The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 681 mixed with a full face!

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"You really dare to say it, it is estimated that it is also the extraordinary resumption of yourself. Forget it, please give you a good time."

A shaving behind Kasz behind Kas, the wounded wounded by the deep sea whale, the above flesh is slowly healed, highlighting Kasa extraordinary recovery.

Although Case has a strong recovery force, if the wounds of this scale will also be addressed in time, it will cause the injury to become more troublesome.

The librarian is lightly rubbed over the wound surface of Case, and a blue white frost is gently covered in his wound.

"This is almost the same, give you ice, it is good to hurt!"

Of course, I really want the wound healing to see Ksse's own recovery, and the ice of the Kuzan is more only to stop bleeding and cleaning.

"Well, in fact, you just haven't intentionally hurt, but hurry up." The kozi faintly opened.

Case is also squinting: "Yes, it will let the deep sea whale whale the war, if he escaped in advance, I can't eat this bitter."

Cozan is also shocking and shaking his head. I didn't expect Cased that they were so big like a child.

"You are really getting more and more naive, Case!" Kuzang Ji Ji Ji Ji.

Case is not ignorant in ignorant, after all, he still takes care of his child, and natural temper will naturally be more inclined to children.

"Well, this is the way, those humans will handle it!" Case glanced at the sea island, and then sneak into the deep sea.

Although Case is not ambougnus in humans under the influence of Kucan and others, it does not mean that he is good at paying human.

You must know that let a soul beast don't host the human beings are already a miracle, let alone the soul of the soul is willing to escort humanity. In addition to a few warm dolphins such as the magic dolphins before, I have almost no soul willing to contact humanity.

Kuzan embedded on the ice and ice before Kas sneaked into the deep sea, glanced at the deep sea whale of the ice sculpture, and shrugged, then riding a bicycle to the deck of the sea.

The deep sea whale Wang also felt disdain in the god of the warehouse, but he didn't have a good way to take the reservoir.

Seeing the Kutang boat, the captain quickly brought the crew to respect and greeted: "After seeing the people, thank you for your help!"

Cozan is very peaceful, "I don't have to be so causing in front of me. I am not the kind of person in the megadownload you, and you are relaxing. Tell me."

"Well ... oh ... good, warefold ... Mr.!" The captain did not adapt to the knot in the signs of Barbani for a while.

After he greeting with the captain, Kutzam turned his attention to the main role of this trip, from the eight members of Shrek.

Kuzan is only mixed with Oscar, and Cozan has to find an entry point from Oscar.

Cozan is very enthusiastic, Oscar, greeted, greet: "Is this not Oscar, it seems that you have listened to my suggestion!"

Oscar smelled, looked at the Kutzan to reply: "Yes, the wake of the Kuzan, I thought I still decided to come to Haizhen Island together with my companions. In order to guard my heart, I still need to become stronger. Talent! "

In the process of answering, Oscar's eyes are sincerely looked at Ning Rong Rong. This straight-white way is already a graceful and beautiful.

Fortunately, others have their own love objects, nor are it a sudden dog grain show that Oscar, anyway they usually sprinkle, is more than Oscar.

"Young people can really have a vitality, I want to get good gains with your talents!" Kuzang praised a little, anyway, Tang San, they finally became a god, and there was no problem early.

Cozan also means that he glanced at Ma Hongjun, I hope this little fat man will work, you can help him.

If it is finally the end of the tragedy, it doesn't work hard.

After the introduction of Oscar, Kutzan also met each other with others. Although he has long known, this is still going to play.

"Oh, you are Tang Success, is there a hammer Wu Soul?"

Tang San is somewhat surprised, he just clearly did not tell the library like his martial arts, how did the other party guess?

Although there is a little confusion in my heart, Tang San still nodded to confirm the guess of Kuchan.

I haven't waited for Tang San to open the mouth, Kutamashi interrupted him in advance: "I know that you must be very curious, why do I ask this question. Because there is a elder of you, you are in your body, I feel it in your body. When I got a familiar, I did so guessed. "

It turned out to be like this, Tang San is almost thinking that Kuchan is secretly investigating himself. Of course, this is not blame Tang San caution, who makes him two people, right!

"Okay, I can't wait for a while, I will go to Haichen Island. If I don't forget to visit Poseth, I can go to see your elders, help you."

"I know the uncle of the Kuchan, thank you for telling me these." Tang San gratitude to the Guzan to thank you, and even he had a little regret for the prevention of the public.

Looking at the outline of the maritime island in the distance, Kutzan is also riding a bicycle.

"Uncle Kuchan does not go with us?" Oscar asked the captain of the side.

The captain smiled and explained: "Kuzang people have his own style. He belongs to the kind of free free, likes to travel around, rarely staying in Haizhi Island. It is really a very important thing today. Fortunately. "

It is not very stable in the words of the captain, and the whereabouts of Kuzan are not very stable. If you want to see Kuzan, it is not an easy thing.

Oscar is even more invincible, and you can encounter unstaughters in Kuchan twice. It is already possible to describe it. You can't let you live to praise your expectations to them.

Not just the response to the warehouse of the warehouse, and is also the guarantee for the future of Rongrong. Two auxiliary souls want to go together, it is extremely difficult and needs powerful strength to be guaranteed.

Oscar is determined, no matter how much it is to enhance your strength, it is enough to protect the power of honor.

The Oscar is thinking, why is it in the heart of Rong Rong? Every time I see the scars on the Oscar, she is not tight.

If it is not for her, Oscar does not need to fight the power of death, she must work hard, and strive to drag his back.

With true talents, Oscar has so much, she is the holder of the world's first auxiliary martial art, or the gorge of Zongmen, more can't drop the chain.

In the influence of Kuzan, Oscar and Ning Rong have a very strong in mind.

If you let the library of the parties know this, it will definitely say it. He is really just a few words, there is no so much!

Looking at the beautiful landscape of Haichen Island, the mood of all people in Shrak will rise again!

"Welcome everyone to the sea island!" The captain was happy to spend a speech on everyone.

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