The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 705 Last God test

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"Do you have to be approved by Mr. Rota?" Tang San is also a little crying, and never wants to have the same assessment.

"Three brothers, your ninth exam is the same as us, can you disclose the skills through the assessment?" Ma Hongjun took the palm of the palm of the Tang Dynasty.

Tang three can't help but laugh, repurialy answer: "My pass the ninth exam is really casual. Mr. Rotta just said, I passed. I want to come to you, probably!"

Queen Tower, Rota is accompanied with Guyuena three women leisurely, the voice of Jaweis in the mind: "Report the host, the final task trial is about to open, Shrek seven strange only last last One test can be god. "

"This way, it has been time, it seems that the time is mature!" Rotta belongs to the voice.

Even if I know this exciting thing, Rotta has not been anxious, or it is stable and stabilized to accompany the Juyuena three women.

"Nana, Luo Yu, Xiaobai, I have something to go to the sea island, then come back to accompany you."

"What do you still have on Haichen Island? Will it be those little guys you pay attention to?" Gu Yuena guessed.

"Ice fruit, answer is very correct! It is related to those little guys, I can't use it too long, you are patient and wait!"

Rotta kissed the three people, and smiled softly, and then turned to a lightning to fly to the distance.

The sea island here, they did not contact Rotta's means, I don't know how to let Rotta come to Haitia Island, which also urges Ma Hongjun and others.

"What to do, three brothers, if the Mr. Rotta has been can't find, then we are not not able to pass the assessment?"

Dai Mu is nodded, they also have a little more concern, if it is like Ma Hongjun, isn't it too passive?

Tang San did not be too anxious, explained: "If you don't need too worry, Mr. Rota has to understand the channels of us here, will not delay too long."

Tang San knows that Rotta learned that his intelligence through the uncle of Kutu, now the uncle of Kuchan is not in Haichen Island, Tang San is not sure Rota has no other means, considering the mood of the companions, I can say it well.

The three of Kucra, Huang and Ulchiola have been released by Rotta for a long time. The Wuhun Empire has stepped on the right track, and the task of the yellow ok is completed.

Virtual Village has transferred the full staff to the quiet Sen of the Queen Taros, the mission of Urchiola, everything has been arranged, naturally do not need to continue to use the borders.

Everyone heard the explanation of Tang San, and it was a little bit safe, but it was still a little uneasy.

After a while, a surprise voice passed into the ear of everyone. "Everyone is here, it seems that I have time!"

"Mr. Rota, you are here!" Tang San took a soul ceremony to Rotta, and the rest of the members also gave the Rota along with Tang San.

Even, I have been a consciousness of Rota, I have already become a conference.

"I have gone a few years, everyone has also matured, not bad!" Rota praised the road.

"Mr. Rota is awkward, and you are far more than us!" Tang San politely responded.

Rotta did not plan to waste time, directly sweeping towards Ma Hongjun and others: "Gossip is less, first help you promote it!"

"The positions are present, your efforts I have already seen in my eyes, I recognize you!"

Just this sentence, the six dazzling radiance starts, they succeeded through the boundaries of mortal, becoming God!

"Is it so easy?" Oscar is an incredibly looked at Rota, even if you know some details from Tang San, you can really feel some of your own experience, it is still a bit surprised.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Wang Luota, low departure: "Do you have to be so good? We are not very familiar with you."

Rotta shrugged, took the hand: "Answer, there is no good thing to drop in the sky in the world. I have been helping you. Now it is your time."

"Then how can we repay you?" Tang San smiled and asked.

What's more, Rota is also a person who has helped them, and it is also possible to repay him.

Rotta cough, set a finger, slowly said: "Actually, I am very simple, as long as you have passed my test! If your strength does not get my recognition, wait for you only dead road "

Sure enough, Tang three people are no exception to this, and there is a good thing to sit in the world.

"This natural is no problem, but I want to know why Rota wants to do this!" Tang San did not panic, watching Rotta calm.

"How to say, I just want to see if you can make me feel happy in the battle. If you don't have you, you can really don't understand enough, so I have to let you become a god level! I hope you can take it out. Really, you can't get my recognition, but you will die! "

"Well, Mr. Rotta, your proposal we accept, Shrek's people never fear challenge! When will we start?"

Rota's mouth is a finish, refers to the ground: "At this moment, what?"

"no problem!"

Tang San knows that Rotta's strength is very strong, but their strength is not weak. It is necessary to know that there are seven gods present, and Rota is strong, and it is impossible to force them to join hands.

"Very good, then start, don't let me down!"

The atmosphere changed in an instant, and the relaxed atmosphere before, there was no trace, and some only had a dignity before combat.

Tang San and others put their attackers, staring at Rotta, always pays attention to his move.

"There is a battle in the style of the style, the team leads the team, let me come for a while." Rota said, swaying the neck, emitting two crisp sounds.

"Javis, start timing, I have to take the best."

"Good host, start!"

If you want to get a special award, you must defeat Tang Sanqi in 15 minutes, even if it is also a small challenge to Rota.

"He wants to act, prepare!" Zhu Zhuqing warned the surrounding companions.

"Good sense of consciousness, but unfortunately, it's a little bit ~" Rotta's figure has appeared in front of Zhuzhu Qing, and quickly grabbed her neck directly to her neck.

Although it is a bit awkward, how to say that Zhu Zhuqing is also the god of speed, and it will not be too fragmented in this regard.

The reacted Zhuzhu Qing instantly flashed to the distance, and with the fastest speed to stay away from Rotta.

"The reaction is good, but it can't escape this!"

Rotta only shocked the past, the distance to the crowd of Shrek.

Dai Mu's eyes flashed with excitement, and took the initiative to rush over, the golden fist slammed into Rotta.

Rota hit the fist of Dai Mu, and stopped Dai Mu Bai's powerful punch.

"The force is still, it is still a good!" Rotta gave a moderate evaluation.

The fifteen minutes is short, but it is also enough to experience their respective strength.

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