The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 716 Old Tianshi's Good Weight!

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The Miyamoto is a comfortable to sigh, and finally solves this difficult guy. If this old man does not appear today, he will definitely plant.

Miyamoto Yiro adjusts his breathing rhythm, thank you to Luota, thank you. "Thank you for your help, ghost kills Palace, Miyo, owe you a big man."

"It turned out to be a ghost team, and the oldness has heard of your deeds. Very good. Dare to face monsters hidden in the darkness, it is worthy of praise." Rottaw and good smile praised the Palace of Miyo.

In addition to the sharp edge of the ghost, Rota can say that there is nothing to say to the ghost. Most Let Rotta like the stars of the guidelines in the ghosts, regardless of strength, they are for their later generations, in order to defeat the madness.

It can be said that people who hate ghost killed teams have almost no existence, and they are worthy of respect in everyone.

This is also the reason why Rota just met with a great good meaning to Palace. Combined with his move, Luotta firmly judged inner, and this Swordsman is definitely a member of a ghost, and now it is confirmed.

After listening to the word of Rotta, Miyamoto was shy and touched. Some of the buses replied: "Hey, thank you for the old gentleman. The ghost kill has just started for too long, there are many way to go in the future! You have such a powerful strength, dare to ask your name? "

There are fewer guess in Miyamoto, and before the Watershed Qingshui, he has also been a description of the appearance of the old Tianshi, and the old people standing in front of us are very similar.

"The old name is Zhiwei, it is a Taoist. If you don't see it, you can call my old teacher."

Sure enough, his guess is correct, the old man in front of you is the person he wants to find, the old teacher!

It's hard to see the old man, although some excited, can have the palace of Miko, and did not forget their own main task.

"Old Tianshi, although this time is asking such a question, but I still want to get your reply."

Rotta waved his hand, and the deep eyes looked at the palace of Miyu, slowly said: "Nothing, oldness does not care, don't know what is old, what is old?"

Miyamoto is deeply breathed, and the eyes are full of expectations. For Rotta Road: "Old Tianshi, my representative ghost kills sincerely invite you to join the ghost!"

Rotta did not have any accidents, and this progress can also be said to be the same event in many ghosts in his expectations.

Slightly demonstrate some of the strengths, the ghosts can't wait to invite each other to join, showing the ghosts to kill the ghosts.

Despite his own consideration, Rotta thought I still agreed with the recommendations of the Palace, whispered: "Well, the old man has the idea of ​​the ghosts, how to make a decision, but there is a little old age can promise you If you encounter trouble, you can come to me. "

Miyamoto is also a nodding, now is the beginning of the ghost team, many people have a lot of people to kill the team, and there is a lot of misunderstanding of the ghosts. It can be seen in a strong man who understands the ghost and kill, and the palace is very happy. If it is not an identity, he is not cried.

"The things here are almost the same, go back to Taoyuan home, then the kid has been getting back." Rotta said slowly, leisurely torch the Taoyuan House.

The Miyamoto is also followed, and the mood is also extremely comfortable, and it is finally solved a scourge for the people.

On the way to Taoyuanjiafu, Miyamoto also released the ghost team released the recommended signal bomb specifically for contacting each other to publish important instructions.

At the beginning of its establishment, the ghosts were not specifically used to contact the crow, this time the ghost killed players are not so convenient. The close distance is ok, long distance, the efficiency is at all.

But now a ghost is a common Swordsman who gathered near the town of Sakura, and this situation is already enough.

Since I think of this matter, I just asked the Palace, a ghost team, there is no idea of ​​cultivating the crow.

"This is the way to contact each other, the method is good, but it is still to be improved."

Miyamoto Lang also looked at Raota in a interest, please ask: "Do you have any good suggestions? If you are not satisfied, the contact with the short-distance contact is enough, it has always been a distance. A big problem that is troubled by the ghosts. "

The Miyamoto is also not to take Rotta as outsiders, and directly put the part of the ghost team.

Rotta did not immediately gave an answer, so he thought of thinking. After a slight time, he only listened to Rota to slowly: "Everything is very spiritual, since the continuous contact is inconvenient, why not pay some birds to help contact?"

Miyamoto's eyes flashed in the eyes, surprise: "Poultry! Yes, this is indeed a good way, as long as it is cultivated, the birds will definitely be a good helper! That specifically wants to choose the type of birds? ? Crow? Or parrot? "

Rotta looked at the entangled Palace gave his opinion: "I have it to cultivate the crow, the number of crows is very common, so don't worry about the number of questions. In addition, the crow color is very suitable for night work, in the player It is also possible to make an intelligence when it is dangerous.

The palace of Miyamo listened to the analysis of Luo Tak, and when he is still entangled with that kind of bird, the other party has given a clear suggestion and analysis, it can't be more than.

This old man is too much more than knowing, not only strong, and the mind is also a first-class. Miyamoto Yiro also was sent from the inner heart to the talents and character of Rota.

"Old Tianshi, your one, makes me benefit, then I will convey this suggestion to the production house!"

After arriving at Taoyuanjiafu, Taoyuan Qiushan also welcomed up, and took the initiative to condolence to the hometown of Miyubo.

"Mr. Palace Ben, you have not a big problem? We have a top doctor here, you can always treat you."

Miyamoto is not figured out for a time, he clearly didn't do anything, how can Taoyuan Master will attitude toward him? The biggest contribution is the old teacher.

Just when the Palace of Miyo looked at the old teacher, it was found that the other party was like a child. The palace is not slow, otherwise it will not be mixed in the ghost team for so long.

Just this, he understood the intention of the old teacher, it turned out to be such a thing ...

The Palace of Miyamo himself is also seriously injured. Since I understand the intention of the old teacher, the Palace of Miyamo has also accepted the good intention of Taoyuan Qiushan, and it will take simple treatment before the other party's leader.

The rest of the ghost killing Swordsman is also the first time I saw the temple of the Palace, and I was a lot of topics for a while.

"I don't know how the palace captain has encountered a strong evil ghost, which will be hurt into this!"

"I can evil, if we can get it in time, you can help the palace of this captain!"

A few people's conversations were also in the ear of Rota, and they could not sigh.

These ordinary swordsman's hearts are good, can be in accordance with the situation, they are not the greatest help for the palace.

Spring under the mountain, this devil's strength is absolutely enough to be the standard of 12 ghosts. These ordinary swordsmanship is nothing more than to give him a meal. If these swordsman sacrifice, it is estimated that the Miyamoto's heart is not good.

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