The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 679, Welcome to the Deep Sea Whale Whale

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"The appearance, this is the deep sea whale king, the overlord from the deep sea!" The captain's voice is some heavy, but it is not afraid.

Long navigation in the sea, the captain has long been prepared for this accident. Although the whale of the deep sea whale is horrible, it is not scared to the captain.

Instead, Tang San and others were shocked by the first eyes of the deep sea magic whale, they were strong, but they didn't have a long experience in the sea, they would be in the world.

Tang San and others self-regulatory energy is very good, soon it is from the shock. Now it is not a surprise, they have more important tasks need to be completed.

"Plan start!"

A Sleek, a group of people, swallowed the flying mushrooms, and Ma Hongjun reserved the mushroom sausage because the martial arts causes the mushroom sausage.

Although it is very dangerous, they must transfer the battlefield to the distant sea, try to avoid the Nagajima.

"Attack deep sea whale king attracts his attention!" Tang San del unit confedes the instructions, then twisted to see the little dance around you, "Xiao Dance, with me to attack a round!"

"Good brother, you are ready!"

The unfamiliar jade legs will send Tang three to the location of the deep sea whale.

"This kind of repair is also dare to send death, I really don't know how to live." A eyes on the heart of the deep sea magic whale launched Tang San's figure and immediately issued disdainful ridicule.

It seems that the King of Deep Sea Whetto is not an encyclopedia, what do you have to treat yourself seriously?

He and the grievances of Haichen Island are too deep, and you must find a way to make Haizhen Island lose something. This Maritime Island is a good choice, and the cost is expensive to talk, as long as you sink this Maritime Island, the name of the sea island it will also be affected.

Deep Sea Magic Whale King also understands that I want to destroy the sea island's special number is not that simple, and I have to speed up the speed. If he dragged to the reactor of Haichen Island arrived, he also can't ask what benefits.

"The guy named Case has returned to Haichen Island. His strength in these years has also been very progressively, and it is also troubled by him!" Deep sea whale whale king is very arrogant, but he is not blind, Some of them can't afford, he will not take the initiative.

Looking at Tang San, I want to attack my own Tang, the deep sea whale Wang didn't want to take care of him, his goal is just to destroy the sea island's special number.

Unexpectedly, the Tang Sanhuang has emerged in the killing, and the mouth is low in the mouth: "Killing the god field.

Although Tang San has not given the soul ring to the hammer, under the strict teaching of Tang Hao, some moves have a very good power.

The hammer with the killing field is like a rainpoint, and the body is in the body of the deep sea magic whale. Deep Sea Whale Whettin is not affected by the attack of Tang San, and also commented on the spot: "Doll, are you ticking me?"

Although this hit did not give the deep sea magic whale king caused damage, the killing of the sky hammer and Tang San is unable to hide.

The deep sea magic whale is the most sensitive to the soul of God. It doesn't feel very sensitive to this breath. "There is a weak spirit of Tang," It seems that you come to Haizhi Island to seek God. Inherit? "

Tang San, who was passed away from the deep sea magist whale, did not panic, but opposed he is still staring at the deep sea whale.

"Since you are coming to Haizhi Island to seek God, then I can't let go of you!"

Originally, Haizhi Island is enough to deal with it. If these little guys get through the inheritance, their situation can be more difficult. For their own safety, he must take the Tang San one pedestrian to eliminate.

Of course, the deep sea whale king did not have a script, he just had a long-term crisis.

"Still handling you. This small is better." Deep Sea Magic Whale Wang's eyes became cold, and one of the Tang Tang, who was like steel-like tail.

Tang San quickly tested the body to try to avoid the attack of the deep sea magic whale king, but unfortunately the deep sea magic whale king is too large, the tail whip smashing the Tang Success is also a huge thing to cover the sky.

"The fourth soul skill, invincible gold!"

On the occasion of the millennium, the body of Tang San shrouded a circle of golden rays, and it was the performance of the invincible golden body used by Xiaoqi.

The deeper whale king's tail whip is launched in the golden body, and he will live in Tang San. It is good to have the guardian of the golden body.

"Small things, the strange tricks are not a few ... , let's say how to have a familiarity, it turns out that the soul beast!"

The little dance did not panic. Her identity was already exposed five years ago, even if they were recognized by the deep sea whale.

Deep sea magic whale king greedily looked at the little dance, slightly cracking on the bloodpine: "If you eat this little guy, my strength wants to fine!"

Although the little dance in front of him is very attractive, he is still very clear, and the urgent needs to hit the Shenhai Island as soon as possible, and then pack them.

As long as you lose your footprint, this group of humans will be buried in their mouths sooner or later.

The Haichen Island has not been idle during this time, and a soul energy can be raised from the deck. The whale of Deep Sea is a gun.

The special number of the sea island is the power of the soul, and the power warehouse stores the soul crystal. The Soul Crystal is the energy of the Haicos Island to provide power and the energy required for energy gun emission.

A bunch of silver-white soul floods straight down the deep sea whale king, but the deep sea magic whale king did not have a meaning of the meaning, staring at the energy torrent straight to the sea of ​​the island.

At this moment, the defensive power of the deep sea whale king is thoroughly showing that the energy flood shock does not have any injuries at his epidermis, which is resolved by his tough skin.

Even if the soul energy can not be effect, the captain does not have any retreat, staring at the deep sea whale of the gradually approaching.

Dai Mu Bai and Tang San were opposed to each other, and Tang San manipulated the blue and silver grass wrapped around the waist of Dai Mu, and he took him to the deep sea magic whale king.

On the way, Dai Mu directly entered the Holy King mode, instantly let Dai Mu's breath to the title level.

Feel the breath of Suduing the title, the deep sea magic whale is ready to look back, seeing a person who shines with the rays to rush to himself.

Didn't wait for the deep sea magic whale, how to react, Dai Mu, use all the best to play a heart of the deep sea magic whale king.

The eyes are one of the weaknesses of the deep sea magic whale king. Suddenly hit by such a huge force, the shape of the deep sea magic whale king has also been affected.

Immediately, the soul of the whale whale was shocked by Dai Mu, and Dai Mutai thought that the deep sea whale whale will continue to attack the Market of Haichen Island, which is not the case.

Deep Sea Magic Whale King will take the head of the head to Dai Mu, which is clear that the goal has become Dai Mu, from the Naga Island.

The Haitual Island is important. It has just been Dai Muhu's movement undoubtedly makes deep sea whale Wang feel angry. A little ghost in the district actually attacked his eyes and made him feel a little.

"Take your little ghost first, solve the ship is not too late!"

Dai Mu, who was locked by the deep sea magist whale, did not act, and the asphywoven of the suffocating pressure was blocked all of his actions.

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