The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 687 Chapter of the Sea Temple

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Although it is the respective guardian, it does not mean that the guardian will take care of them. Everyone is an adult and has the ability to take care of themselves.

Picking the guardian is also preparing for future assessments. After all, it is impossible for a guardian to be responsible for the whole person, that is really too big.

"Hippo, these guys will give you it." The rest of the guards did not have a cold, just greeted and left.

Eurasia is also a person who is old and good, and naturally it will pick up. Moreover, from his observation of Tang San and others, these little monsters are very relieved.

Soon, the Hippocampus holy column restored the conventional calm. The seahoplasses said to everyone to say: "After you need wholeheartedly, you need to prepare for the assessment, first of all your first exams?"

Dai Mu Bai and Zhu Zhu have answered in the same way: "Through the light of the sea!"


"What's wrong? Do you also pass the light of the sea?" Dai Mu Bai, Zhu Zhuqing looked at others surprised.

"Yeah, our first test is also the light of the sea!" Oscar said excitedly.

"It seems that we can take the assessment together, and there is always a lot of things in each other." Tang San smiled and said.

Eurasa seems to have an expected, peaceful: "Since all passed the light of the sea, it is more convenient. Today, the sky has been taken so good, I sent you to take you tomorrow."

Tang San and others have no objection to Eurasia. They first arrived or listened to the arrangement from the local owner as well.

Going back to the coastal courtyard, Slack is also interested in discussing the content of the assessment and future prospects. However, everyone did not have excessive excitement and insomnia, so they also greeted a lot, this is still good.

In the early morning of the next day, a soul of the blue-purple apparel dressed in Haichen Island came to the coastal courtyard and told Tang San and others in the coastal courtyard.

"That is to say, is there a distance from the coastal courtyard? Then let's go out later!" Ma Hongjun Xing highly said to everyone.

I got a smile and shook my head. "I don't need you to hurry, we have more convenient ways."

After that, I got out of the Soul St. I took out a sphere. Not long, a fluttering flying float flew from the distance.

"Everyone, this will be faster!"

Everyone took the curious gaze, this novelty, they also saw it.

It is also very patiently speaking: "This thing is a flying laozing, which is a transportation tool developed by Tongbaoge, which is very convenient for the outlook on the residents of Haichen Island."

Everyone is not strange to Tongbaoge's name, but I didn't expect to see Tongbao Pavilion.

After a slight shock, everyone also accepted the new type of means of transport.

The leaders launched the flying tacho, followed by the flying floating boat to fly to the assessment location with the unimaginable speed.

The speed of the flying rpoat is very fast, just reach the assessment location less than half an hour.

"Well, we have already reached the place of this assessment, the seabed trial! Hey ... What happened?" When the leader, the soul is ready to introduce the seabard of the Sea Trial Finding, just see Shrek and a group. Sitting on the floating soats.

The leader is temporarily can't touch the mind. Is it a side effect? But this shouldn't, how many times he is sitting.

"This speed is too fast ..." The Oscar battle talked to the sound.

This also allows the leader to see the specific reasons for this performance, it is because of the speed, I thought it was awkward!

Ning Rongrong has some ideas to order this kind of flying rpoile to Tongbaoge. If you give this convenient transportation, you will definitely enhance the strength of Zongmen.

After a little eased, everyone also returned to normal and heard the soul of the lack of the Poseidon trial field.

Soon they understood what they had to do next, that is, do their best to board this dense ladder to high.

The top of the ladder is located in a luxurious and magnificent palace, the sea of ​​sea! I learned from the leader of the Sheng Sheng that this sea God is the place where Posecy adults offer Poseidon.

Usually, Persie West is not here, is a transaction in the sea god church near Hippocampus. Only when it is responsible for assessment or dedication, Posxi will come here.

Outside the gate of the sea, Poseth has already perceived the breath of Tang San, the corner of the mouth is also slight, and the face is revealing the soft smile.

"The assessment of the sea is not as easy as it is, and the little guys can be frustrated!" Poscy heart is thinking.

Talking about the things of God, Posxi also recalls something that is not very pleasant, and the face gradually lifted.

After the inheritance of the sea god, Poseth also perceived the other two gods, which were the angel god and Raksha, indicating that the two gods also found the inheritance, which is not counting for the situation in the whole continent. What is good.

Angel God, Rakathaido has a unsuspend in the temple of Wu Shu, and the sea island has to be vigilant. Posecy Mei is deeply looked to the Tang San, and the heart is looking forward to it.

"Ah, this is not like what you should have, Polyssi, how is it looks like an eye?"

Kuzan single hand is inserted in the trouser pocket to go to Posxi, and the three meters of height is located next to Posese.

"Kuzan, I am sorry to make you laugh. The successor of the Sea God is a good thing, but the mainland is not too stable ..." Poseth is even worried.

Cozan is handed to Poscy, "Try it, this is good, the good goods come from the side of the north,"

Posehi is holding a bottle with a single hand, and it doesn't lighters. "I am now a little strange. As a big priest, the big priest in Haichen Island is in such a serious occasion!"

Kuzan twisted his neck, replied lazy: "I didn't think there was anything wrong. Anyway, you are not God, why bother to be so much?"

"You are talking straight, but it also makes sense, I am not God, you can do something you want! But I also need to do the last job, I can't live up to the gods of the sea."

It seems that what I have thought of, Poscy is busy looking at the praise, and I asked slightly. "Kuzan, you and Rota are friends, can you tell me his drop, I have to thank him."

"Well, this ah ... tell you that you are nature, it is no problem. But still wait for you to solve these troubles again."

Psi West also feels that there is reason to make the sea island, she can pay attention to the quarter.

Since the topic is asked here, Poseth also wants to listen to the view of the land of the mainland!

"Kutzan, how do you see on the situation in the mainland? Angel God and Rakathaida also have a move, once the Wushu Temple launches an offensive, believe that Haichen Island can not avoid war."

The things of the angel God are clear, and Rotta I have told him.

Kutzan didn't think much, replied confidently: "When it comes to a Rakatho, there is a rival of the land, it is not a big deal. Angel God has been in mastering."

Polyva flashed a variety of light, "What do you mean, is the future opponent only?"

"That is of course, Tang Sana group of small monsters should be enough to cope."

Although Poseth is not clearly clear about the specific situation of the angel God, Kokra will definitely not be free, Poseth also chooses to believe him.

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