The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 740 is old, not in-light, there is a banknote capacity

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After the country of the country, he was also accompanied by a strong force while gaining a strong power. It was hard to find a partner that can accompany his life. He is unfortunately that the heavens are not beautiful, and the family of the fond of the country has also become broken. .

Rotta is just a few words, and he also understands that a man who is in such a kind of mind, does not need too much comfort.

Rotta walked to the edge of the edge and patted his shoulders, deeply in the past: "The past, the past, the past, let him go with the wind, the young people have a long way, everything is dim some."

The mood of the country is also slightly eased, and the words of Rotta also let him regain hope. Although his most frightened relatives left him, he still had many partners and friends, even for them, he also went optimistic and actively.

Love, the child and his brothers have returned, and the inner heart of the country is also huge, even if his strength is over, he is still the category of normal people.

"Old Tianshi ... Thank you, I know how to go in the future." Following the country, he thanked Rotta.

Rotta smiled softly, and the palm of his hand on the shoulders of the country left.

After half a year, the production house is a leader who is sufficient to support the ghosts under the teachings of Rotta.

Rotta left the sakura town for more than half a year, the affairs of the ghosts and the team were almost handled, and it was time to return to their own residence.

In the past half a year, I want to build my own Tianshi. In this regard, Rotta also returned the leadership to the production house, after all, the orthodox leader of the ghost team still had to pay the house of the house.

Say goodbye to the production house, Raida also travels in the direction of Sakura, and he did not return to the town of Sakura. It is time to go back to take care of his own station.

The ghost killing has not been too big, and the production house will be successful, and the leadership of the new ghost kill the team, the leadership of the ghosts is also constant.

It is a state of the Tianshi, which has been in a state of shelves for so long, and something is really said.

Rota with such an idea, rushing to the sakura town, can't help but speed up a bit.

Welcome to the head, Rotana's old dragon clock appeared outside the town of Sakura.

Nowadays, the current cherry is no longer a big cherry blossom, and the surrounding wisteria flowers are not less than the cherry blossom, and the air is filled with two floral mutual mixing tastes. Don't have a flavor.

Many people in the town of Sakura also met the identity of the old Tianshi, and he greeted Rotta.

"Is this not a old teacher? I haven't seen you in half a year. Are you going to travel away?" A town loudly greeted to Rotta.

Rotta also smiled, slowly said: "Yes, the old is a Taoist, and the clouds are all normal activities."

After a little cold, Rotta directly visited Taoyuanjiafu, Taoyuan Qiushan listened to the old teacher, hurriedly greeted.

Looking at Taoyuan Qiushan This dress is uneven, Rota can not help but hit: "Even if it is old, you don't have to be so hilarious, old is not a terrible devil?"

Taoyuan Qiushan is busy all the entire crown, explained: "This is not respectful, you can't let your old man waiting for me to wait for me?"

For the answer to Taoyuan Qiushan, Rotta is not very concerned, anyway, he has only feeling.

"Oh, don't say this, the old teacher, according to your requirements, the Tianshi government has been established, waiting for you to come back."

Rotta also thought that some time may still take some time. I didn't expect Taoyuan family to make it quickly. I won't be a good time in the half-year.

"Do you need to see it? If you need it, you can start now."

The same is true of Rota, since the Tianshi is built, then he will be able to go, he is also very curious about the so-called Tianshi, is the same as he expected.

"Please wait a moment, I will change my casual!"

Taoyuan Qiushan did not drag, just used it for five minutes, it has been packed, and then two people rushed to the Tianshi.

At noon, Luotta and Taoyuan Qiushan came to the foot of the Tianshi.

"Old Tianshi, you will be in accordance with your requirements, how? Can you still have your heart?"

Rota is holding a white beard, gently said to Taoyuan Qiushan Road: "Very good, Qiushan, the same is the old man. According to the previous, the money does not have to worry, and the oldness will not pay."

Taoyuan Qiushan is a human condition of selling old teachers, and how much can I have a Taoist, and the material fee of the construction Tianshi is enough to drink a pot.

"Old Tianshi, what do you mean? Talk to me this kind of skin, do you think I am a person who is a material?"

Rotta shakes his head, Taoyuan Qiushan is not a unusual generation of the kind of material wealth, but his eyesight is very unique. At a glance, I saw my extraordinary place, even if I have to hold my thighs, I have seen it in this point, and his eyes are enough to have some people.

This is also a person who has seen such a lifting in Rota, and has never encountered in the face of the Douro.

Although I understand that Taoyuan Qiushan is careful, some people still don't owe too much better. Rotta doesn't like this loss of others.

"Oh, your little doll ..." Rotta smiled deeply, "You don't have to install it in the old man, you can think of your life experience, do you think you don't think you?"

Taoyuan Qiushan is also a 50-year-old person. He said it was also a bit blush by Rota. He couldn't help but scratch the head.

Rotta did not dig the meaning of the autumn mountains, looking forward to the Tianshi in the top of the mountain, stabilizing: "Some things are alive, the mutual benefit of both sides is the best result. Unilateral pays ultimately I have a bigger contradiction, I can understand this? "

Taoyuan Qiushan will not know so obvious truth, but also a nod answer: "You said to the old teacher, I am too concerned. I can't play those small means in front of you. I just want to get your commitment, you will Asylum of our Taoyuan Group? "

In the face of Taoyuan Qiushan, Rotta didn't answer directly, but smiled and asked: "What do you think is the place to set up the Tianshifu in the place where the cherry is not?"

"This ... have you taken into account?"

"That is of course, Sakura is a beautiful town, not light is a scenery, the people in the town are very kind, is this lovely person not worthy of shelter?"

Rota looked deeply at Taoyuan Qiushan and slowly said his intentions.

"Well, I understand. About this construction of the Tianshi government's total cost of 10,000 copper money. Of course, you don't have to pay one time, you can pay a little bit."

Rotta helplessly laughed, there were always people who didn't have money, it seems that today, these Vanfei people see what is the ability to see.

Although the main currency in this period is mainly based on copper coins, Rotta does not want to make so troubles, directly use the most powerful and most common currency.

"Qiushan, what is your physical strength?"

"Hey, I feel okay, the body is still very tough."

"Well, then you have to catch it."

Rotta packs a bag stored in the storage ring and handed it to Taoyuan Qiushan.

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