The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 201: Confluence and Situation

Entering the sewer, Nobunaga looked at the silt covering the walls, secretly a little surprised, and quickly asked Hideyoshi, "Could it be that you built the base deep in the pipeline?"

Hearing Nobunaga's question, Hideyoshi turned around, shook his head, and explained softly: "Sir, it's useless to build here, the trainers in the archipelago are very smart, they won't fall where they should be hunted, let's The base is in the sea."

When Nobunaga heard Hideyoshi's explanation, a gleam of light appeared in his eyes, and he said in a low voice, "Kari..."

Seeing Nobunaga's face as usual, Hideyoshi swallowed his stomach when he wanted to boast, and hurriedly turned around and continued to lead the way.

As the two walked farther and farther in the pipeline, time passed bit by bit, and finally Hideyoshi stopped slowly in front of a wellhead without a ladder.

And Nobunaga looked at Hideyoshi silently after seeing the wellhead without a ladder, with a look of doubt in his eyes.

He himself can wriggle to the top of the well through the stinky mud, but how do Hideyoshi and the others usually get up there? This made Nobunaga very curious.

After feeling Nobunaga's gaze, Hideyoshi didn't ask him to wait any longer, and quickly came up with a solution.

I saw Hideyoshi standing in the same place, took out a Poke Ball from his waist, and released a cross-shaped bat that stretched out a full 1.8 meters.

Seeing the surrounding scene, the bat sitting on the ground did not hesitate, as if he knew what he should do, and directly released layers of ultrasonic waves.

After these regular ultrasonic waves spread to the outside of the wellhead, the manhole cover above was soon opened, a rope was thrown down, and a familiar face of Nobunaga was revealed at the same time.

That's right, the person standing outside the well was also recruited by Nobunaga himself in his hometown, Sanshi Village.

Seeing the rope coming down, Hideyoshi immediately turned around and said softly to Nobunaga, "Sir, go up first."

After hearing Hideyoshi's words, Nobunaga's face showed a smile, then he looked at the mud wrapped around him, and said in a deep voice, "Stinky mud, it's time for you to play."

After Stinky Mud heard Nobunaga's words, a silt rope stretched out toward the wellhead.

After sticking to the cement frame above, Smelly Mud charged slightly, and directly ejected Nobunaga out of the underground pipe with Nobunaga.

Standing beside the damaged climbing ladder, Hideyoshi watched Nobunaga, who was ejected like a rocket, silently grabbed the rope and pressed the circular groove on it.

With the activation of the mechanism, the upper gear also quickly turned, and the rope was wound round by round, and Hideyoshi was quickly pulled up.

After the three of them met, the mason on the side quickly took the rope mechanism back into the backpack and put the manhole cover back on.

While he was packing up, Nobunaga turned his head to look at the environment around him.

After seeing the woods all around and the reefs in the distance, Nobunaga determined where he was now.

"This is the east coast of Little Orange Island. The base should not be too far from here. The entrance should be on the edge of the cliff over there."

Hearing Nobunaga questioning him in a very confident tone, Hideyoshi quickly replied, "My lord is right, this is indeed the east coast of Little Orange Island, but the entrance to the base is not there."

Nobunaga heard Hideyoshi's answer, and just as he was about to ask a question, the mason who had packed his things came over.

Seeing the mason coming, Hideyoshi immediately said to Nobunaga, "Sir, it's getting late, let's go back to the base first."

After Hideyoshi finished speaking, Nobunaga nodded and whispered to him, "Let's lead the way."

After receiving Nobunaga's reply, Hideyoshi and the mason walked ahead and led the way, while Nobunaga followed behind them, and the three quickly passed through the lush jungle.

Taking advantage of the night when the three of them came to the beach, Hideyoshi stood beside a reef and tapped twice, then picked up the Poke Ball and released his Rumble Stone.

After the rumbling stone came out, like the fork bat before, he spread his arms and hugged the reef very skillfully, and suddenly pushed it hard.

As soon as the reef was pushed away, a transparent channel appeared in the sea not far away.

Nobunaga looked at this passage that had no property fluctuations at all, and couldn't help thinking: "This is the air wall of the magic wall puppet? It seems that the boy of Menyan has quite an idea."

Hideyoshi next to him looked at Nobunaga after taking back the Rumble Stone, and said softly, "Sir, just jump in. This passage is like a slide, it leads directly to our base."

After saying that, Hideyoshi and the mason next to him jumped straight down.

Seeing that both of them jumped into the aisle, Nobunaga didn't hesitate any longer, and jumped down right behind them.

As several people slid into the base through the smooth wall, Menyan and Shishi, who were waiting in the underwater space, also quickly asked the magic wall puppets to close the entrance on the sea.

After the three of them slid into the base from the passage, and just stood up from the ground, the two of them hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Nobunaga.

Looking at Menyan with only one arm, and the bald-headed stone, Nobunaga's lips trembled slightly, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

After the emotions calmed down, the three let go of their arms, and Men Yan waved his hands and said, "Let's go back to the room and talk, don't let Hideyoshi and the others see jokes here."

Nobunaga and Shito hadn't spoken to him after hearing Kamonyan's words, and Hideyoshi and the mason hurriedly turned around and walked towards a passage.

Seeing the actions of the two of them, Nobunaga showed a smile on his face, and then said softly towards the door stone: "Find a place to talk first, and tell me about the current situation in the archipelago."

After Menyan heard Nobunaga's words, his expression suddenly stiffened, and he quickly said, "You just came back, so let's eat something to rest for the day."

Seeing this, Shi Shi, who was beside him, quickly persuaded Nobunaga: "Yes, you've been on your way for a day. Let's talk about other things tomorrow."

After Nobunaga heard the words of the two, his face instantly turned gloomy.

"Is the situation on this side of the archipelago so serious? You two don't need to say it Now take me to the room and tell me all the situation in detail."

The two looked at Nobunaga's serious face, and immediately swallowed the words they wanted to persuade, and silently walked to the middle passage, leading the way.

After the three returned to the main control room of the base, Nobunaga looked at the monitoring facilities and communication devices next to them, and said softly to the two of them: "I was surprised that the base was built in the sea, but I didn't expect you to even monitor it. It's all set up."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Shitou touched his bald head and said with a smile, "This is all thanks to Menyan. The base here was already built when I came here. As for the surveillance..."

"Cameras are installed in various important places on Little Orange Island. If it weren't for these things, we really wouldn't be able to control the movements of those archipelago trainers under Yuji."

After Shitou finished speaking, Menyan picked up his words again, and introduced the current situation of the Orange Islands to Nobunaga with a serious face.

"Our manpower is now all over the archipelago, but the elites brought from Sanshi Village are basically in this base. If they are attacked by Kona Yuji and the others..."

"I won't tell you about the consequences, and you will understand, so the most important thing right now is the Little Orange Island. As long as the base here is fine, there will be no problem with the skeleton of the holy mountain, and the manpower of other islands can be recovered slowly in the future."

After listening to the words of the two of them, Nobunaga probably understood the situation in the archipelago, so he sat on the chair and held his chin, silently thinking about the solution to this siege.


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