The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 257: Arrive with the consequences of hubris

Above Hualan Beach, Matsumoto Jun and Kamiya Shotaro, riding the fire-breathing dragon and armored bird, had just arrived at the battlefield, when they found that the Rockets elites had already fled, ramming around like a group of headless flies.

Seeing this situation, the faces of the two suddenly became serious, and they quickly directed the elves to land on the ground, shouting loudly, and began to gather their mindless men who were running for their lives.

When Daping saw the support from Team Rocket, he quickly gathered his subordinates to his side, waiting for Nobunaga's double-bombing gas response.

Time passed bit by bit, Matsumoto Jun and Kamiya Shotaro gathered up the remaining elites, took out the contact device with a very ugly face, and reported the situation here to Apollo.

On the top floor of the tourist hotel, after seeing Apollo's two men coming, Nobunaga picked up the Poke Ball and released the bat, which flew to the battlefield below.

On the beach, the elites of Team Rocket, headed by Matsumoto Jun and Kamiya Shotaro, directed the elves to keep approaching the Dapei people.

Seeing this, the double-bomb gas floating in the air spit out two stinky mud bombs toward the open space in front of Team Rocket's elites, warning them to be more honest, or the next attack might go to someone.

Feeling the tyrannical coercion emanating from the double-bomb gas, Kamiya Shotaro's face was pale, and he quickly spread his arms to stop the Rockets elites behind him, turned around and whispered towards Matsumoto Jun:

"This double-bomb gas should be Nobunaga's initial elf. The coercion is so terrifying, it's exactly the same as the double-bomb gas of Athena."

"Lord Apollo hasn't replied yet? If you can't, just retreat. After all, the order we received is to besiege and not attack. If there is a real conflict, it will be troublesome."

When Matsumoto Jun heard Kamiya Shotaro's words, he looked erratically at the double-bombing gas floating in the air, and said in a firm tone:

"Isn't this already a conflict?"

"Wait another 20 minutes. If Lord Apollo has not replied, let's retreat."

When Kamiya Shotaro heard Matsumoto Jun's words, he silently took a few steps back and stood behind the crowd, took out a gas mask and put it on his face, and released his six elves.

At this moment, Nobunaga landed in the center of the place where the two groups of people were facing each other in a cross-hatched bat. He looked at Jun Matsumoto and Shotaro Kamiya with a cold expression, folded his arms, and said loudly:

"I don't know what the quasi-cadres under the two Apollo generals are doing in Hualan City."

Seeing Nobunaga's indifferent face, and hearing that his words contained threats, Kamiya Shotaro, who was standing behind, couldn't help but hesitate.

But Matsumoto Jun, who was standing at the front, did not have the slightest fear on his face. He walked directly to the forked bat, looked up at Nobunaga, and said in a strong tone:

"We came to Hualan City to seize territory for the Rockets under the order of Lord Apollo."

"It's Mr. Nobunaga, I don't know why you suddenly appeared here at this time. Could it be that you made a special trip to stop us?"

Hearing the questioning tone of Atsushi Matsumoto's words, Nobunaga, who was standing on the back of the cross-shaped bat, couldn't help revealing a cold look in his eyes, looking directly at him and said hard:

"What are you, you dare to question me here?"

"If you want to know why I am in Hualan City, just go back and ask your master."

After Matsumoto Jun heard Nobunaga's words, he forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, took two steps forward again, and said in a very low voice:

"Lord Athena asked me to tell you that the three beasts Saatchi have gone to the Hoenn Continent, and the cadres of the neutral faction are fighting against the alliance in the light red city."

After all, Matsumoto Junya ignored Nobunaga's reaction, turned around and walked back to the Rockets' elites, loudly ordering:

"Retreat, return to the base!"

Upon hearing Jun Matsumoto's order, the elites of Team Rocket were secretly pleasantly surprised, and quickly released their respective flying spirits and quickly jumped up.

And Kamiya Shotaro heard Matsumoto Jun's order to retreat, but there was no expression on his face. He just silently retracted his five elves, jumped on the back of the armored bird, and flew directly to the south of Hualan City with the elites of the Rockets. .

