The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 709 Dawn: How to win the face?

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"Hey? What did you just say?" Watanabe is shocked to Rotta, and he did not expect Rotta to agree so simply.

Rotta waved the side of the Watanabe Waterproof and didn't need too much excitement. "Young people, calm, there are both evil mess, old mans."

"So you promised? But is it really going now? The night is so dark, is it dangerous? Is it not waiting for tomorrow?" Watanabe is also persuaded, he doesn't want to let him The old man in the peace is in danger.

Rotta smiled and smiled and asked: "The evil thing only has the night party, and I can't find something at all during the day."

This seems to be true, and the Watanabe is also determined, "Okay, I will take you, please go this side."

Watanabe went to the lantern trembled to walk in Rotta to the position of the wood factory. On the night, it is dark, and only the weak fire of the lantern can give a sense of security.

Rota pendulously followed by the Watanabe, there was no fear, just like a walk after a meal, couldn't see any fear.

"Old Tianshi, are you really not afraid?" The Watanabe is unbelievable to see Rotta asked.

Rota is acknowledged: "Natural is not afraid, there is a lot of things to see too much!"

Whether it is an alien in the world of the old Tiande himself or a strong soul in the face of the Douro, it is more powerful than the ghost.

"It's been ... The front is my wood factory." Watanabe is clearly introduced.

The closer from the timber plant, the more the waters of the Fate, the more felt the monsters around the darkness.

Rotta pulled down the brunt and shouted, gently smelling, and Rotta found the surrounding abnormality.

"Mr. Watanabe, your guess is good. There is indeed a malicious guy around the wood factory ..."

The Fate Border is awesome, looking at Rotta, begging: "Old Tianshi, please solve these monsters, I will definitely give you a lot of money afterwards."

The Watanabe is not the boss of pressing employees. One is to resume the operation of the wood factory. They also want to give employees to the employees. He has always used everyone in the factory as a brother, there happened like this. He also feeling bad.

"Mr. Watanaba is heavy, and the story to handle these spiritualities is the duty of the Taoist responsibilities. The rest is given to me."

Guys hidden in the dark don't need to be more evil spirits, feel quite weak, you should solve it soon.

"Human, , just eat you, I can get stronger strength!"

With the voice of mad, from the darkness of an outpatient or ugly evil, black and gray skin comply with the tones of the night, just seeing that it is difficult to abuse the fear to ordinary people.

I don't know if I have been influenced by Rotta. The Watanabe is suddenly calm, just silently watching Rotta around me.

Rota language is slowly open: "It is you, guy in the wood factory."

The evil spirits smile, mad: "Yes, how can you drop it? You can still take me? Your thin old guy, you will definitely!"

Rotta is completely full of trash words to the evil spirits, this kind of guy who will only be distorted, it is a dragon set in a dragon set.

"Hey, becomes the food in my mouth!"

The voice just fell, and the evil ghost rushed to the Watanabe water after Rota, but he liked the old guy of Rota, he prefers young people with strong body.

Just in the evil ghost body, Rotta cloud stretched out the palm hidden in the robe, buckled the evil head.

"Little ghost head, what to do, is it so urgent? He is anxious, I can't eat hot tofu, haven't you heard this?"

This scene directly looked at the bridal water and evil spirits, and the evil spirits tried to get rid of Rotta's control.

The helpless Rotana's thick big hand is like a hopper, which is generally tough, no matter how he resists it.

"Advise you still don't toss, you are not my opponent. If you insist on resisting, I don't mind let you experience what is true in front of him." Rota fellyly, although the general probability may be a cow.

Sure enough, such as Rotta, the evil is not honest, struggling is even more powerful.

"The people in the district have a big, you are not a member of the ghost team, and I am invincible without a sunny knife!" The evil ghosts said.

Rotta didn't hold out the sound, invincible for this word, this little evil ghost also dared to say it, I am afraid that I don't know if the previous invincible has stopped thinking.

Rotta throws the evil spirits, under the action of gas, the evil ghost is heavy, and it can't get it in half.

Luo Tam took the slow pace to the past, with a little bit of play, said: "Invincible, even the homage guys dare not say, you still dare to call invincible? Smile!"

"Dripping, playing the personality of the old people old urchins, the playing degree is increased by 5%, and the five thunder is 25% unlocked, currently 15%."

Ignoring the tone of Jawis, Rotta stepped into the past, tall and straight, even let the devil gave a strong fear.

"I am afraid of this human beings in front of you, this is not true! Not true!"

What is afraid of the evil ghost again, but the fact is the case, the old man wearing a robe does have a strong fear in front of him.

"As you said, the old age is not a ghost team, nature does not have a sunny knife ... but, will the sun rose every day?"

The ghost seems to be aware of Rotta's intention, panic, asked: "What do you want to do?"

Rotta did not answer him, just released a trace of intangible, in an inter-evil body, was completely crushed.

The darkness of the blood is broken everywhere, and the ghost has no a good ghost. This serious injury makes him fix it here to Deniang and fix it. It can be said that it is almost a late.

Looking at the evil spirits of rotten, Rota head is not going back. There is no other evil breath around, and you should be that this evil ghost.

"Mr. Watanabe, has been solved, can return."

Rotta saw that the bloody scene has been adapted early, and the Watanabe is different, seeing the flesh and blood in the distance, he shakes the body, and use his hand to cover your mouth.

"I saw this scene for the first time, although it is a bit cruel, but this is also helpless, let go of the evil ghost will be more people." Rota came to Watani to clear the water. His shoulders.

Slightly adjusted for a while, Watanabe is gradually adapted to this bloody scene.

The Watanabe watched the old man who was calm, such as the water, asked: "How do you do so calm?"

"Well ... or that sentence, it's not surprising." Rotta did not explain too much, this sentence is enough to summarize everything.

Like Feng Baby, the skilled skills is only ripe. The abnormal thing is much more, and it is used to it for a long time.

On the way, Rota is also recalling the words of the ghosts. It can be learned that the current ghosts have been established, but it is not long for the establishment.

Rotta has been informed of the era of the current situation in the conversation of Watanabe Waters, just a neon during the Warring States Period.

Then Rota Yingying smiled. The ghosts of this era are the gods of the team, but they follow the waves of the waves. If you say that you can look at the black historical name of the boss.

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