The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 684 Ou Asia: Is this young generation now is a monster?

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Eurasian explains the relevant situation of the sephen assessment to everyone, especially information about the assessment level.

"The difficulty of the sect of the sect from low to high is white, yellow, purple, black, red, each grade has different layers. Since you can come here, you will do the corresponding merits?" Eurasia smiles, watching the people in Shrak peacefully.

Children who can be personally collected by Polyssi are certainly unique places, maybe you can give him some surprises.

"Seniors, we have already prepared, you can start trying at any time!" Tang San and others have confident smiles, and it is strong in responding.

Eurasian no longer wasts time, leading them to stepped on the ladder to holy rock.

At the moment of stepping on the ladder, Shileke only felt a must-have pressure shrouded in their head.

On the occasion of their doubts, Eurasia sounded in time and lifted the confusion in my heart.

"I want to come to you, you should feel a inexplicable pressure? This is a normal phenomenon. Just step on the moment of the holy column ladder, you have already been tested by God. If this pressure on the ladder can not bear It can only stop here. "

Fortunately, this stress did not reach the point where the Tang San they returned, indicating that their potential is far from this.

Above the ladder, a watery is surrounded by Sanzi stone, and Eurasia sprinkles this water, standing on the other side, looking at Tang San one.

"Next, you need to pass this water in this water with your strength, this is the first step in the assessment, looking forward to your performance!"

Just a water area, I want to come too much. Dai Mu looked at the calm as the mirror-like water, I feel that this is not a very difficult assessment.

Can it really be simple?

"As for who, who is first, you will decide." Eurasa said flat.

Dai Mu Bai and others said, "I will fight first!"

"Dai boss, come on!" Ma Hongjun took the lack of stunning and stunned.

Dai Mu has confidently exposed a big white tooth, and thumbs up: "Don't worry, this small problem is absolutely difficult to fall!"

After Zhu Ziqing, Zhu Qing used only two people who heard the voice, "Be careful, don't hurt!"

Seeing Dai Mu stands out from the team, Eurasia can't help but pick the eyebrows, it seems that this group of little guys have decided.

"Eurasian adult, the old man Dai Mu Bai, take the lead in trying!"

Eurasa places a hand gesture in peacefully, "You can start at any time, ready to come here."

Dai Mu is accelerating, and the range of water is so wide, and it can reach the opposite shore with almost three of his jumping capacity.

Just in the moment of Dai Mu entered the waters, the original calm water was gradually boiled, and a water flow barrier suddenly rose, stopped the movement of Dai Mu.

"I know that it is not so simple ... But so hindered, I want to stop me, it is too small to see me."

Dai Mu did not worry about the obstacles in front of him, raising the fist to stop the water flow barrier in front of himself.

This boxing Muhu did not use brute force, and the flow of water is not reluctant to take advantage of the brute force. During the crawling process, Dai Muhu's face covered a layer of soul, and these souls formed a water flow in front of the shock shock when they were about to come into contact with the water flow barrier.

The seemingly dangerous water flow barrier is weeded to be broken. Although there are still some water flow formation, there is not much impact on Dai Mu, it is easy to resolve.

Just less than a minute, Dai Mu, came to the location of Eurasia. Looking at the love of the Eurasian face, Dai Mu White is also innocently scratched.

With the appearance of Dai Mu, the rest of the people also have a lot of magic, and the waters surrounded by surrounding stones.

Ma Hongjun and white fragrance took a picture of the wings, and the figure of the red and white intertwined, pulled the visual effect directly.

Oscar and Ning Rong have opened the cheating mode, two flight mushroom intestines, the speed increase of Jiubao Glass Tower, two of them almost have not been passed to the side.

Compared with the Tang San and Xiao Dance, there is a lot, but this is just relative. In the face of heavy hindrance, Tang San directly took out the hammer hammer. After a hammer, only the wind is calm.

Eurasia has not known what speech should be used to describe him at this time. This group of monsters really told him to genius in genius.

Eurasian is also one of the seasons of God. It is also a person who has seen big wind and waves. This scene is soon adapted.

"Although I have already played a vaccination, I really saw your performance, or I was shocked, I can only use a wonderful two words." Ou Asia did not regret their own appreciation. I believe that even if other guards meet, they will not say the negation.

The talents showing these eight young people have to have a lot of seven people in the past, and they can be sure that these little guys are absolutely on them. As long as there is no accident, future achievements.

"Since you all have passed the first assessment, then start the next step! See this circle next to me?" Euras referred to a circle of his feet, the ground in the circle Strange symbol.

"See it, what should I do?"

"You just stand in this circle, then carefully feel it, I will help you contact the Sea, and then you can evaluate it!"

Dai Mu Bai two words did not say that it was straight into the circle, and Eurasia also contacted the Poseidon in some way. Dai Mu's body has a blue ray, accompanied by blue rays, and the holy stone has changed.

The color of the holy stone is constantly changing, rising from white to purple.

Eurasia thought that Dai Mu's limits may be purple, and the development of things is far more expensive.

For the Land Soul, the purple assessment is very difficult, and Dai Mu Bai, this boy has got a black assessment.

The final Dai Muhu's assessment level stayed in the sixth floor of the black, indicating that Dai Muhu is accepting the top six tests in the black-class.

Eurasian wants a special fan yourself, want to see if he is dreaming. Although he didn't believe in his heart, it truthfully told him that all this is true.

This boy from the land has got a black-class six test from the Po.

After accepting the assessment, Dai Mu did not wake up immediately, but it was sitting on the leg, it seems to start cultivation.

Ma Hongjun was originally wanted to wake up, but his move was called by Eurasia.

"You can't wake him now, this kid is accepting related content from the seaboria assessment."

It is not easy to listen to this kind of thing, plus Eurasia's face, and Ma Hongjun also quickly recovered the hand to the hand.

He doesn't want to cause what problems in Dai's bodies because of their own moves, or he will blame for a lifetime.

Tang San looks to Eurasian, and inquiry in the face: "Eurasian adults, what is Mu Bai now?"

Eurasia sighed, and the face was denied to Tang San.

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