Atsushi Matsumoto waited until Kamiya Shotaro led the people to evacuate, and then released the fire-breathing dragon. Looking at Nobunaga, he said sharply:

"You should know the rules of the Rockets, but you also blatantly violated the regulations, created an organization outside without authorization, and led people to attack the Rockets fighters."

"On the basis of these two points, even if Lord Apollo lets you go, the rules within the Rockets will not let you off."

After Nobunaga heard Matsumoto's words, his face was still very cold. Seeing that he jumped on the back of the fire-breathing dragon and was about to fly away, he stretched out his right hand and fired a venom shock at him.

Matsumoto Jun, who did not expect Nobunaga to attack him, did not react at all when faced with the impact of this deep purple venom, but the fire-breathing dragon under him instinctively blocked the attack of this venom for him, and his mouth issued Miserable roar.

Seeing that the fire-breathing dragon's face began to rot, Matsumoto hurriedly took out the antidote from his backpack and poured it on his face, then said fiercely, "Let's go!"

Hearing Matsumoto Jun's order, the fire-breathing dragon endured the pain in his face, flapped his wings and quickly lifted into the air, chasing in the direction where Kamiya Shotaro and the others were retreating.

Seeing Matsumoto hurriedly fleeing on the fire-breathing dragon, Nobunaga couldn't help showing a sneer of contempt, and said in a low voice:

"A quasi-celestial king would dare to talk to the heavenly king like that. Do you really think that no one would dare to touch you with Apollo's back?"

On the other side, seeing that the Rockets were all evacuated, Dahei asked his subordinates to return to the hotel first to bandage the wounds of their injured elves, while he walked up to Nobunaga and said respectfully:

"Boss, I have already dealt with the people at Hualan Police Station. They will be responsible for the aftermath here. Let's go back to the hotel."

After Nobunaga heard Daping's words, his face showed satisfaction, then nodded to him and said softly:

"Originally, as the elder of the holy mountain, you should be able to get six copies of the power of the source from the headquarters, which can be used to break through the quasi-celestial king, but since you advocated retreat, the merits and demerits are offset, and the reward of the power of the source is cancelled. Do you have any opinion? ?"

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Dapei, who was standing in front of the cross-shaped bat, was suddenly relieved, and hurriedly bent over and said:

"Thank you boss, my subordinates have no opinion."

When Nobunaga heard Daping's answer, there was an inexplicable look in his eyes, but there was no expression on his said calmly:

"I won't go back to the hotel. I'm afraid Apollo and Athena will be waiting for me. I'd better return to Rainbow Base earlier."

"As for you, those four families have been cleaned up by Gengar. I think you should understand what to do next."

"Also, don't contact Mitsuhide City Guard recently. I have other great use for them. Just keep the supplies for them."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Dahei's eyes flashed with excitement, he hurriedly raised his right hand, and assuredly said:

"Boss, don't worry, there will be no problems with the supplies from City Guard and Guangxiu. I will definitely take care of this industry in Hualan Beach for the organization. The profit handed over to the headquarters next year will definitely be twice as high as this year."

After hearing Dahei's promise, Nobunaga showed a satisfied smile, but he didn't say anything. He took out the Poke Ball, took back the double-bomb gas, and flew to the south on the cross-hatched bat.

Standing on the beach full of corpses, Da Pingyao looked at the cross-hatched bats flying very fast under the moonlight, and thought silently in his heart:

"As expected, riches and honors hide people's eyes. If I want to still be the elite Dahei of the Rockets, I'm not the person in charge of this tourist hotel. I'm afraid I won't advocate retreating to the boss. Instead, I will fight to the end with the people of Apollo."

After a lot of thought in his mind, Daping slowly retracted his gaze towards the distance, turned around and strode toward the pitch-dark hotel.

Once, Daping, who followed Nobunaga bravely into the Hualan City Gym and faced Shiba, the Four Heavenly Kings, is back again...

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