The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 715, I am slap, a hundred years of skill!

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"I am not interested in knowing your name, I only know that I must kill you now!" The Palace Bo Lang did not yield, but the war is high.

In the mountain, the spring is a little poorly staring at the Palace, even more disdainfully: "Killing me? Hey, you will be alone, I am, the adult (not the head captain) is trying to have the heart. Your strength does not kill my capital at all! "

There is no blindness, and his strength that has opened the blood ghost model can be crushed. Even if you extend your neck, let the palace to cut, at least to cut a long time, you may be broken!

Looking at the delicious food in front of you, the yam is not intended to talk nonsense with the palace. Now you still enjoy your own results!

"Thanks to the paragraph, Mr. Palace, Mr. Yiling, ah ..."

"Hey, young people, Hu Shutdown is a set!" The heavy words rang behind the hills.

Suddenly, the old man made the hills were very annoyed. He didn't like to be disturbed when you enjoy your food, and then he went angrily. I saw a high-tall elderly looking at him with a good look, and the face was slightly smiled.

"Drip, play a name scene, increased by 2%, currently 20%."

There is no matter what the old man is as if you are, and you don't want to be disgusting by a mess.

I saw the Sakama Square to attack, and the Palace of Miyamo is also a safety of his own safety.

Nothing to wait, the ghost of the old Sacred Sacred Sacred Square was already caught in a steady, and the old bird did not leave the cherries under the mountains, smiled and looked at the palace, and slowly said: "This Little friends don't have to worry, the old age is still a little. "

The palace of Miyamoto smoked, and the heart was quite helpless. If he is not too good, he must correct the mistake of the old man.

You are not a matter of this, but a billion-in-one thing, it's really billion!

Looking at the old people who attacked themselves, the Sakura, the hill, and the eyes of the old people were gradually gotting. A human old man, actually caught his attack, and completely fine? Is this river?

To know his attack strength, it is enough to hold the Palace, and if you have such an old man, how to say it is a bit shackled.

Just when I was in the mountain, I suddenly found my right hand, and the palace of the palace who was squatted in his hand did not know when it was saved by the old man.

"Mr. this ghost, are you looking for him? Sorry, let you down." The old man smiled and smiled.

When the Spring, the Spring, the hill was so humiliated, and the cerebelom was filled with anger. He stared at the old people in front of him, and he used the deterrent to say: "The old man, this is, you are looking for!"

Under the mountain, the Springs are angry towards the old man, he thinks that the old man can block his attack purely, this attack must cause him to die.

The old man shook his head without helpless, reached out, and easily took a look at the hill's Springs, and immediately attached to the place to commented: "The heart is too miscellaneous, and there is no rules, this point Strength? "

The Palace, who was thrown behind, was heard, and he couldn't help but wipe a tears. He is very depressed and self-speaking: "Sorry, I am a enemy, this ghost is really sorry!"

"Old things, I want you to live!"

The old man is so ridiculous, and there is a bit of a little bites to the hill, gathering countless cherry blossoms, the old man launched a violent attack.

Rotta attached the frievous cherry petals, which can feel that these cherry petals are sharp, and the quantity of petals are cut, and ordinary people don't want to be disabled.

Let Rotta describe that the attack mode of the Sakura Ghost is quite similar to the dead wood of the dead, can't say very like, can only say exactly. The only place that is different may be power! The power of the cherry blossom blade under the mountain, and it can be described in touchlessness.

It can only be said that this is the gap between the world and the world. Even if it is such a weak mountain, the Sakuo can make the palace airsho into the battle, enough to show that the strength of the ghost is not too high.

"West, cough is active (going to death, the hateful old man)!"

"Be careful, Mr. Old!" Miyama Yiro also wants to protect Rotta, but unfortunately, he got up, Rotta has resolved the attack of the yam.

A sparkling golden rays exuded from Rotta, countless cherry petals were blocked by this golden light, and it couldn't touch Rotta's body.

"How can I ..." The Sakura of the Yam was stuck in the old man in front of the sun, and he had always been proud of him. At this time, he was also afraid.

"No, I am not the opponent of this guy, I have to evacuate it!"

At this time, Yamashi is not worthy of food, and his own little life is the most important. The life is gone, what is the use of food?

"Let's go, too, I don't put the old man in my eyes. I have to provoke my bonus, let the old education education you."

Rotta naturally didn't persuade this cherry blossom ghost to grow, can grow to such a degree, then look at his metamorphosis, it is necessary to have a lot of innocent humans.

Your hill's Springs are the Miss Everest or a bean sauce, I have the necessary Rotta where you have you?

Rotta released a slightly released, this momentum directly scared the hill's cherry springs, so that he moved to stare at Rota with the horror of the eyes, his trembling lips screamed in his heart. come out.

"Let me ... I will give it ... You kill me, the adult will not let you!"

Anyway, the spring is also a GG. Rotta also opened his joke with him, only listening to Lu Tha with his calm as the water tone: "Sorry, the adult is still M78, should not Run so far saved you. "

"M78 ? Does he know that adult, why do you want to kill yourself?" The Spring of the Yamashita found that his brain was a little less than enough.

After joke, Rotana is old and powerful in the palm of the mountain, there is almost no resistance, and the head of the yam is straight.

The palace of this scene is dumbfounded, and the evil spirits who have made all the best to deal with this old gentleman will be turned over? Wang Defa?

And the most important thing is that this old gentleman has not killed the ghost props, but also so easily defeated the evil ghost, and there is a little more than ordinary people's thinking, and then say that the dazzling golden stream is even unable to use science. Explain.

Miyamoto is not too happy. If you don't need a sunrise knife, you will not die at all, and this head should have not died.

Just when I was thinking about it, I would like to make a knife again, Rota looked back to him, Peace.

"Oh! Oh! Ok, this is coming!"

With the help of the Palace, the Springs under the mountain are finally resolved. Rotta's golden spell has a strong killing of the ghost, can also hinder the body repair of the ghost, but lack of fatality of ghosts, want to kill the ghost, or rely on sunlight, wisteria or river knife.

For this question, Rotta is also asked Jaweis, can't have him a Taoist, playing with a golden spell, but also take the knife to cut it, it will not be too disgraced.

The reply from Rotta is also very official, saying is waiting for the next year! Since Rota has only look forward to it, the ability to unlock the third unlock will strengthen what is related to the golden spell!

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