The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 682 Xiao Dance Eats the vinegar of Poseth

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"Well, this Haichen Island has successfully arrived in Haichen Island smoothly, I wish you all a smooth experience." The captain stood in the deck of Shirake, and blessed people.

Tang San is also smiling and waving to the captain: "Thank you for your kindness, please be careful when you return!"

At this point, Shileke is officially logged in to the sea island and will begin a new experience.

There is also a port in Haichen Island, and the Tang Sanyi is just seen from the boat, I saw the person responsible for reception.

The receptionist in the dark blue uniform is politely asked Shrek's people: "Welcome everyone to come to Haichen Island, see you should come to try trial?"

Tang three o'clock in Tang, replied peacefully: "Yes, we come to Haizhen Island experience, the specific process is not too clear."

They should go to the Island from the Kuzana, they should go to the Island, but where Posi is still unclear, this is still a special service.

"This doesn't worry, our receptionist's work is responsible for guiding the soul of the Triumpo, which is coming to Haichen Island. Please come with me!"

The receptionist finished the hand gesture, and then she received the crowd of Shrak to the Sea Church.

Looking at the church in front of the Imperial Palace, everyone's face has also emerged as a shock expression.

"Is this really a church? I have not waited for it to be too gorgeous." Ma Hongjun eyes smashed the boss, and said with the amazing tone.

Not only Ma Hongjun, others have the same views, compared to churches, this building is more like a palace.

The receptionist seems to have seen the doubts in the hearts, not explained not to explain: "In the sea island, the Poseth's priest is like the emperor, and the church is naturally the most luxurious building."

If this explains, it is not surprising. After all, the big priest and the emperor status are quite, and the size of the church is naturally the same as the palace.

"There are a few more precautions, I will give you first, and when I see the Poscy's priest, don't lose my gifts!"

Under the explanation of the receptionist, Shrek is also aware of some etiquette, rules on the island. After a little familiar, the receptionist also led them into the church.

Only when I entered the door, everyone's eyes were attracted by the first part of the beautiful beauty shadow.

A light blue light yarn ribbon is very naturally wound around the woman's neck. The bright red ritual dress is equipped with the dark blue long hair, and the woman is a woman in front of the woman!

Don't say that Tang Sanmei is male, even women and other women are all one, and their eyes are even blurred. In this way, they step by step near the long-distance woman who brought the noble temperament.

"This is the Poseth, the speed of the speed!" The receptionist looked at the universely swearing, and quickly reminded.

Several people who heard reminders were reacted and rushed to the Soul etiquette exclusive to Posehi Maritime Island.

The receptionist is more confused, and it is clear that these guys are familiar. How do you suddenly be committed at this time?

Shrek did not dare to face the eyes of Poseth, just too shameful, just got a joke, and hope that the Poscy adult does not mind.

Looking at the people who are incense, Poseth is elegantly laughing with a hidden hand, and the sound is like a silver bell.

"Guests come from afar, don't have to be so causing, I am not so difficult to get along!" Puessing language seems to have a magical power, making everyone somewhat nervous and suddenly calm down.

The calm people quickly joined you: "Thank you, the versators, the late generations!"

Posxi is not mindful, softly waves, "This is poor, do you show my charm? Is it like me to be happy?"

Seeing the performance of Poseth, Tang San also touched the Puertoi's personality, it seems that she is not a strict person, and it is much more likely to get together.

Although Persissea gives people a gall like the Pope in the Wushu, but both still have a significant difference.

The feeling of bison gives them is the suppression of overbearing and upper people to the next person. And Polycy is very different, although the strength is equally strong, but the feeling of people is as stable as the deep sea and has a broad mind.

Seeing that Tang San and others did not be so causing to be so causing, Poseth said gentle: "You will take a moment to rest, then I will find you!"

Poseth gives the receptionist a look, the receptionist will immediately say, saying the crowd of Shrak: "Come with me!"

Tang Success has no objection to naturally, followed by the receptionist immediately left the church.

After everyone left, Posxi sighed softly: "Finally, I can easily be easily."

The receptionist introduced the layout of Shraki Island, and received them in a spacious coastal courtyard.

"Several guests, the home is here during the experience of Haichen Island. The living facilities inside are all available. Don't worry about life problems. After the Possessians will find you with the relevant content."

The receptionist's work is almost the end, and the things that tell them are clear.

Ma Hongjun entered the room behind the lack of soft and spacious sofa, feel the soft touch, Ma Hongjun also couldn't help but praise: "I didn't expect the treatment of Haichen Island so good, I thought it would be very hard!"

"Fragrance, you have come over, this sofa is so comfortable." Ma Hongjun hit his hand.

Bai Shenxiang is also helpless, I have to sit in the past to play with Ma Hongjun.

I didn't pay attention to Ma Hongjun's funny. Tang three people were familiar with the courtyard, assigned their own rooms, and after a long time they had to live here.

After cleaning up, Puessship is coming to the coastal garden.

Looking at the regulatory torque, Slack et al., Posi knows that they may still have some uncomfortable, and do not force them to immediately adapt. Anyway, the time is still very long, and some time is close to the relationship.

Especially Tang San, Posi always unconsciously staring at him. Tang San naturally felt that Posi observed his eyes. He didn't think there was any strange place to this.

On the contrary, the little dance seems to be somewhat, she doesn't know why Poseth has always stared at her three brothers.

A alert idea has emerged from the small dance, saying that this woman also looks like a three brothers?

It seems to be aware of the eyes of the small dance, and Posi smiled. "Don't be so nervous, I just want to see the descendants of the old people."

Tang San remembered that the uncle Kuzan told him that there is a Hao Tianzong's elder, is also the old man in the Polyva.

Tang Sangshi took doubtfully to Poseth, asked: "Puesss, is you still surnamed Tang?"

"Oh? You don't know, I am also preparing to tell you!" Posi is a bit surprise, I didn't expect Tang San to understand the situation here.

"This is such a Poscy adult ... Finally, Uncle Kuzan told me." Tang San told Puess, although he believed that Posi failed to know.

Posxi is indeed aware of what they were attacked, but they were unclear like Turns and Tang San.

"This, it is not surprising!"

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