The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 686 steps on the way!

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Kutzama looked at the white fragrance of the storm, there was no expression on his face. He said that the white agarwood still lacks a hint of air transport. Although hard strength is the most important factor, it is often part of the strength.

Sometimes the incomplete progress of the self-cultivation is because of their own strength, it may be lacking is such a delicious opportunity.

Under the bathing of the sea god, Shengzhu also showed the grade of white and fragrant assessment ...

Unlike other people's black start, the gloomy golden yellow on Saozi is truly reflects some cruel reality.

"Huang class assessment ... joking?" The white scent head was somewhat dizzy, and it seems to be knocked on a boring foot.

She feels that she is even more than their gap between Tang San, or it is a purple assessment? It is a bit that this golden ray makes her a little unacceptable.

"Eurasia, will it be a holy column stone error? I ... how can I be a yellow assessment?"

Eurasian uses a gentle gaze to look at the white fragrance, although he wants to try to comfort the white fragrance, but the facts have been in front of her, and it is useless to lie.

"I am sorry, the Shengzhu Stone does not have an error. Your assessment level is really yellow ..."

White fragrance is also an adult, and some things she will definitely want to understand. Eurasian is not good at cope with this, only telling her facts, I hope she can slow down from the loss as soon as possible.

Ma Hongjun came to the white fragrance, just wanted to hug her.

When I didn't think that the white fragrance was more than him, I was crying directly in his arms.

Ma Hongjun also didn't know what to say, only gently patted the back of white, hoping that this approach would make him better.

The libraries are calmly looked at Ma Hongjun, to Eurasia to the side: "Seeing that it is, this is the power of love, but you should not feel it!"

Eurasian disdain, "It seems that you are looking for it."

Kutzan has no anti-reflection, and it has not been necessary to explain it to Eurasia.

After Ning Rong, everyone's eyes fell on Tang San, and even Eurasia couldn't help but have curious about the next trial.

These eight people, he only can't read the child three children, everything is so mysterious, it is estimated that it will bring a lot of surprises!

Tang San also stepped into the assessment ring in the eyes of everyone, just in Eurasia asked the stones to cut the trial, the Shengzhu stone began to shake dramatically.

Of course, there is not only this hippocampus holy column to shake, the remaining six holy collections on the sea is shaking in the same rhythm.

The color of the seven holy stone turns into a dazzling red, and the seven holy stone converted to the red emitted seven bright red light columns toward the horizon. After the seven light column converged in the sea hipp column, it will be under the Tang Song, which is accepting trial.

The result of this phenomenon can only be one, that is, this young man named Tang San has been inherited from the nerves.

Tang Sanfu wrapped a layer of golden energy cover, and his forehead also appeared a golden trident in the forehead, which was the proof of the inheritance of the PHOW.

"Finally ... is there a life that is going?" Be outer church, Poseth looks to the direction of the hippocampus, and a flashes disappeared in the same place.

Just after the Inheritance of Tang San, the hippocampus holy stone is also collapsed because of the two consecutive shocks. The towering holy column failed to collapse in the direction of Tang San and others.

Looking at Tang San, I still meditating, Eurasa knows that he must shoot, and must protect the security of Tang San.

At the moment of Eurasia, the ear came from a cold and low voice, "" Ice Century! "

After a piece of white, the Kuzang slowly spit out a cold, "Oh, this is really thrilling, is it Ou Asia?"

Everything within a hundred meters is allocated to the ice sculpture, and the temperature around them came directly below zero.

The frost on the cheeks is slow, and it is lazy to say: "If you have to make Pope West will come to repair this Sanzi stone, it should be a very simple thing for her."

"Don't have to take a while, I am here now." The gentle female voice echoed in the surrounding, Puessona's luxurious figure appeared in front of everyone.

Posxi looked at the holy stone that was already created as an ice sculpture, and gently waved the sword, the ice of the holy stone was fly. After processing the cold, Posei jade hand, and these broken holy stone instantly recovered.

After repairing the Holy Pillar, the six people suddenly appeared after Poseic, including Haimouro, the seasons of God, Qi Qi Qi Qi, "See Posxi Adult!"


Persessimer looked at Tang San, who was digested, and revealed a relaxed look on his face ...

Finally, she waited for many years of heirs to appear, as long as she helped him complete the inheritance of the sea, her mission is completely knotted.

Ma Hongjun and others have not responded for a while, how suddenly, there are so many people, and it is also a strong person in the title.

After the instructions of Kutzan, the crowd considered the situation, and the six people who have appeared in this suddenly have the remaining six guards.

"Do you say that three brothers are not a candidate?" Ma Hongjun asked excitedly.

Kugan nodded, hand inserted into the pocket, leisurely replied: "Yes, as long as Tang San completed through the assessment, he is the next sea god!"

Oscar did not swallow the voyage. "Sure enough, the third brother is worthy of three brothers, it is so strong!"

Cozan did not surveyed the sea got to choose Tang San. After all, these are all unexpected things. It may be that the Nagoon looks in the Tang San's special inner.

"However, let us complete the ceremony completely!" Posi said, and then looked at the little dance.

The small dance is more fortunate, and the proceedings are bored by Poseth, and the final result is a red-ranking test.

At the same time, Tang San also thoroughly digest the inheritance of the sea, from his face's surprise, he himself has some accidents.

Posxi summoned Tang San and others to in front of the body and said some discourse encouraged them. Want to pass the appraisal of God is not a simple matter, you must prepare it. After getting the encouragement of Puesss, everyone obviously becoming a lot of air.

"The Nagoon of the Sea is very important, you have to take a determination to complete these assessments. God seasons will also give you help during the assessment process, but more still need their efforts." Posei's center of gravity Say.

Tang San is mainly nodded: "We will never let go of the expectations of the sea god to our expectations, will definitely pass the test!"

Looking at the Tang San of the fighting spirit, Poseth is also very peaceful. These children who have a tough personality that makes him gratify.

"I want you to have a decision, I just have more details. Next, you can pick a guardian to assist you to complete the assessment."

The Tang San, who is naturally used as the heir of God, is personally taken by Poseth. Tang San is also understanding this, standing silently around Posxi.

Dai Mu chose Hailong Douro, which is said that Hailong Douro is the strongest in the seasons of God, and it should be a great help to him.

Soon everyone chooses their respective guardians. It is a lot of white wise choices to help her. It may be because only the relationship between Eurasia is exposed.

Eurasia is very enthusiastic to accept the choice of white fragrance. He did not have a different vision because of the poor talent.

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