The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 140: Negotiate and execute traitors

Ozawa looked at Nobunaga with an angry face, and said softly, "Marilyn has been detained by me now. After you listen to me, let's talk about what to do with her."

After listening to Osawa's words, Nobunaga suppressed his anger, and after his emotions stabilized, he nodded to Osawa.

Seeing that Nobunaga had calmed down, Osawa continued: "It's just a trivial matter for her to tell the Miyata family your news. What I really want to say today is that Marilyn is from Saatchi, the three beasts."

Speaking of which, Osawa and Athena both looked at Nobunaga and observed the expression on his face.

Seeing that Nobunaga was not shocked, but his face was expressionless, Ozawa asked, "I heard that Marilyn is from the Three Beasts, Saatchi. Aren't you surprised?"

Hearing Osawa's question, Nobunaga said calmly, "I don't find it strange that you say she is from the alliance now."

However, Nobunaga thought in his heart: "I can't let Athena and the others know that I heard about this at the door of Marilyn's office yesterday, otherwise it will be confusing."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Ozawa did not hesitate any more, but continued to say: "Although the three beastmen were recruited by the boss Banmu himself, this Saatchi actually sent someone to monitor Lord Athena."

"She is either provoking Lord Athena, or she has ulterior motives for the Rockets."

Hearing this, Nobunaga hurriedly stated to Athena, "I understand, what do you say, my lord, my subordinates will follow your orders."

Athena, who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, heard Nobunaga's words, and said softly, "Don't play tricks anymore. Since I told you, I want to discuss it with you. If you have any ideas, just say it."

Osawa also looked at Nobunaga at this time, and said in a deep voice: "I mean to kill all the people who were inserted in Saqi, let her understand that the Rainbow Base is not a place where she can act recklessly, but Lord Athena did not agree. my plan."

After hearing Dazawa's words, Nobunaga pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said softly: "There is indeed a problem in killing all of them, after all, if we kill one batch, she can put another batch in, and we can't kill all of this group of people. find out."

And when Ozawa heard Nobunaga's words, he got up quickly and said excitedly, "Then according to your opinion, do you want to let those **** go!"

Looking at Osawa who was very excited after standing up, Nobunaga said calmly, "I don't want to let them go, but let them be our mouthpieces and convey the information we want Saatchi to know."

After listening to Nobunaga's words, Osawa calmed down and said softly, "I understand, although I'm a little unwilling, but this method is indeed better than killing them."

Athena, who had been listening to the conversation between the two, also said aloud:

"If she wants information, we will give her the information we want her to know. This method is really good."

"But... I still have to kill a few to let her understand that the Rainbow Base is my territory!"

Seeing Athena's cold expression, Ozawa's face showed an excited expression, and Nobunaga immediately understood in his heart.

I'm afraid Athena had already planned to do this, but was just waiting for her to say it.

Thinking of this, Nobunaga hurriedly said, "Sir, I mean to kill those who have already been arrested. As for the others who have not been arrested, they are all closely monitored and kept at the base."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Athena said to Ozawa without hesitation, "I'll leave this to you, do it better."

After receiving the order from Athena, Daze said with a smile, "Leave this matter to me, you can rest assured."

Then Osawa turned to Nobunaga again, and said softly, "Would you like to come with me?"

When Nobunaga heard Osawa's invitation, a cruel smile appeared on his face, and then he slowly stood up.

"Of course this kind of thing has to be done by our two professionals!"

After hearing Nobunaga's answer, the smile on Osawa's face became brighter, and at the same time, he also understood in his heart that Nobunaga was completely integrated into the Athena faction this time.

Athena, who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, watched the two walk out of the office with a smile on her face, and then her expression became hideous again.

"Three Beasts Saatchi... Do you really think that my Athena is a soft persimmon that you can knead!!"

Under the leadership of Osawa, Nobunaga followed him to the secret detention room of the logistics office.

After walking in, Nobunaga saw Marilyn who was locked in the cell, and the fierceness on his face was even worse.

And Marilyn, who was chained to the rack, showed no fear on her face when she saw Nobunaga.

It wasn't until Nobunaga walked in front of her that Marilyn said, "I had long thought that such a day would come, but I didn't expect that I would die at your hands."

After hearing Marilyn's words, a cold light flashed in Nobunaga's eyes, and then he put it to her ear and said softly: "Death? Do you really think death is so easy, I won't let you die easily dropped!"

Seeing that Nobunaga was excited, Osawa said excitedly, "Do you need me to help you? My methods are even praised by Lord Athena."

After Nobunaga heard it, he turned to Osawa and said seriously, "No need, today I'll show you what the real punishment is and what the top ten tortures are."

Say it. Nobunaga punched Marilyn in the stomach.

Suddenly, a painful expression appeared on Marilyn's face, but she didn't cry out.

Seeing this, Nobunaga said softly to Marilyn, "We can start."


After five hours of torture

Marilyn's body was covered in blood, and her eyes had lost all The whole person fell to the ground like a pool of mud.

And the people who originally watched Nobunaga's execution outside the cell were now only Ozawa.

Seeing that Nobunaga's execution was over, he took Alydos back.

Osawa then said to Nobunaga, "How did you come up with these tricks? It's cruel."

After hearing Osawa's words, Nobunaga threw the notebook in his hand and said helplessly: "She has explained everything that can be explained, but unfortunately it only lasted for five hours."

Ozawa looked at Nobunaga who had done such a cruel thing, but he still showed helplessness, and he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

After walking out of the cell, Nobunaga said to Ozawa, "I'll leave the rest to you, I'll go back to rest first."

When Ozawa heard Nobunaga's words, he quickly responded: "Okay, leave the rest to me."

After receiving Osawa's answer, Nobunaga walked out of the prison and walked towards the mission hall.

After Nobunaga left, Ozawa suddenly reacted and scolded in a low voice, "I'm not your subordinate, why do you go back first, leave the rest to me, you bastard!"

After scolding, Daze looked at the group of prisoners with fearful faces around him, and his perverted smile appeared on his face again.

Nobunaga walked all the way to the mission hall and returned to his office.

In the empty room, Nobunaga sat on the leather swivel chair and looked up at the ceiling quietly.

"I don't know if Mitsuhide and the others have found the city guard."

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