The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 680, ah, this is my friend!

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"Worse!" Dai Mu is in the dark, he originally thought that with his strength, the strength of the title is now, can cause some damage to the deep sea whale king, but it is such a result.

At the time of the deep sea whale, Wang Zhang opened a giant mouth to Dai Mu Baiun, there was a body type and a soul of the deep sea magic whale king on the sea.

This sudden soul beast hit a deep sea magist whale whale of Dai Mu, which made Dai Muhu back.

The captain saw the use of the ambassadoring guide to send an order to Shrek, "everyone withdrew back to the sea island, hurry!"

The deep sea magic whale king quickly stabilized his body shape, and the reason why it was so easy to hit it, because the other's sneak attack, this sneak attack can only affect his actions, but it will not cause what harm.

"It's you ... Jing Night Levi Tinto, Case! I didn't expect you to be so keen to do the watchdog of Haichen Island!" Deep sea whale king rushed.

Although the Case body is so big, there is no deep sea whale, but there is also a degree of approaching two hundred meters, giving people the oppression feeling unbeaten from the deep sea whale.

After returning to the deck, Tang Sanyi is busy inquiring to the captain. After learning that Case is the essence of the essence of the sea island, he will live a breath.

Ma Hongjun was directly sitting on the deck, and his mouth gasped in the big mouth. The white fragrance is also a towel to rub him sweat.

Tang San looked at the captain of the same soothing, and asked: "Mr. Shirt, Can you block a deep sea magic whale king?"

The captain shook his head seriously. "I don't know this kind of thing. I can say that the deep sea magic whale king is the existence of the first in the ocean. Case can be a second. The top two struggles are not so easy to divide Out, but the final result should be a winning whale of Deep Sea! "

The captain did not because Case was a soul of the soul of oneself. After all, it was necessary to pay attention to the principle of seeking truth from facts, answering this question could not be lie.

"What should I do next? Our attack is almost a role in the deep sea magic whale!" Oscar looked at the captain, Ning Rongrong is also the same expression.

"Don't worry, the battle will not last until that time. If Case is unable to force the deep sea whale king, Posi adults or other guards will be shot. Even if it is strong, the whale whales Will be the opponent of Polyssi's adults. "The captain is very leisurely, and it can't see a panic.

On the sea, the two porch giants have been fighting each other, and the tall tide is thrown, and it is difficult to stand in a time.

The deep sea magic whale opened a lot of blood red eyes to see Case, I am not tattoo geological asking: "Case, look at you, I have given you a face! The last time, let it Let the opening, if you continue to block me, consequences ... you know! "

If the words of the King of Deep Sea Magic Whale are frightened, Case is not to guard the soul, let alone deep sea magic whale king although it is strong than him, but not completely crushed, why is it afraid.

"Or province's tongue, say more, it is useless." Case will respond freely.

"Is this your reply? It seems that long-term stability makes you also arrogant, Case!" Deep Sea Magic Whale King sprayed a group of soul energy toward the Haichen Island.

If it is bombarded by this energy, the consequences will be unimaginable. Case ishable, the deep sea whale, this guy is still so despicable and discounted.

Case also can't take care, spurting a sea water and stopping the attack of deep sea whale king.

Send this time, the deep sea magic whale king bites behind the back of Case.

The sharp teeth of the deep sea magic whale king broke Case defense, blood continued to seep over Case's skin, even if Case did not make anything anything.

Looking at Case injured in the distance, it is also hidden and sweaty. If it is not to protect them, Case is not injured.

But they can't do it to throw Kas escape, let alone, even if they want to go, the deep sea magic whale will still stop them.

Case, who had pain, not only did not make a sorrow, but smiled, so that the movement made the deep sea whale whale. Case this guy should not kill it, is he hidden to shake M is abused?

"Deep sea whale king, saying that you really didn't pay attention to changes around?" Case looked at the deep sea whale king, and said.

"Change? Don't you say!"

The surrounding sea is constantly frozen, the temperature also has dropped more than a dozen degrees, and this obvious change he did not notice!

"Do you think it is getting cold?" Ma Hongjun asked.

Zhu Zhuqing, who has not seen it, suddenly refers to the sea surface, a tall movie is riding a certain thing to slow down this.

"The sea under his feet is constantly coming, and there is such a high sea way !?"

Shrek people looked at the people who gradually approached, unconsciously sounded.

Oscar eyes are bright, the figure is not to save his wins? Immediately, he shouted his hands and waved highly shouted with Kutan who was riding on the sea: "Uncle Guan, I am Oscar! There is nothing to have in danger!"

Looking at the direction of the bicycle on the sea, I saw the direction of the sound came, and I saw the member of Oscar and other Shrek.

There is not much to say what to say to them, and then ride in the direction of the deep sea magic whale king.

Oscar seeing that there is no bitterness of the suggestions from his own suggestions. Although he has seen the strength of Kutzan, the soul of the monster and the north of the north are not in a level!

Oscar can't do anything, only silently watching the back of the library with others.

"Other, how about the guy, you can still in my hand, I can kill you, you can also escape from him!"

Caisse has no fear, and it is said: "Well, how do you try?"

"You are looking for!" Deep Sea whale Wang is to be fried by Case, and dare to be so arrogant in front of him, but did not put him in the eyes.

Just when the whale whale king of the deep sea is about to force, the lazy voice of Kuchan is pulled into his ears.

"Ah, this is my friend, please let you let it open!"

The Kuzan single hand is inserted into the pocket, and a light blue frost is covered on a lens in the sunglasses.

Deep Sea Magic Whale King has seen the battle gesture of Kutzan, this look, the Kuzan has been prepared.

"For so many years, don't think I will be afraid of you! I will bite the spine of the Case now, you will watch him, this fall!"

On the moment of deep sea whale Wang from Kuchan, I knew that this probability of the program was over, now he has already broken the mean to break down.

"Ah, if Case is dead, I will be very troublesome, please don't do this." Kuzang's other hand scratched his cheek, very lazy .

"That is really embarrassed, let you feel troubles, I am very happy!" Deep Sea whale madly used foot strength, interrupted the spine of the Case directly.

"It's really trouble!"

A cold light flashed, and the sea of ​​deep sea whale was frozen into ice into ice, and a ice cream suddenly appeared on the sea.

The king of the deep sea whale of the frozen ice sculpture can't be seen, I have to watch Case from the control.

Case burst into a hard ice layer, came to Kuzan, thank you: "Thank you, you have to get time, or you can explain here!"

Cozan is also a smile, and it is interested in Tucao: "Seeing that you are not afraid, you will not come, you can take off!"

"That is nature, who can no longer lose technology this year?" Kas smiled and equipped with his huge body shape, there was an inexplicable contrast.

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