adjunct.

"Deep Sea Magic Whale King? Let us say your strength!" Dai Mu's eyes flashed, and the heartbeat rhythm was constantly accelerating.

Finally, the true priest of the sea dragon roll is now, and the giant giants of more than two hundred meters suddenly float, and his horror is thoroughly presenting in front of everyone.

Deep sea whale king degraded!

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