The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 139: Return of Serious Injury and Secret Talk

After returning to the base, Athena and Osawa brought Nobunaga to the treatment room.

While the doctors were busy treating Nobunaga, Mitsuhide got the news of Nobunaga's return from a serious injury from the team members, and hurried over.

After seeing Mitsuhide, Athena said to him, "I remember you are Nobunaga's subordinate, I'll leave it to you here, take care of him."

After that, Athena and Daze turned around and left the treatment room, and walked quickly towards the office on the fourth floor of the logistics department.

After receiving the order from Athena, Mitsuhide stood at the door of the treatment room, anxiously waiting for the doctor to come out, pacing back and forth at the same time, feeling as if she had forgotten something.

At this moment in the vast forest, the city guard buried his sparrow, then wiped away his tears, and started to move forward in the direction where the sun went down.

In the logistics department, Marilyn panicked when she heard that Athena and Osawa came back with the seriously injured Nobunaga in the office.

Then he picked up the fixed phone on the table and wanted to dial out, but he put his hand on the dial button but didn't press it, and finally walked out of his office with a sigh.

But as soon as Marilyn walked out of the office, the squadron leaders of the 2nd and 3rd squadrons appeared in front of her with people.

"Miss Marilyn, please come with us."

Hearing what the squadron commander said, Marilyn lowered her head and asked softly, "Did Athena ask you to arrest me?"

The squadron leader had a cold look on his face, and said calmly, "No, it was Boss Ozawa who asked us to come."

After Marilyn learned that Daze sent someone to arrest her, she didn't resist.

in the treatment room

Nobunaga lay on the operating table and slowly opened his eyes. When he saw the ceiling and the chandelier, he immediately understood that he should have been saved.

Immediately, he tried to stand up, but was pressed back by the doctor.

"Lord Nobunaga, your rib is broken, we are resetting it for you, please don't move."

Hearing the name of the lord, Nobunaga immediately reacted, he should be in the treatment room of the Rainbow Base, but who saved him?

After the operation, the doctor wanted to find someone to push Nobunaga out with a small cart, but Nobunaga stood up firmly and wanted to go out by himself. It would be too embarrassing to be pushed out.

Then, with the help of the doctor, Nobunaga walked out of the treatment room.

Seeing Nobunaga coming out, Mitsuhide quickly stepped forward and supported the other arm.

After sitting down on the chair next to him, Nobunaga took out the Poké Ball and released all his Pokémon.

Then he said to the person in charge of the big fat man sitting at the front desk: "Ture my elf."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the person in charge of Big Fatty quickly got up and led the elves into the treatment room on the other side.

After he was completely awake, Nobunaga turned to Mitsuhide and asked, "Where's the city guard? Didn't he come back with me?"

After Mitsuhide heard Nobunaga's question, he also remembered what he had forgotten, and quickly said to his subordinates, "Send everyone out and find someone for me!"

After the squad leader left, Mitsuhide bent down again and said to Nobunaga: "After you were brought back by Lord Athena and the quasi-cadre Osawa, I only worry about you, Brother City Guard, he has a natural appearance. , nothing will happen."

After hearing Mitsuhide's words, Nobunaga stood up with difficulty, leaning on the wall.

"Be sure to get the city guard back!"

Seeing the serious look on Nobunaga's face, Mitsuhide hurriedly responded, and then said, "Sir, I'll help you go back to rest first. I'll take your elf back to your room tomorrow."

After listening to Mitsuhide's words, Nobunaga looked at him and said calmly, "I'm fine, too many things happened today, I'll just wait for them here."

Mitsuhide understood what Nobunaga meant, and didn't want to persuade him any more, so he walked to the front desk of the treatment room and picked up the landline phone on the table.

"Hey, is it the cafeteria? I'm Guangxiu. I'm preparing a meal to send to the treatment room. Make it light."

After hanging up the phone, Mitsuhide went back to the chair and accompanied Nobunaga to wait for the elves who were being treated in the treatment room.

two hours later

Nobunaga's body is obviously much better, and with the recovery ability of the poison marks, at least there is no problem in walking.

As the door to the treatment room opened, Nobunaga's elves came out one by one.

Seeing that his elves were all right, Nobunaga finally let go of his heart.

Then he stepped forward and stroked each elves in turn, feeling the touch of his fingers running across them.

After this battle, Nobunaga and the elves understood what is most precious.

In the eyes of the elves, the most precious thing in their lives is Nobunaga.

In Nobunaga's eyes, the most precious thing is the group of elves who follow him.

It didn't take long for him to be moved. After stabilizing his emotions, Nobunaga took the elves back into the Poké Ball.

Then he threw his ID card to Guangxiu who was beside him, and said to him at the same time: "I will go to the office of Athena, you take my ID card to find the real bird, ask her for more people, be sure to ask her for more people. Find the city guard!"

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Mitsuhide held the ID card tightly and said loudly, "Yes! I'll go now."

After saying that, Guangxiu quickly walked towards the mission hall.

And Nobunaga also walked slowly to the back office. He wanted to see if Marilyn was still in his office.

After arriving at the logistics office, Nobunaga found that the people of the No. 2 Squadron had surrounded the place, so he asked Jiao Rong, the captain of the No. 2 Squadron, "Jiao Rong, what happened here?"

Hearing the question, Jiao Rong saw Nobunaga as soon as he turned around, and quickly walked to his side and said, "Boss Ozawa asked us to block the logistics office, and people below the quasi-cadre are not allowed to enter or leave."

Nobunaga didn't ask any more questions after hearing this, and walked straight to the elevator in the logistics office.

And when Kok Rong saw this, he didn't stop him, and he didn't even go up to support Nobunaga.

After taking the elevator to the fourth floor, Nobunaga saw that the door of Athena's office was open, so he walked in directly.

In the office, Athena and Ozawa were sitting on the sofa as if they were discussing something.

After the two saw Nobunaga, Osawa quickly got up and helped Nobunaga sit on the sofa.

Nobunaga was a little puzzled by Osawa's sudden enthusiasm, but he didn't say anything.

Athena, who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, after Nobunaga sat down, asked him softly, "How is the injury? It's not a big problem."

Hearing Athena's question, Nobunaga hurriedly replied: "I'll make you worry, this little injury will heal for a few days."

At this time, Osawa suddenly interjected and said to Athena, "I don't think Nobunaga needs to hide this from Nobunaga, after all, he is his own."

Athena nodded after hearing what Dazawa said, and said softly, "Then tell him about it."

After receiving Athena's reply, Osawa sat on the armrest of the sofa and said to Nobunaga with a stern face: "Let's not talk about this, you should be wondering now how we knew you were attacked."

"Actually, I stopped you when you left the base, but if I didn't want to leave, I could only come to see Lady Athena."

Then Osawa took out the black instrument, and said again: "This is a monitoring device, through which I heard Marilyn tell the Miyata family your information and that she will be going to Blue Stone Mountain today. "

Hearing this, Nobunaga's face showed anger.

"It really is her! Tell me, where is Marilyn!"

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