After following the gangster to his home, looking at the messy and **** house in front of him, Nobunaga tightened his expression and asked coldly, "Where's the phone?"

Hearing Nobunaga's icy words, the gangster trembled, hurriedly ran to a tattered table, and found a phone full of stains.

"Sir, here it is."

Nobunaga saw the phone in the little gangster's hand, walked quickly to his side, and said calmly, "You can leave now."

When the little gangster heard Nobunaga's words, he was stunned.

"Sir...this is my"

But before he finished speaking, he saw Nobunaga's icy gaze, so he quickly closed his mouth and ran out of the house quickly.

Looking at the back of the gangster leaving, the stinky mud on Nobunaga's shoulders silently retracted his exposed body,

Nobunaga, on the other hand, picked up the phone and dialed Kamonyan's number after the gangster left.

"Beep, beep, beep."

As soon as the phone was connected, Nobunaga immediately said, "Menyan, I've arrived at Little Orange Island now, pick me up at the station in the city center."

On the other end of the phone, when Kano Yan heard Nobunaga's words, his originally anxious mood instantly calmed down.

"I see, but it's not convenient for me to come forward. You hold a red and white pokeball in your hand in front of the station, and I'll ask someone else to pick you up."

After Nobunaga heard Menyan's words, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Has the situation deteriorated to such an extent... Forget it, let's talk about it when we meet."

After hanging up the phone, Nobunaga glanced at the garbage on the ground and hesitated for a moment, but in the end he did not let King Nido burn down the house.

Walking in the dark alley, watching the gangster's clothes neatly arranged in human form on the ground, Nobunaga silently patted his shoulder, and said softly to Stinky Mud, "Don't leave any traces."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Smelly Mud slid down from his shoulders, and after a while of squirming, the clothes on the ground completely disappeared from this world.

Nobunaga was about to walk out of the alley when Smelly Mud returned to his body, but he seemed to have thought of something.

"The ever-changing monster, change your face."

After hearing Nobunaga's order, the ever-changing monster who originally maintained the appearance of a middle-aged uncle instantly transformed into the face of a handsome young man.

Feeling the change in his face, Nobunaga silently took out the deodorant from his backpack, sprayed it on himself, and then took out a sky blue windbreaker and put it on him.

After confirming that there were no other issues that might reveal his identity, Nobunaga quickly walked out of the alley and rushed to the station in the city center.

At the same time, in an office in the Big City Administration Building, Kona and Yonji were sitting on the sofa with serious expressions.

"Sister Kona, these mice are very good at hiding. My people haven't found their real base yet."

After Kona heard Yuji's words, he took a sip from the coffee on the table, and said with a cold expression:

"Originally, I thought they were sent by the Rockets to play the outpost, but from what they captured last time, this group of people is probably a newly created organization, and it is expanding very quickly."

"We have to knock them out in a short period of time, otherwise it will easily become a situation where the tail is too big, understand."

After Yuji heard Kona's words, he showed an indifferent expression and said casually:

"Sister Kona, you are overthinking it. There are at least dozens of small groups of islands like this, and they can't make any waves."

"And after three months, there will be a big cleanup. My trainers will naturally destroy them all. Why do you make a special call to call me here?"

After Kona heard what Yuji said, he put the coffee cup back on the table, turned his head to look at Yuji and said seriously:

"You only need how the Rockets got their start. They rely on money to make their way."

"This organization is really not big, but do you know how many times they have expanded since they came to the archipelago? Don't think of them as those playful little organizations on our archipelago."

Looking at Kona's serious expression, Yongji shrank his head and said quickly: "I see, then what should we do now, my people have searched Big City several times, and they can't find it at all. Shadows of those guys."

Hearing Yuji's question, Kona relaxed, looked at the map on the wall and said softly:

"What we have to do now is to wait until they can't help it and come out on their own."

After Yuji heard it, he followed Kona's gaze to the map.

Seeing the blockade location marked on the map, a cold light appeared in Yongji's eyes, and then he said softly, "I understand, I will go to the city center tomorrow to show my face."

On the other side, Nobunaga was standing in front of the station, silently playing with the red and white Poké Ball in his hand, waiting for the people sent by Kadenam to help him.

In the shop opposite the station, a boy in black short sleeves was carefully observing Nobunaga in front of the station, as if he was judging whether he was the target person.

In fact, Nobunaga had already discovered this black-clothed boy. After all, he kept his head down and stared at people, and anyone who asked would find it strange.

After waiting for a while, Nobunaga saw that the boy still didn't move, so he quickly walked towards him with the Poke Ball in his hand.

When the boy saw Nobunaga coming towards him, he panicked and turned around to leave the store.

But Nobunaga was not polite to him, he stepped forward to grab his wrist, and whispered, "Are you the one who came to pick me up?"

When the boy heard Nobunaga's words, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. It turned out that he was really his target.

Seeing the look in the boy's eyes, Nobunaga couldn't help sighing in his heart.

"Where did Menyan recruit people? Isn't this too low-level? Aren't you afraid of exposing the location of the base?"

As the boy confirmed Nobunaga's identity, he quickly lowered his head and led the way ahead, as if lowering his head would ease the embarrassment.

Seeing the boy in black begin to lead the way, Nobunaga didn't say anything, just silently followed behind him.

Under the leadership of the teenager, the two came to a waste collection station.

The boy who stopped walking turned his head, looked at Nobunaga and said softly, "Sir, my mission is to bring you here. If there is nothing, I will leave first."

After hearing the boy's words, Nobunaga showed no expression, just nodded slightly.

Seeing that Nobunaga didn't speak, he just nodded. The boy was even more embarrassed, and hurriedly lowered his head and ran into the side alley.

After the boy left, Nobunaga didn't let Nobunaga wait long, and soon a black-robed man walked out of the waste collection station.

Nobunaga looked at the black-robed man in front of him with a smile on his face, and then said softly, "Hideyoshi, so it was you who came to pick me up."

After the man in black robe heard Nobunaga's words, he also showed a bright smile.

"My lord, I am now the cadre in charge of the intelligence organization. It is my duty to pick you up, not to mention that I was recruited by you personally. No matter what, I should have come pick you up."

After speaking, Hideyoshi looked left and right, and his expression gradually became serious.

"Sir, this is not the place to talk, let's go back to the base and talk about it."

After hearing Hideyoshi's words, Nobunaga closed the smile on his face, looked at him and said softly, "Then you will lead the way."

As the two walked into the waste collection station one after the other, Hideyoshi stopped in front of a manhole cover.

"Sir, be careful, there is dirty water here, don't splash it on your body."

Nobunaga looked at Hideyoshi skillfully entering the sewer, and silently patted his shoulder.

Nobunaga followed after the smelly mud wrapped around his body.


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