The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 703 Purifying Rakshake

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"Mr. Huang Ku, there is no fake between us, but the enemy of the tribute is not so good!" Ningfeng did not smile and said with a bad tone.

"It's true that you are with and planned ~" Huang Yao wants to listen to what is the idea of ​​this guy.

Ningfeng made a meal. I just prepared to say the idea in my heart, I saw a sparkling golden laser wiped his ear.

After a few seconds, the oversized nuclear explosion site appeared again, and at the same time, the yellow goblin was not unlucky: "Ningfeng causes, the old man will give you a wake up, some, please consider it, please ~ "

Not just that Ning Feng is afraid, even the body of the remaining Sleck member is still arbitrarily shaking.

The small dance eyes look at the situation is a bit stiff, and quickly rushed to the yellow bay, "Master, you are angry, don't be angry!"

The yellow gob is re-hung on a heart, and I said: "Xiao Dance, the old man has never been angry, just that the mountain is a bit behind the mountain ~"

"Master, watching my companions on my share, can you let me go?"

The Huang Ku himself did not have the meaning of killing, and he would not move, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, the task is related. But Ning Feng and Jiao Luo said not allowed, and he watched his own desire to be strong, and it was necessary to be in the mine area.

"Of course, the old man's purpose is to stop war, so it is good to stop the two sides. Still, you want to collectively challenge the old man, the old man has to actively active bones ~"

Xiao Dance returned to see Tang San, Tang San sighed and shook his head toward Ning Rong.

Although the heart is unwilling, Ning Rongrong does not dare to joke with his own companions.

In the end, Ning Rongrong also nodded agreed to the action.

"Very good, the landscape of the mainland will only be the Wuhun Empire and the Xingro Empire. The two sides will take advantage of this peacefully. After the specific matters, talk again ~"

Just when I turned into the yellow got, I was full of ambitious eyes and stared at his back.

Don't want to know who this is, it is not a little girl in Ning Rong!

"Oh, the old man suggests, a little girl will converge their own character, I really want to get some temper, the consequence is very serious ~"

Ning Rong Rong quickly turned his sight to elsewhere, she knew that she had already found out.

"I really hate the old man, then you will try to become a god. If you can defeat your old man to revenge for you, you can revenge, you can also resurrect your favorite sword grandfather ~"

Although Ning Rongrong did not pay attention to Huanghu, but the heart was awarded the words of Huangli.

The war is over, and the two sides also returned their respective sites, leaving only the body of the soldiers. The war is so cruel, countless families will be broken and broken ... but this is not too big to have, and he is not a prosperous white lotus.

In the Wusheng City, the golden crocodan, which is better than the East, has not bother her rest, and the Wu Shu Temple has just experienced a battle, and many things have to be handled.

The gold crocodile has not long, and the figure of Rotta suddenly appeared in the room of the rested than the East, looked at the ratio of sleeping in bed, Rota has rely on the past.

Double attack by the light of the Buddha's angry Tanglian and the Lights, the current state is not too good, can only say that reluctantly relying on the power to maintain life.

"It's a poor woman ..." Rota shook his head, and injected some high quality life energy into the body of the East.

The ratio of life energy, the injury of the body is recovering with difficulty, I want to wake up one or two hours!

During this period, Rota is not doing, Rakatho is a god who knows how to play people. It is the best to have a painful experience as a heir.

The evil spirit of Rakshae gradually eroded the thoughts of the Bi East, enlarged her heart in her heart, led to this happening.

Rotta wants to clear the part of Rakhara's evil, only to leave God than the East!

Rota's finger is on the forehead than the East, I only entered her spiritual space.

"It turned out that this is the spiritual space than the East, I didn't expect this dark ..."

The style of the spirit space can best react a person's psychological state. If it is an optimistic person, his spiritual space will definitely becomes a lot of light, and it will never be a look that is more dirty than the East.

Rotta is in the spiritual space than the Nevada, many memory debris floats around, and sweeps away from being negative information.

With the continuous deepening of Rotta, I finally found the spirit of the Bi East, and a shadow that braved the purple black breath contaminated the spirit of the Bi East.

Only one of Rotta recognizes the identity of this figure - Raksha!

"This kind of bad practice really doesn't know how you become a god, all of which is you getting ghost." Rotta stared at Raksha you said low.

"Yeah, is it very suitable for my heir? Do you say it, which guy is you, dare to invade the spirit space than the East, and the courage is not small!

Rota's mouth is a war, and I represented: "I? A ordinary god of the gods, Rotta."

"Rotta ... Rota! It is a guy in this guy, there is a mankle in the district! See me ..."

Rota is lazy with Raksha you will have nonsense, and it is a kind of spirit torture. This is completely not in one second in front of you.

Raksawa gave people to people in the east with a demon, and the feelings of the last Rakathaid of this one were only endless disgusting.

"Purify together with thunder ..."

The dazzling golden thunder smashes the black haze that is filled in the east spirit space, and the bad memory debris is completely blocked by Rotta permanently.

As for the former Rakhasaki, it is very ruthless by Rotta to be annihilated with lightning.

After all, Rota also recovered his fingers in the forehead. Now he has completely destroyed the dark side contained in Raksha, which can be said that it is only the power of the East, will not be affected by the evil spirit of Luochi.

"Hey ... m ..." than the East, wake up, slowly opened the surrounding environment than the East is fascinated.

"This is my room ... It seems that I have come over ..."

After glanceing in Rotta than the Bi East, the mind is awake at the moment, why is the Rota will here, isn't it her room here?

Looking at the nervous than the nervous, Rota leaned on the wall is helpless.

Bisong heard the appearance of calm, asked in cold words: "Rotta, why do you appear here!"

In line with the environment around you, it is inevitable that there will be such a lot of concerns than the East. This is also an understanding of this Rota, after all, she has a very uncomfortable experience.

"I suggest that you are still calm, if the emotions are too excited, it is not good to affect the body's recovery!"

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