The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 708 Old Tianshi Template

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Along with a cross-turning cross, Rotta arrived in another place through the space tunnel.

"Jaweis, which party here is the world? The energy exists in the nature seems to be a little rare." Rotta curiously asked Jaweis.

"Answer the host, this direction is the world named the blade of the ghost, and the world's strength and the Douro areas cannot be contracted."

The ghosts are also very understanding. It was originally thought that it was just a common juvenile hot blood. From the infinite train, some popular roles took one of the fall, until the last infinite city battle, it can be said that it is extremely fierce.

Therefore, the ghost is still being called as the blade of the group, the blade of the column, and finally did not have a few columns left.

The order is still very good, the setting is still very good, but the only thing is too easy to die. Rotta is appreciated by the purgatory Xing Shoulan is also the first premiered premium swords, although it is faced with the string, how can it feel a little awkward.

Since I came to this direction, I have to save some tragedy, and I will solve the curse of the food, if the curse is invading the ghosts.

Luo Ya is also a first time, there is still no place to live, not intended to build space channels, everything is waiting for him to say it first.

"Dripping, remind the host, the ghost is not as strong as Dou Luo, please do not use the power of the world tolerance. In addition, the world's trip plus some restrictions, the play mode must be personally played by the body, no You can use it to work. "

Rotta doesn't matter, anyway, where is his strength, there will be difficulty, of course, an exception to a too metamorphosis.

For the new restrictions of Jaweis, Rotta has no uncomfortable, always with the end of the crushing posture, there will be some borsing, and experience the battle process is still very good.

Finally, when I opened the person's self-selected package, Rotta used a self-selected package directly.

After the self-selected package is opened, float five characters, there is a lonely red, catching the king of the tao, the nine uncle, one person, the Lich King, Alsace, Moonlight. Mount Mount Mount Molia.

After another Thinking, Rotta chose the template of the old teacher, not doing, the reason is simple, just like it. Old Tianshi is also a person in the middle of the ceiling. When the mood is good, the mood is not good.

In addition, the world background and the identity of the old Tianshi is more common, which is the main reason why Rotta makes such a choice.

"The host chooses the old teacher template, currently playing 0%, unlocking ability, Tianma."

Looking at only 0% playing, Rotta did not call, only listened to him silently: "Open the illusion mode!"

After the illusion, Rotta's appearance hit into the appearance of the old Tianshi Zhangzhiwei, a black dragon and the Tianshan special health care, the long crowd, the eyes are deep and peaceful, there is nowhere to reflect the old Tianshi The image of a high person.

"Drip, playing degree increase 10%, unlock the ability of the golden magazine!"

Although the playback of illusion is not more than before, it is also unlocked the most important ability, and the golden spell.

Rotta tried to transport the gas in the body, and a golden rays instantly covered the periphery of the body. These flowing golden lights must be part of the body, flexible.

"It's this feeling. Is this the power of the old teacher? Sure enough!" Rotta did not hide the appreciation of the voice.

After experimenting, Luotta roughly speculated that the strength strength of the current old teacher template. Although only 10% of simulation, Rota itself has extremely powerful strength, and the power is expected to exceed 10%. Conservative estimates, just use the strength of the old teacher, enough to walk around the world.

This is not a joke of Rota. The battle of the ghost world is not too high, and it is not enough. The strength is still strong in front of the native, can't walk in front of Rota, which is a huge gap of strength.

In general, the ghost is a relatively relaxed world, and the experience is not the result.

"Also almost the trip to the world, first, I have to explore this world intelligence." Rota lowered.

Although Rotta can use the easiest way, ask Javis, but there is no immersion experience.

Rotta is currently a deep mountain, far from a few zero-scattered Japanese ancient buildings, I want to be people living here.

After the selected goal, Rotta slowly went toward the direction of the far away.

I don't know if it is for deliberate creating an atmosphere, Rotta arrived at the ghosts, just in the evening, the distance is just an hour.

Rota did not have an urgent road, and did not reach the house where the residents were located in the room.

After gently knocking, only a vigilant shout came to the house: "Who are you? How to use it so late?"

Rotta is also a world context of habits. The ghosts are afraid of sunshine, they will go out to forage humans at night, and I don't think there is anything wrong with the question of the house owner.

Rotta coughed a voice of old and thick voice: "Sorry, I bother you so late, my old is a traveler who has passed, and I want to stay at this time. I don't know if it is convenient?"

After a little silence, the house owner seems to make a choice, open the door: "Come in, it can be very dangerous outside."

"Thank you, this kind of loved donor, my old man is here." Rota took a gift to the owner of the house.

Seeing Rotta's wearing and appearance, the owner of the house could not help but ask: "Do you have a monk?"

Rotta smiled softly: "It is not too much, I am not a monk, but the Taoist."

"Taoist? Is it different from the monks?" The owner of the house revealed that the gods of the doubts were the first time he heard.

"Nature is different, you can understand the evil spirits that I will have some wonderful means." Rotta explained the house owner with a popular language.

Hearing the explanation of Rotta, the house owner was surprised to hold Rotta's hand, excited: "Master, my name is Watanabe, is a wood businessman, dare to ask your name?"

"Well, I am named Zhang Zhiwei, you can also call me old teacher." Rotai said.

"Old Tianshi? Ok, I will remember."

It is obvious that there is something like it is clear, but I have never known how to open, Rotta is also known to open the mouth: "If there is anything I need to help, I can do my best."

The Watanabe cleans the chest and took the moment to temporarily press the heart, and then slowly explained: "The old master, recently, my woodwork has happened many strange things, and many workers always miss the missing missing, gain I have to worry about everyone now, I don't dare to work. If I go so, my wood farm will definitely be bankrupt. "

"Oh? This is, then what do you mean?" Rota asked without a hurry.

"We all guess may be some evil things in it. If you have a way to deal with these guys, please help me!"

Said that the Watanabe is directly poured in front of Rotta, and the attitude is extremely sincere, and there is no way to conceal it.

Rotta has a white beard, Shen Sheng: "It is indeed a thin thing, still go to see it."

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