The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 683 Chapter of the Sea Issue

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"Since you have learned a little news from Kuzana, I can easily be relaxed. Your grandfather Tang Chen is also in Haishen Island, after you pass the assessment, you can talk to him." Pose I talked to Tang Chen, and my eyes were full of tenderness.

Tang San looks out that the relationship between Pscescy and Tang Chen is also curious: "What is the relationship between Polyssi? Do you and my grandfather Tang Chen?"

Listening to this words, a woman who is stabilizing Poseth is also slightly red, softly answering: "I am deeply loved by your grandfather, and is a relationship between lovers."

The little dance is finally loose, it seems that she thinks more. It turns out that Poseth has talked with the grandfather of the three brothers. I don't worry.

"Do you say that Polyssi adults are you already a grandmother?" Ma Hongjun did not pick up at the time of the mouth, and said that it would be so straightforward.

Bai Xiang two words did not say that I gave Ma Hongjun a tyrannical, complaining, said: "Don't speak, I don't have a politeness."

Ma Hongjun also poked his head finger, low-headed to Posxi, respectfully, said: "Posi adults, sorry! Just greeted someone ..."

Different from imagination, Poseth did not severely criticize him like Ma Hongjun, but still looked at him in a mildly, slowly said: "Don't tighten, this is a fact, you just said true. Although my appearance still stays in the appearance, it is no longer young. "

For those guys who deliberately deliberately, Posthi prefer to be honest like holy and simple people like Ma Hongjun.

If you let a heart, you have inherited the position of the sea god, how to see it is ironic!

"Next, I will take you to Sanzi, you will accept the test in Shengzhu Stone. The specific steps, I will know it there. If you are ready, let's go now?"

Posei handheld auspan walking in the forefront, Shrek et al., Quietly follow her, and they are not familiar with Haicos Island, and they must always follow the vest.

Although the receptionist has been roughly explained by them, it can be just a simple understanding, and I really want to be familiar with Haishen Island.

Along the way, Tang San also asked the story of Poseth and Tang Chen. Just idle is also idle, Posxi also shared his story with Shraki people.

When I heard Tang Chen said that "I don't want to be god, don't return!", Everyone is shocked.

Dare to send such a poisonous vow, seeing Tang Chen definitely loves Poseth.

"No wonder the three brothers are all in the heart, the original three brothers, the family is also the same!" Ning Rongrong looked at Tang San and Xiao Dance, so there was no problem with it.

Tang San is also smiling, the truth is true, his father is also very special for the mother, although I don't know how my grandfather's emotional life, the grandfather is all such a person, and it is almost the same.

"In the end, this is not countless years, I thought he couldn't come back ... Just as I was as gray, your grandfather, Tang Chen suddenly appeared in front of me. When I met again, I met again, He has successfully inherited the Shurace and realized his commitment. "

"So say three brothers, your grandfather is already a lottery!" Oscar was surprised, but it exceeded the existence of the title.

"The father of the three brothers is also very handsome. When the hammer is too domineering! Now the grandfather of the three brothers is a lotus god, I have worshiped!" Ma Hongjun scratched his head.

The white fragrance was not angry. "There is a time to envy others, it is better than cultivate your soul. You can say that you have to be strong than the title!"

Ma Hongjun was a moment, oh, it seems that there is such a thing, this is a little too difficult. I am only 63 now, and there is still a long distance from 90!

Whenever Ma Hongjun wants to slack off, he will forcefully cheer. First, because of the love of white fragrance, the second is the deep teaching between the column.

"It is not the title, this uncle is not afraid, and will definitely become the strongest title Douro." Ma Hongjun was confident that the chest was in the whitening show.

Bai Shenxiang was also teased by Ma Hongjun, and the whole person leaned on the shoulders of Ma Hongjun.

After the horse Hongjun and white satsuned Same, Tang San is also a little admirable: "The grandfather is too powerful, and it actually successfully succeeded in Sura, I still have a long way to go!"

For Tang San's praises, Poseth is fully recognized. Tang Chen absolutely matches the evaluation of Tianjiao, but the more the talented characters sometimes, the easier it is.

After Tang Chen returned, the things happened to Poseth fifty-ten place, and the inner heart of Poseth also fell along with the progress of the story.

When I heard Tang Chen's last step, the Posei is directly changed, if it is not a goddess, she wants to cut Rakshasaki.

Finally, I learned that Rotta's rescue allowed Tang Chen to take rolling and won the position of Xun Luo, Poseth has always wanted to thank Rotta.

However, this time she did not contact Rota, even went to Tongbaoge Division and could not force. The Posei is also responsible for many responsibility, can't leave Haichen Island at will, at least wait for her to complete their mission.

This is her return to the nose, if there is no gift of the sea, she doesn't have this achievement.

Returning to the topic, under the leadership of Poseth, everyone came to a regular stone column.

"We are here, this is the sanctuary stone, which contains endless power, then you will try it here." Pueztee introduced the trip to Shrak.

At this time, a man dressed in a gray black dress appeared around Puess, a ritual: "Haimaguir welcomes Poseth!"

Posei referred to the Tang San, who told the Haijia Dou Luo: "Hippo, these children are coming to seek the trial of God, after the matter is handed over."

Haimagou Luo ran quickly, the sound is powerful, "no problem, Posxi adults, follow-up, you will be assured."

There is not much to say anything, Posxi leaves. Her affairs have a lot of affairs, and take time to take Tang San them to holy collections, enough to explain them.

Haimou Luo glanced at the crowd of Shlaik, solemnly self-introduction: "Just everyone should have a preliminary understanding, my name Eurasia is the holy stone guardian on the island, sea hippology!"

Haichen Island is not simple. In just a short time, I have encountered three title Douro, which is enough to explain the deep heritage of Haichen Island.

"Your Eurasian adult, I am Tang San, these are my companions. We are from the Shrek Academy. This time, it comes to Haizhi Island to further refine your strength!"

The Horsem Douro nodded, and Tang San's answer made him satisfied with both tone, looks and various aspects.

"Very good, good answer! Just listening to Poscy adults, then I will guide you to try. I will tell you about trial information, be sure to keep!"

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