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Tang San is not a touch of self-cultivation, and there is no fall in the practice of cultivating self-cultivation. Although the mainstream of this world is a soul battle, the hidden is also a top card, it is impossible to hear.

There are also some rare macrotic materials with Tongbaoge Division, which can be bought from there, although some expensive, but the absolute thing is worthwhile.

Tang San is to make the strongest hidden in the Tangmen in Tangmen, the Buddha angry!

Tang Wei is a Tang Wei, and the hammer that is full of power is not able to resolve it in the East. The Bibi is also a brow, and the Tang Hao, which is in front of it, is it disgusting at this moment!


The ratio of the double black sickle is re-emitted than the East, and the hammer is directly attacked to Tang Hao.

At the same time, Tang San's attack is also ready, and a blue-blue nose is sprayed from the sect of the Tribut, and the ratio is not so stealing. She has already detected the power of the throne to attack the attack in Tang San. Defense has been completed.

Although the defenders lived in the light of the light of the nose, the light of the Poseidon has caused some damage to her.

Tang Hao faces the Raksha's sickle released by the East, and it is also relatively calm. Directly to escape from the distance, this level of attack is that he does not dare to resist.

Seeing Tang Hao left, Bibi is also giving up the continued pursuit, his opponent is a Tang San, which is a sea, rather than a 98-level title Douro.

Although the breath is still strong than the East, it is still affected by the light of the sect, and the status naturally has some decline.

The light of the sea god has an extremely significant restraint effect on the evil things. Raksha will be the dark source of all evil spirits. Just because the Rakhashen and the bodies of the border God, the restraint effect is not so obvious.

In this way, the ghosts in the original storyline were lying in the three seconds of Tang, and his martial arts can be killed by the Nagano's TV.

Tang San did not stop, aimed at the position of the Bi East, throwing the sediments in the hands!

The weight of the sediments is only one hundred and eight pounds in the three hands in Tang. It can achieve a horrible one hundred and eight million pounds.

The status of the ratio declined, so there is no way to dodge this, followed by the following attacks, can only carry out the power of Rakhasaki.

"Rakshasa!" Bervescence becomes a violet red, and the sky is directly dyed with the same color as his eyes.

The development of the Rakshasa sectors helps to weaken the power of the PHS trib, which is convenient than the Bi East, and more importantly, Tang San will also be suppressed in this field.

It is already a hard-supporting Tang San, but he can't help but spurt a blood, he is too fast, I hope that I have a fight to play!

The sea god trident collided with the defense of the East, and the fierce gods were entangled in each other. No one was willing to serve soft, and the impact of the power can be much stronger than the soul. The moment cannot be general.

Under the role of the Sea Trident, the Shenli body of the ratio was slightly broken, and it was the time!

Tang San took out a red lotus lotus in the moonlight of Mingyue, and wrapped his wedding threw the past!

Beadeda in the Trident in the past, it is not noticed to the lotus flowers.

Seeing the lotus arrival ratio before the east, the Tang San mouth is a lot, low-end: "Bloom, Buddha angry!"

"When did it appear!" Bibi also found the Buddha's angry Tanglian in front of himself, but it is too late.

The Buddha's angry Tang Lian is like a miniature nuclear explosion. It is instantly engaged in the body of the part, a bright red.

The explosion forms a glamorous red lotus, so huge snorkels make others can't stop waiting to wait.

They don't know who is released this trick, but some can be determined, if they face this trick, there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

After the explosion, Tang San and Bibi East were unable to fall from the air. When the two were seriously injured, the strength of the event was not.

If two people fall from high altitude, the ground is generally harvested to harvest a double-killing in the absence of any protection measures.

Fortunately, Tang Hao took the Tang San in time, avoiding the consequences of Tang San 's flesh sauce.

See Tang San Dangsheng innocent, Shrek et al. Also is completely safe, but the Wushu Temple is a little eager, and their pope is still free to fall in the east!

The golden crocodile fired a slap in the face of Dai Mu, flying towards the Bi-East, if it was felile than the East, then the Wushu Temple can be said to be completely lost.

"Oh, I'm going to the old man, I'm going to go to the horse ~" I slightly slightly passed the golden crocodation in the East of the Fallow.

Feel the ratio of someone who is embraced in someone, slowly open his eyes, see is a yellow ok, this is a heart.

"Bisong, you have more things, the rest is given to the old man to finish the end ~"

The fascinating ratio is the word of the yellow ok, and I slept in the past.

After landing, the golden crocodile coming to the Huangqi said: "The gold crocodent, trouble, you will bring it back to Wu Sheng City to cultivate, and the old man will do it ~"

The gold crocodile also saw that the yellow goblin is really meaning, there is not much to say anything, and it is rushing to Wu Sheng City than the trip to the east.

"Oh, oh yeah, Mina Sashan is really a wolf, first come back first ~" The yellow troh is still calling a few Douro in the fierce battle.

Thousands of others received the Directive of the yellow ozzid, did not continue to love, and they gathered to him.

Continue to play on the Wushu Temple, it is already dug in his own, and you have to dig your own, you have to give a little bit of life!

"The yellow gob is dedicated, I am sorry that we live up to you and the expectations of the ratio!" The tone of thousands of times is a bit trembling, obviously dissatisfied with their performance.

Huang Wei is nothing, and thousands of guys said that it was just a dragon set, naturally could not compare with the original lead group. The yellow gob is also can't blame them in this issue.

"It's okay, now you will return to Wu Sheng City, remember to bring the soldiers of the Wushu Temple ~"

Thousands of people still want to say something, but by the devil beside the devil, look at the friends, and the thousands of mouths have given up the mouth.

With the Directive of the Huangli, several of the thousands of newspapers have retreated with the Wu Shu Temple army, and only the yellow oyster is left.

Slaik is also gathered, and even with eight thousand Xingluo Imperial Forces faced the yellow.

"I have to say that your battle is very good. What is the lotus that you just released, I feel very interesting ~" Huang Yao smiled.

Tang three hands holding a sea cucumber and replied: "The strongest hidden in the same time, named Buddha angry!"

"Is the Buddha angry Tanglian? Good name. But now I still enter the topic, this battle will end you how you feel ~" Huanghuo hand insert pocket, leisurely proposal.

The little dance is no opinion, and the yellow ok is her master, and her benefactor, she doesn't want to be enemy.

Slack is also impossible to light with a small dance idea, Ning Rongrong, Ningfeng, and the first one of Douro said disagreed.

The whole paradise is extinguished. This is so embarrassed that the blood sea is so embarrassed. Ning Rongrong and others have no evil words. It is already in the face of the yellow.

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