The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 706 Douro Terminal

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"Sure enough, it is hard to match!" Dai Muhu did not expect to press Rotta on strength, he just simply wants to see where his limit is.

I didn't have two seconds, and Dai Mu was defeated, and Rota was also attacked in the direction of Xiao Dance and Tang San.

The little dance does not have any tense performance, which is calm to Rotta rushing.

"Don't you avoid it? Some are too big." Rota cleared the little dance is nothing more than her invincible gold.

In this world, the soul skill is indeed a special existence, as long as the little dance uses an invincible gold body, she is in an enemy in the effect time.

Rotta also has some interest, he wants to try the invincible golden body that can break the small dance with his strength.

Rotta is unknown to the situation, and the small dance is also invincible in time. Golden rays wrapped in a small dance body to block the fist from Rota.

The little dance is extremely happy. Although only a few seconds, the results are always due to the results of the Rotta attack.

Just in the next second, the smile on the small dance face disappeared, and her whispered gold barrier had a few cracks. She didn't wait for her to react, Rotta fists have come to her face.

"It's not surprised? Is it not surprising?" Rota laughed with a small dance.

A blue golden blue silver vine quickly wrapped the little dance waist, and pulled her back in time, avoiding the tragedy of the face of Rota.

Despite the fact that Shrak et al., The strength is doubled, and it can still be weak in front of Rota. The seven people are already the top power of the mainland, and the reason why it will be temporarily suppressed by Rotta, mostly because I just finished my feelings, I didn't know how to use it.

Of course, another big element is that Rotta is putting water, that is, that is, if it is not the intention of Rota, it is going to be flying.

Oscar is not willing to show weakness, and they have a mirror intestines directly in front of Rotta, trying to imitate Rotta's move.

"Let's go, let you taste your own movements!" Oscar raised the right box toward Rotta.

This trick is Oscar to replicate the results of Rota Second Soul Thunder, Oscar, to Rota's right boxing around the golden Thunder, seeing the time of using this trick at first glance.

It's just like God, and the Thunder, who came out of Oscar, was easily caught by Rotta, and then Raota held Oscar's fists firmly, and said: "Sorry, it seems to you Imitation is not very in place! "

"Your guy dares to be so small, eat Xiaoye, I am a Phoenix Fire!"

The hot high temperature fierce radio sprayed from Ma Hongjun, and the tract was directly swallowed. Oscar is far from Rota, where Ma Hongjun is awkward, avoiding the flames of the fat man.

"I actually standing hard to attack my attack, and it is too exaggerated!" Ma Hongjun is not honest, can be confident that such an extensive strength is extremely strong. In his opinion, Rotta is absolutely a former.

"The temperature is quite high, give me a hot bath is right!" Rotta relaxed with the soul of the soul of the flame of burning his clothing.

Fortunately, in Tower, I used the soul to protect the clothes, avoiding the situation that Hua Hongjun's flame burns, otherwise it is afraid that it is necessary to be socially dead.

Rotta can also obviously feel the progress of Ma Hongjun, compared to the previous flame, becoming the power of Ma Hongjun's flame after the volunteers.

As for the rest of Ning Rongrong, her own combat power is more embarrassed, Rotta is not intended to have more. As far as the current experience, Rongta Tag said that there is no difficulty. If they are waiting after they are completely familiar with their own strength, they may be more challenging.

After enjoying the battle, there is still the last five minutes, but it is also the time to complete the task.

"Jets, just let them temporarily lose battle skills?"

"Answer the host, it's right, just determine the defeat of defeat as long as you lose combat ability."

Rotta rubbed his wrist, pressed a few loud bones, rushing to the distant Tang San and others: "To tell me, your performance makes me very satisfied, but because of some reason, I have to end as soon as possible. Ready! "

Rota is still a kindly, reminding Tang San and others to avoid being completely self-reaching.

Rota finished, the eyes were together, the mouth is whollyled: "The Eighth Soul Technology, the Excellence God!"

Bathing Rota in the dazzling thunderstanding smiled at the Tang San, and completely disappeared in the vision of everyone.

Dai Mu Baoyi smashed, he cracked the trajectory of Rotta's silk movement with powerful perception, did not wait for him to act, a fist wrapped with golden Thunder was already on his face.

Even, Dai Mu, who had already made a defensive initiative, was also dizzy by this strong sinking. Seeing that Dai Mu is second, the rest of the person is even more uneasy, and the look is seriously watching anything around anything.

"First Soul Technology, Thunder!" A thick golden Thunder energy beam was sprayed in Rotta, straight to Tang Sanyuan.

"Suddenly avoid this attack!"

The remaining six were divided into two groups of dodge toward the thunder, and I didn't know the trajectory of Rotta.

The role of the thunder can be used to divide them, so they can break them one by one.

Ma Hongjun, Oscar and Ning Rong Rong's ear have suddenly sounded Rotana's playful words: "Sorry, please ask you three people!"

Not long after it, a thunderous thunder is straight into the team of Tang San, in the team of Tang San, in the team of Tang San, in the golden light of the Thunder, and everything is in a silence.

After a long time, Tang San and others gradually woke up from the coma. After seeing a smile and profitable Rota, it was also a head of pain.

"Mr. Rotta, how long have we been coma?" Tang San asked some dizzy head.

"It's not for a long time, it is one or two hours. After all, you have already become God, and the quality of physical fitness has long got a quality leap, nothing strange."

Tang San slowly nodded, and asked with expectation: "Mr. Rota, is we pass your assessment?"

Rotta smiled, and replied refreshing: "Nature adopted, the reason why I said it is just to let you go to deal with me."

Tang San said that it is a good breath, "that is, I am really worried that you have to do what we have ..."

Rotta did not continue to talk to them, and after a simple point of Tang, he left the sea island.

On the way back to Gurantlos Wangcheng, Javis's voice sounded in Rotta's brain: "Drip, host, congratulations on completing the task on time, here, I will give special rewards, pay attention to check!"

"Almost think that you have forgotten my reward, I still remember it!" Rotta hit Jaweis, but he didn't hurry to view rewards, wait back to Wangcheng to say.

Looking for the beautiful scenery on the road, Rota is also a little sigh: "I have been so long, I have been so fast, time is really fast ..."

The status of Rotta trails, the Template of Ulciola has long got endless life, and there is no special age, and it should be 50 years old.

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