The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 739, the decision of the country

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"Yes, the strength of the string is several times better than the string ghost, even the last string is not the top string, which is not the top string."

Later, Rotta told the Miyamoto's grading, and let the palace have a general understanding of the 12th ghosts.

"It turns out that this is the division of the 12th and the moon. The lower string level of ghost-level swords should be more worried, it is necessary to pay attention to the string ghost." Miyamoto Yiro touched the Bisso Road.

"Yes, if you meet a string, you can consider a battle. The two words are still mainly the life of life." Rotta reminded.

Indeed, just paying a string of the sinar, you can cope with the exquisite swordsmanship of the premium Swordsman. If the two heads, the human fetus is consumed at all under their horrible recovery.

Unless it is a strong force like Rota or one, the normal pre-column swordsmanship needs to be cautious.

After talking about the topic of the 12th and the moon, Miyamoto also asked about the establishment of a ghost killing base.

"Master, are you planning to use this village to build a resident of a ghost team? Such a big scale, the human resources needed are extremely horrible."

Rotta smiled and caress, and replied easily: "This doesn't need to be too worried, give it to the hidden. This time the 12th ghost is out of the year, and finally only one string is survive, short time they don't Will come out again. "

For the thoughts of Rotta Expand the ghost team, Miyamoto Lang said strong support, after all, the biggest problem with the ghosts is that people have too little.

If some losses will be grateful, it is clear that this is not a qualified manifestation for a long-term tissue that is struggling with ghosts.

"There is no master, after the construction work, I will give it to me, and the palace is slightly done, and then the road is really hard."

"Hey, I will be more realistic about your master. Is it true that I want to be a pair of love?" Rotta looked at the Palace of Miyama.

"Rao, the master, you eat it, it is estimated that it is not a bed in half a month." The palace of Miyamo did not feel the body, and he didn't have less taste of "Love" in the half year of the Palace. "The taste.

After completing subsequent, Rotta returns from the village. Fortunately, this time I personally came to explore the survey. If the Palace Bo Lang or the gerbera of the long lang, it may not be the slag now.

Rotta couldn't help but emerge, the arrogant figure of the black and dead, for the treatment of black and dead, Rotta is not intended to continue to intervene, the grievances of the country's two brothers, he will not be mixed.

When Rota returned to the ghost leader, it was already politely greeted to Rotta, and his words and deeds had a shadow of Yueshan.

Although it is very young, it is no longer a child. Under the teachings of Rotta, the production house will have understood the mission of his body.

Originally, these words were in Yueshan to tell Huishan, but unfortunately succeeded that the Guoshan resort will let Yue Mountain will die early, this guideline is temporarily being responsible for Rota.

Only six-year-old production house, Hui Mountain, there is already the style of Yueshan. If you want to come again, you can become a leader in the unique side. At that time, Hou Luota estimated that the relay bar was officially handed over.

For ghosts Rota has been trying to help them, waiting for the ghosts to spend this difficult period, the future is to face themselves.

Even if Rota is very good to kill the team, it is impossible to have been a nanny of the ghost. If you let the ghosts really grow up, let them learn to face difficulties independently.

After the production house, Luota went out to wait until the country.

"Hey, this is not a rime, what is the age?"

Rotta saw the mind of the country, if there is no big probability, it will wait here to wait.

"Old Tianshi, there is no finding of this village inactive incident?"

This finding that others will definitely don't know what the fate is, but Rotta can be clear, nothing more than, asking her brother, his brother, the country's victory.

"One, I have to say that your premonition is really quite accurate, is this the so-called ground hand?"

Rotta smiled and hunted to stay in the country. However, after another, there is nothing to be interested, after all, his attention is not a matter of nothing in Rota.

"Old Tianshi, can you tell me some intelligence about my brother?"

Seeing that the country is as serious, Rota is too lazy, and the active atmosphere is too late, it is obviously not a good time.

Rotta will told things that the things encountered in the village will tell the font of the country, including all evil spirits except the black dead.

I learned that my brother is so safe and sound, and the fate is obviously relaxed, but it is endless hesitation.

I learned from Rottay, my brother, Xi Rong Ran, ...

My brother is still a good thing for the fate, but I don't justice my brother, but I don't want to give up my own race.

More than this, even if the country is unwilling to accept his brother to make a faithfulness, and choose the fact that the owners who have a lifting house will be able to make a fact. It is no longer happening that this is not willing to accept it.

"Old Tianshi, thank you, tell me these, just meet my brother next time, can I notify me, I want to do it with him."

Rotta is not intended to continue to join the family and two brothers. Since he is advised to ask this request, he will not agree?

"How is you good, but the old age is still to remind you, in the face of the evil spirits, you don't need your heart. The heart is soft, and the other party may take care of you, more care."

He nodded in the country, he nodded for the old manager, he was respectful from the heart. If the old man is trying to oppose his request, he can't resist, the hard strength is to force him too much.

Fortunately, I agreed with him some naive requests, which also made him very excited. Since the brothers fled, I would like to find a brother in person, and I will tell him about it.

However, after I learned about my brother, I was determined to be determined by the country, and I really had a fascinating victory. He had to face him in this life.

"Old Tianshi, thank you for giving me this opportunity, I will discuss a fair for those who are innocent deaths."

In addition, in the heart of the country, it is not simple to see your brother, and he intends to hear the casual information from the brothers who have become string.

In the heart of the country, there is also an unsteady scar, if all things are well, he will not embark on this ghost.

Following the country, he looked at his hand, whispered in his mouth: "Reassure, I will revenge you."

As a knowledge of all, Rotta is an experience of understanding the pain of the country, and he also got a pity.

This is a hard knot, you must open himself, and any outsider will make the results improve.

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