The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 256: 2 battlefields

One o'clock in the morning, Hualan Beach.

On the top floor of the sightseeing hotel, Nobunaga looked at the time on his watch, silently took back the pokeballs from the elves lying on the ground after eating and drinking, and walked quickly to the hidden basement of the hotel.

When he came to the basement, Nobunaga saw that Daping and his men were ready for battle, so he looked at the crowd and said calmly:

"I will take care of all the quasi-king elves, and you will be responsible for killing those elites, regardless of whether they are members of the Rockets or not. I will take care of them when there is a problem, so let's get started."

After all, Nobunaga didn't wait for Dapei to boost his morale again, turned around and released Alidos. After telling him to remember the smell of everyone, he began to hunt down the enemies within 500 meters of the hotel.

Upon seeing this, Dahei knew that if he wanted to regain his trust, he had to satisfy Nobunaga in this battle, so he took his subordinates and quickly rushed to the location where the enemy was hiding outside the hotel.

Seeing Daping lead people away with killing intent, Nobunaga's face showed a hint of relief, so he released double-bomb gas and asked him to follow Daping to deal with the enemy's quasi-king spirit, and then turned towards the shadow on the ground and said softly:

"Gengar, do you still remember where those families are? Go there and kill them all for me, leaving none of them!"

Hearing Nobunaga's order, Gengar's big mouth grinned to the maximum, with an evil smile on his face, he followed the shadow to the road outside the hotel.

After everything was arranged, Nobunaga walked out of the basement leisurely, returned to the room on the top floor of the hotel, sat on the leather swivel chair, and silently watched the battle of almost equal strength.

In a restaurant not far from the tourist hotel, a young man in a Rocket uniform found that Daping was slowly approaching from the side with someone, and hurriedly ran into the innermost compartment, shouting loudly:

"Daping from the tourist hotel brought people here, and they quickly released the elves!"

The people in the compartment who were resting on the beds heard the enemy attack, and in just half a minute, they all put on their equipment and released the elves, and rushed out of the restaurant according to their respective teams.

Daping, who was quietly approaching the dining room with his men, saw the enemy inside rushing out, so he stopped hiding, released his spirit, and said sharply:

"The reward for killing one is 500,000 yuan. The more you kill, the more you get. Kill these **** for me!"

After all, Daping's Abo, the hot monkey, the big-billed sparrow, the strange force, the mosquito-repellent swimmer, Heracross, and the six elves launched an attack on the Rockets.

And when Daping's subordinates heard the reward of 500,000 yuan for killing one person, their eyes turned red in an instant. This is their full half year's salary! So they released their own elves, and started rushing behind Abo Monster.

Team Rocket members saw that Daping led his subordinates to rush towards them with murderous intent, and their faces suddenly showed a dignified expression. With years of experience in licking blood from a knife edge, they commanded the elves one by one to fight with Daping's subordinates.

In the room on the top floor of the hotel, Nobunaga sat on a chair and watched the battle below, with a cold look in his eyes, shook the red wine glass in his hand twice, and whispered to himself:

"I don't know how long this group of rice buckets haven't fought. This reaction ability is too far from Apollo's subordinates. It seems that Daping has been too stable for the past two years."

Nobunaga's face became worse and worse, thinking about how many people would be reduced after this battle. In the end, he simply turned the chair to the other side and tasted the treasured red wine bought by Dapei, instead of watching the boring battle below. .

Hualan City, a wealthy area.

Gengar slowly emerged from a quaint mansion, and with the help of the cover of the night, he quietly sprayed venom on Heruga.

Facing the poison of the Gengar Heavenly King rank, this quasi-king rank He Lujia couldn't even do the simplest warning, and he fell to the ground as soon as his eyes darkened.

Seeing that the most important guard was silently killed by himself, Gengar immediately let go of his hands and feet and swaggered into the main house in the middle of the house.

Looking at the very sweet long-haired owner lying on the bed, Gengar first locked all the Pokeballs hanging on the battle belt.

Then, a ghostly energy was condensed on the right fist, and he used the shadow fist to stab deeply into the chest of the long-haired patriarch.

After repeating the same action three times in a row, after making sure that the person was completely cool, Gengar floated into the next room and continued to hunt other prey in his sleep.

Sightseeing the battlefield below the hotel.

In this head-to-head battle, the Rockets and the men led by Daping suffered heavy casualties.

Although Daping's subordinates already expressed fear in their hearts, under the double addition of Daping's verbal threats and generous bonuses, everyone could only grit their teeth and dare not retreat at all.

And the members of Team Rocket, who had been reduced by one-third, did not even fled in the slightest, which made Daping, who was at the forefront of the battlefield, unbelievable.

In the past, let alone one-third of the workforce, one-fourth of the casualties, the Rockets' elites would have long since fled.

Thinking that the Rockets' elite was Apollo's subordinate, Nobunaga's cold face appeared in his mind again, and Dahei couldn't help clenching his fists.

In the bottom of my heart, I secretly made up my mind that even if all my subordinates have explained here, I can't let Nobunaga down again.

At this time, in the sky, I saw that the double-bomb gas, which had killed more than half of its own personnel, suddenly moved, opening its mouth and spewing stinky mud bombs at the Rockets.

As a heavenly king elf, double-bombing gas can watch everyone die and wounded, but as Nobunaga's initial elf, he absolutely cannot tolerate Daping spending so many resources in the organization, and all the people he has cultivated die.

Attacked by the stinky mud bomb, the elves of Team Rocket were killed instantly, and everyone raised their heads only to find that the double-bomb gas that had been floating in the air quietly watching the play turned out to be a real heavenly king elves!

After discovering the true strength of the double-bomb gas, the elites of the Rocket team suddenly changed their faces, and they no longer had the idea of ​​continuing to resist in their minds.

Everyone quickly commanded their elves to get out of the battle, protect themselves beside them, and then fled to the forest behind.

Daping saw the Rockets' elites turn around and flee, with joy in his eyes, and quickly led his men to pursue.

The top floor of the tourist hotel.

Nobunaga sat leisurely on the leather swivel chair, shook the red wine glass in his hand, and savoured the red wine inside.

From the moment the double-bomb gas entered the battle, Nobunaga knew that the battle below was over.

After drinking up the red wine in the glass, Nobunaga stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the boundless sea in the distance, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

Then he silently took out Team Rocket's contact device from his backpack and sent Athena a hello text message.

After the news was sent out, Nobunaga couldn't help showing a cold smile on his face. At the same time, he seemed to feel something. Looking at the shadow on the wall, he said softly:

"Have several families been resolved?"

Hearing Nobunaga's question, Gengar, who was hidden in the shadow of the wall, slowly emerged, with a signature evil smile on his face, and nodded slightly.

Seeing that Geng Gui was nodding his head, but did not take out the seized materials, Nobunaga walked slowly to his side and said with a smile:

"Have you forgotten something, such as the warehouses of certain families and the private collections of certain family owners, take them out."

After Genggui heard Nobunaga's words, the expression on his face suddenly froze, his eyes dodged twice, and finally he showed an embarrassed expression.

Standing in front of Geng Ghost, Nobunaga watched Geng Ghost take out the seized resources from his big mouth with reluctance. The smile on his face couldn't help but become brighter, and he said softly:

"Okay, don't be like a miser, you can pick out a tenth of these things to keep, and keep working hard in the future."

After Genggui heard Nobunaga's words, his reluctance disappeared instantly on his face.

After quickly taking out all the resources from his mouth, Gengar stood in place and carefully selected them.

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