The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 710, the initial ghost

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Back to the Watanabe's clear-water residence, Rota was enthusiastic about, although it was a little late, but the enthusiasm of the Watanabe was not prepared for Rotta. Also because of the time relationship, there is not too much night, just some groups.

Rota is not very much in the heart of the sun, and the Watani is very good. Groups This kind of food is not happy in the Earth or in the face of Dou Luo, or a fresh feeling.

"Old Tianshi, the guy is determined to have been solved? Will the wood factory will not have this problem in the future?" Waters asked watches.

Rota ate a group, suddenly explained, slowly explained: "This kind of thing is not good, but this time should be no big problem."

Rotta told the Sanda Waterproof, he didn't want to cause this guid to encounter unexpectedly because of his false information.

"This way, it seems to have more alert, but always, it should be able to have worked." Wooden Woodworking Water Water Water Water Factory is getting less and less, business. Very bleak.

Since there is a ghost, the reputation of the ghosts will not be so silent, so that Watanabe wizards to seek the assistance of those guys.

Rotta can now help the ferry, after which it is impossible to travel around him, he is not a nanny, it is impossible to be such a cheap labor.

"Mr. Watanabe, I don't know if you have heard the ghost team." Rotta looked quietly to Watershed clearly, and asked.

Watanabe water frowning back, "Ghost kills? It seems that I have heard of it ... It is said to be specially smashed the soul of the song, but this kind of thing is possible, if it is like today, the monster, ordinary People can't kill their weapons! "

It is not difficult to hear the ghost killing in the words of Watanabe, and many people don't understand this team. Many people don't understand this team. It is no wonder that later generations are not recognized by the official.

However, Rotta is just a suggestion, and there is not much meaning. He and the Watanabe are not a report.

On the following day, Rotta officially bid farewell to the Watanabe water, and it was a map. Although the Watanabe is highly retained, the Rotta will not know that he is careful in his heart, and naturally refuses.

Since it comes to the ghost, the first task is to find a ghost team, but the ghost team runs through the main forces of the whole world.

Of course, Rotta is not anxious to be, and the process of finding a ghost team is quite good.

From the Watan Water Water, a new morning, Rota came to a small town, and finally let Rotta feel a vibrant breath.

Near the wood factory, several waist harsh samurai suddenly appeared, exploring the surrounding situation, and got a conclusion - the ghost appeared here last night.

"The captain of the Palace, there is obvious fighting marks here, it should be a fight with the evil ghost!" A Samurai reported the situation to another male man.

A man known as the captain of the Palace, leaving a medium-polar hair, black and rich beard hanging on the chin, and it is very embarrassing.

"It seems that we are late this time, but since it can solve the evil ghost, how to watch it is also a good fight, think about finding him." The palace of Miyamo said firmly.

"Captain, I remember several households in front, one of which is the owner of this wood factory, we can go to visit."

"The owner of the wood factory? Maybe he will definitely know some details, let's take a look."

Not long, the Palace of Miyamo found a few ghosts who found a Waterson.

Looking at the samurai knife hanging on the palace in the waist, the sorrows of the sorrows and water, and if these people are robbed, he has not been too unlucky.

The Watanabe water was forcibly calm down, and he met the kind of monster last night, but a few warriors, no more fear.

"I don't know if a few adults come here?" Watanabe wool water actively opened.

There is less eye-catching, and it is not as good as it is for these warriors to find yourself.

Even if the Watano water is forced to work for a flat-style look, it is still observed by the palace of Miyu Lang.

Miyoten Yiro smiled, and the Watershed Waterway: "The gentleman does not have to be afraid, we are a member of the ghost team, and you are nothing to ask."

"Gluten team?" Watanabe wizards a shock, this name heard from the mouth of Rotta, if he didn't see the real person today, he thought that the ghost killing is a must-have organization.

"Yes, yes, god killing teams, killing all the evils!" Miyamoto made a self-introduction.

The Watanabe is not stupid, and I want to understand why the other party is coming. I want to know what I have a taste of my woodwork.

"Hello, the ghosts are the Swordsman, my name is Watanabe water, is a wood factory boss. For your intention, I know!"

The Miyamoto is a little surprised to look at the Watanabe Waters, and he is clearly not said that his intentions have, this guy already understands?

"If you want a few adults, is it for the monster of the wood factory?"

"Yes, we have heard the unusual phenomenology here from the villages and towns, and come over!"

The Watanabe smiled and looked at the Miyamoto and other swordsman. Thank you for gratitude to aid, but the problem is already solved last night. "

Miyamoto Yiling is happy, and quickly asked: "How is it solved?"

The Watanabe cleans also did not conceal the things of Rotta, after all, Rota did not allow him to disclose where the whereabouts were allowed.

"You are said that the old gentleman has a two strokes to solve the evil ghost." The palace was hung on his face.

It is also very powerful that his recovery is very strong even if there is neither the recovery ability, no sunshine, and it is impossible to kill the ghost.

Can't that the old gentleman has been fighting with the evil ghost?

Miyamoto also asked his doubts, and Watanabe water also made a seriousness of the same hero.

"Mr. Palace, I am sure that I haven't read the wrong, I really only use two tricks to solve the monster ... Exactly, it should be a trick. The first trick of the old Tianshi has made the ghost no more!"

Through the description of Waters Water, Miyamoto also understands the way Rotta kills the ghost, I want to come to the other side, there should be no ribbon knife, relying on sunshine. The reason why the elaboration should also prevent the devil to repair the body before sunrise.

"So that old gentleman, you call him a teacher? Is it convenient to inform us to go?" The Palace is expected to look forward to it. If you can let the old man join the ghost team, want to kill The war of the team can be greatly enhanced.

Waters are somewhat entangled, and he doesn't know that you should not tell these guys who have a knife. Although these people are very gentle, if there is any bad thinking?

Favadie Water Trial Inquiry: "Is there anything to find a old teacher?"

Miyota Lang's observation is extremely keen. I heard the concerns in Watanabe in Waters. It is also a smile. It's better to kill the team. "

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