The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 717, Rapida, Wisteria

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After a slight time, Miyamoto has completed treatment, and some wounds on his body have healed signs. Of course, there is such effectiveness and the Palace of Miyamo will have a must have a must.

The breathing method is not light to enhance the strength of the Swordsman, and can accelerate the restoration of the body while attaching the function of hemostasis.

Plus the palace of Miyama is powerful, although there are several wounds look horrible, it can essentially be too serious.

"Mr. Qiushan, thank you for your help. This level of injury is to restore your own recovery, you need to take a long time!" Miyamoto is also a smile and thank you, and he will definitely treat himself.

Taoyuan Qiushan also swayed. "I don't don't help any help. This is a employer to do. After all, you are also injured because of me. If you don't mind, can you tell us about it? ? "

Miyamoto Liro Si Si's moment agreed to Taoyuan Qiushan's request, the existence of this creature is impossible to hold it, it is better to spread things like it, so that ordinary people have a lot of mind.

In the Taoyuan Home Session, the Palace of Miyama made a meticulous process and some relevant knowledge of the ghosts and the ghosts.

I learned that the old Tianshi also helped the bus, Taoyuan Qiushan also expressed his gratitude to the old teacher.

"Almost this is the relevant intelligence of ghosts. Mr. Qiushan, the passage of your love and recent serial disappearance is related to this evil spirits!"

Taoyuan Qiushan is slightly slightly stuck, so hunting information enters a normal person's mind, there will be such a performance and normal.

Taoyuan Qiushan's acceptance is also strong, it is useless to digest this information.

"That is to say, the culprit of this series of bad things is the evil of the ghost, not a human?" Taoyuan Qiushan looked at the eyes of Miyamoto and said that it was asked, it is better to ask.

Miyamoto is seriously located: "Yes, the ghost is existed, and there are more and more quantities, this is the reason why our ghost killing is established."

"Evil? Originally thought that some adults used the trick to use the child, did not expect the real existence, so dangerous ... Mr. Palace, is your ghost? Is it dedicated to these guys?"

Although Miyamoto is not clear about the reasons for the Taoyuan Qiushan asked, but still answers the iron: "Naturally, all the evil spirits in the world is our duty!"

Anti-view Taoyuan Qiushan, when he is eyebrows, it seems to be considering what is the problem, but soon his brow is relieved.

"Mr. Miyama, the ghost work in the future is also a Taoyuan family!"


"Mr. Qiushan, this is not a joke, you don't have to do this, the same ghost is a dangerous thing, for your family thinking, there is no need to bring the family to the danger." Miyamoto made a statement on Taoyuan Qiushan It was very horrified, he did not think about this.

However, Taoyuan Qiushan seems to have decided to say a determination, and said to the palace, and said that the evil kills my eldest son, can say that I and these guys will come here! In addition, this is also to save you. The thank you of the little son! "

At this moment, even the palace of the same ghosts, Miyamo, who has been more than a few times, was shocked by the momentum of Taoyuan Qiushan.

Taoyuan Qiushan so abnormal move is the unheard of Miyamoto Liling. The very common people don't put a pair of "things don't have a high hanging" attitude that can be burned high, I have never seen this kind of person like Taoyuan Qiushan.

After the shock, the Palace of Miyama can't stop the joy, what can this explain? Isn't the ghost killing first got people's recognition? And all this is thankful ...

Miyoten Lo Lang is looking at Rota to tasting a delicious food. If there is no selfless dedication of this person, the ghost killing team can't get the "Taoyuan family is so respectful.

As for the words, the Palace of Miyama is planning to say. Now he has to answer several questions about killing ghosts in Taoyuan Qiushan.

"Mr. Qiushan, ghost is a powerful and difficult monster that can effectively kill the other party. There are only three, the sun, the rheelome, the wisteria flower, the rest of the method can cause harm to the ghost."

"This way, how can this day knife forge, can you tell me, etc.

Although Taoyuan Qiushan is a good intention, Miyamoto is also in contact with such a confidential thing. The rod knife is responsible for the village specialized for the ghosts forging the knife, only the most advanced Swordsman is eligible to know the location of the village.

I learned that the Taoyuan Qiushan after the reply also expressed her understanding. Since the same is from the Wisteria flower!

"That told it, it is not possible to plant cherry blossoms after cherry, and it is necessary to plant a wisteria flower in large area." Taoyuan Listened.

Subsequently, Taoyuan Qiushan stretched out of the hand, and said the smile of charity: "Sakura is always welcoming the members of the ghost team. We may not help too much, but we are absolutely no problem in the logistics."

Taoyuan Autumn Mountain is not a brainy, and it will definitely let the family have been damaged. He is not too naive.

Miyamoto Yiro is very moving, reaching out, Tongyang Qiushan is tightly together, "Mr. Qiushan, your kindness, I will report to the main public! I want to come to him, I will be very happy to hear this news."

In this way, the Taoyuan family and ghost killing team have established initial links, which laid a solid foundation for the two parties in the future.

As for Rotta, he also has its own intended, he intends to hang a name in the ghost team, and may be very interested. Of course, the true focus is not the case, Rota has the idea of ​​establishing a Tianshi in the ghost world.

Although I don't know if some people in the world can practice this energy, I have nothing to do. Secondly, the establishment of the Tianshi also built a stronghold in the world.

Although the ghost kill is also good, it is not to belong to Rotta himself. Rotta is not intended to take the control of the ghost team from the production of the house, and it is not enough to build a thing.

Sakura is a nice choice. He is planning to step on the cherry of the town, picking a suitable place as the resident of the Tianshi.

Time is like this, except that Rotta and Palace, the ghosts and other ghosts, the rest of the people are drunk.

At this point, Miyamoto is a gratitude to Rotta. I saw the palace of Miyama to go to Rotta, and the ribbon knife was placed on the side of the body. In the eyes of other ghosts, Miyamoto was sincerely thanked to Rotta.

"Old Tianshi, thank you for your selfless dedication, here, my palace is a ghost and killing team, thank you! If you use us, I am waiting for a righteousness!"

Rotta smiled and shakes his head. "Laoshi is not a chasing you. It is you, make such a move, definitely not thank me so simple?"

Since I was seen by the old man, the palace of Miyamo did not install it. Since the Tsing Don, then I would like to ask: "Old Tianshi, I want to worship you as a teacher! Please teach me to become stronger I also want to become as strong as you! "

"Do you want to become stronger? But why can you make sure I will receive you?" Rotta threw the problem and turned back.

"This ... I ..." The Palace of Miyamo did not consider so much, for the question of Rotta, he didn't know how to answer for a while.

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