The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 707 of the New World

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Back to Wangcheng's Rota Xian and Guyuea, a few people said that the previous happened, and then began to concentrate on see the special rewards obtained after completing the task.

"The host completes the final task of Douro, the special reward for the distribution, the ghosts, the ghost group, the money bag, the self-selected character package, the gods, spatial architecture."

The reward of this special task is very satisfied, it is very rich, but the specific use of these prizes needs to know carefully.

After Jaweiss's explanation, Rota understands the specific use of these props, it can be said that there is no waste.

The first is the ghost corps summoning ring, you can summon the ghosts to help the battle, although the war is general, but what is still very nice to run a leg.

The money bag can be powerful, you can convert different world money, of course, the general funds of gold have no need to convert, and they can be opened.

There is nothing to say in the self-selected role package. So far from Rota, there are two, although only one role package can be used once, it is also a very good reward.

Spatial architecture is a secret law of Unicom's different worlds, which can connect the world that has explored through this secret, greatly improved convenience.

The most interesting Rota is this goddess source. It is actually a powerful props that can be self-created, so that Rota can leave the category of humans and become a title.

According to Jaweis, you can derive your own exclusive sect after the creation of God. The more people who believe in the sect, the stronger the power of Rotta itself, the opposite increases, there is no impact on Rotta, can be said Only the advantages of the super props.

Use a sentence to describe, system, must be boutique!

Since there is time, Rota first finds the three people in Guyuena, and finally discussed, founded the god of the sequence.

Taking into account the specialty of the curse of the , Rotta founded this kind of this gain without a little meaning. After the founding of the sequence, the dominating sect was derived, and everything was arranged clearly.

Rotta also gave a look at your personal panel in the first time, and his own race also became the words of the gods and the people, it seems that the transformation has been completed.

Although it is promoted to the gods, but Rotagen is still a nun, so the identity of the family is also retained.

Then look down, Rota has also the power of the God of God, and the order! The specific effect is simple, it can be immunized to any negative DUFF, especially the effect of confusion rational type. Active release sequence can keep the target to be reasonable, eliminating has a negative effect, allowing the target to obtain an immunized negative effect in an hour, and a living body is still in life.

In short, it is a force that completely restraining the curse, and the sediment of the dominant belongs to Rota's own god, and is not subject to the boundaries of any plane.

Of course, Rotta will not selfish their families. Subsequently, he will pull the Queyuna three women to the primary gods, and the force of the sequence is obtained.

"Nana, now you have become a god, get the right power, if you still have the curse invading this, you can pay more attention."

Gu Yunna blinked the purple beauty, and tried to answer: "Reassure, Lu Luo Tower, here is our common home, will never let anyone destroy. Poor you, go out, you should be careful."

"Yes, Rotta, although your strength is strong, but just like the curse you mentioned, there will be a lot of powerful enemies, cautious, and it is also true." Tao.

"Two sisters said, Rota, you have to protect yourself, come back, if you let me find a wound, you have a good look." White smile holds the small powder, gently hammer Rotta few times.

After the soul swears, Rota will also tell them in addition to the system, all of which are the closest people, and naturally should not hide. They also understand that they also have a curse of the death under the leadership of Rotta.

The pioneering strength of the mantra of the is indeed strong, and even the ancient moona has also spent a lot of effort. This is also more dedicated to their determination to continue. Three women have always been working hard with Rotta, but there is no more bug helpless, and they have been chasing it.

Of course, Rotta will not bully them, and it will deliberately be taken by them.

In these years, the development of Guranatos is booming, the arrival of the Blue Power brought many people in Wangcheng, and no king city is too cold.

In addition, Wang Cheng has also opened the soul of the Qur'an Tower and specializes in cultivating the new soul. Children who have been six-year-old in Blue Power have entered learning, which is the new chapter that has opened the cultivation of the soul.

Older generations are not good, then they are, it will change from the young generation. After careful cultivation, these blue-mervous children have become two-level soul, and talents are extremely excellent. The age of eight years old, the level of the two-level soul will be excellent. Specific combat power, tested, far more favorable than the general soul.

In the way, Yu Tianheng has become the tutor of the Qur'an Tower, which is specially responsible for teaching these students. Under Rotta crazy, Yu Tianheng also became a 99-level title, although there is no god, but strength is not very common than ordinary, three levels.

Looking at the three women who are reluctant, Rota will take them into their arms and calmly: "Nothing is worried, it will come back soon."

Gu Yuna three women are not unbelievable, and there is no more tangling on this issue, but their cheeks are ashamed, it seems that I want to say something ...

"Rotta, have you have time at night?" Gu Yuna three women looked at Rotta.

The Rota, who woke up the soul of the LSP, I couldn't know that the meaning of their words is impossible, and I also replied very much: "Ms. can accompany the three beautiful ladies, is my honor!"

On the following day, Rotta organized a good clothes and looked at the three beautiful people who were still in the dream. Silently pushed the door.

Justice in Rota, Yu Tianheng took the initiative to find Rotta.

"Teacher, are you going out?"

People who are in Jade Heng, Rotta also speakingly speaking a follow-up arrangement.

"This way, the student wished the teacher's journey smooth! But the college, some things intend to ask you."

Just Rota is not so anxious, after solving the problem of Yu Tianzheng, he bid farewell to him.

On the occasion, Rotta laughed and looked at Yu Tianheng, opened a little joke: "Waiting for the teacher to come back, you will have a little fruit!"

Wenyor Heime Heng can not help but a, this problem didn't think, but I didn't know how to open.

"Everyone is 30 people, don't want Ni Ni Ni!" Rotta is also a wave of helping a wave. If you let Yu Tianheng open, I am afraid that you have a yellow-flower dish.

Looking at the figure of Yu Tianhang, Rota is also calling Jaweis: "Jaweis, I am going to be almost the same here, I can start."

Rotta has been set up in advance in the Queen Taros King City, as long as you go to the new world, you can use spatial architecture to connect.

"Drop, then generate space tunnels, through the world random. Take some time in the middle of the trip, please keep patient."

As the spatial tunnel slowly opened, Rota decided to step into it until the Rota is completely incomplete to the tunnel, and the spatial tunnel instantly disappears.

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