The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 359: The Big Dogfight and Ferry's Backhand

Light red forest, the entrance to Team Rocket's base.

A sturdy old man with short hair stood on the giant rock in front of the passage and looked at the alliance members who kept passing by on both sides. He couldn't help showing an aftertaste look on his face. He picked up the Poke Ball and said with a sigh:

"The dark forces remaining in the underground of Kanto will eventually perish completely today. Let us old men contribute our last strength to the alliance."

In the depths of the underground base, Du and Shiba led the alliance trainers to rush to kill, but the resistance of the Rockets encountered was extremely weak, and even the number of people fighting was completely different from the information they had.

As if feeling something wrong, Du hurriedly stopped the people behind him, turned his head to look at Shiba with his upper body bare, and said cautiously to him:

"Except for the cadres at various bases, almost all of the Rockets' main force are here, but we haven't encountered any large-scale resistance along the way. Don't you think it's a little strange."

After hearing Du's words, Xiba directly released all his elves, with a smile of victory on his face, and said in a deep voice:

"With our years of experience fighting the Rockets, I'm sure they're still doing the same thing as usual, either gathering in the mission hall or retreating to their logistics department."

"I'll grab a few tongues and ask, first take someone to the logistics department, you take someone to the mission hall, we'll act separately."

After all, Shiba didn't wait for Du to respond, and brought the alliance special operations team, and rushed to the right of the passage.

Seeing Xiba's brave move forward, Du couldn't help feeling a little helpless in his heart for this man in his thirties, so he could only lead the trainers behind him to the left of the passage.

At the same time, the light red base, the mission hall.

A Ju, dressed as a black ninja, squatted silently in the crevice of the rock, quietly observing the ruthless Rocket Elites who had returned to the establishment below.

Wait until Apollo, Athena, Nobunaga, Garm, and Carter, with their respective elves, passed through the passage and appeared in front of everyone in the square.

Aju's eyes narrowed, she grabbed the silk spider lying on her shoulders, aimed at Apollo's right hand, and sprayed out a transparent silk thread.

Standing on the high platform, Apollo, who was about to make a speech and stir up the emotions of the crowd, suddenly felt a thread in his hand.

Immediately, a reaction came to his mind. This should be a signal from Aju to him, indicating that this operation was really the alliance's general attack, and it also conveyed the message that he would hide in the dark and give help.

Nobunaga, who was surrounded by Athena, Garm, Carter, and the three in the center, saw the look of reassurance on Apollo's face, and seemed to sense something.

Immediately showing a calm expression, he silently put his hands into his pockets, thinking to himself:

"To make Apollo feel at ease, could it be that Aju, Nazi, Ma Zhishi, the three cadres are here?"

"No, if the three cadres could rush over, I'm afraid Apollo would have taken the initiative to fight the Alliance long ago, so how could it be possible for me to exchange money with the Alliance."

"Then there are only two possibilities left. There should be only one of the three cadres hiding in the dark, or Lihua and Kazuki came over from the Chengdu area."

Thinking of this, the expression on Nobunaga's face suddenly became irritable, after all, he was now in a state of coercion.

If the people from the Rockets who came to support were really those senior cadres, then the anti-water plan he prepared earlier would have to be aborted.

Looking at Apollo, who was in high spirits on the stage and inciting the emotions of his subordinates, Nobunaga's eyes could not help revealing a cruel color. While controlling his own breath to prevent being discovered by the three of Athena, he silently stimulated the poisonous pattern to use a highly poisonous frenzy.

At this time, Yulongdu, who was wearing the uniform of the league champion, also led many trainers into this mission hall.

The Rockets elite and everyone in the alliance looked at each other, but the two sides did not fight directly. They just made preparations and stood there waiting for the command to start the battle.

See the five senior cadres of the Rockets, Apollo, Athena, Nobunaga, Garm, and Carter, who are all in this square at this time.

Du's face couldn't help revealing a little smile. Looking at Apollo with a calm face, he said loudly in a very calm tone:

"You are surrounded, surrender."

Hearing what Du said was still the same old way, Apollo, who was standing on the high platform, jumped back to the ground unhurriedly, took out the roses in his breast pocket, and said softly to the crowd in the square:

"Alliance champion, puff hahaha."

"Today we have five senior cadres, but you only have one. It's really a shame that you were able to say what you said just now."

"Let's go to war!!!"

Apollo's voice fell, and the Rockets' elites seemed to be inspired by his five-to-one remarks. They directed their respective elves to confront them head-on, blocking the alliance at the entrance of the passage.

After seeing Apollo's order to start the war, the members of Team Rocket rushed to their side in high spirits. With a calm face, Du raised his hand and released Fast Dragon, Hack Dragon, Fire-breathing Dragon, Red Tyrannosaurus, Blue Tyrannosaurus, and Fossil Wings. Dragon, blood-winged flying dragon, fiercely biting land shark, and nine elves of the Qixi Festival Blue Bird.

"For justice!"

When the Alliance trainers standing behind Du heard these four words from his mouth, the impetuousness in their eyes disappeared instantly, and a look of perseverance appeared on their faces, and they rushed towards the Rockets.

And Apollo also knew that Du couldn't come alone, so he didn't dare to waste the slightest time, jumped to the back of the blood-winged dragon, and said loudly to the four Athena:

"Hurry up and besiege Yulongdu with me. As for Nobunaga, find an opportunity to poison yourself."

After all, Apollo stood on the back of the blood-winged dragon, commanding Banquilas, Heluga, Stinky Mud, Nightmare Tapir, Double Gas, Crossbat, Cat Boss, and sure enough Weng eight elves~ will be surrounded in the center.

When the three of Athena saw this, they also commanded their elves one after another, moving towards the encirclement with a calm expression on their faces, and his elves launched an attack.

Only Nobunaga remained in place, jumping on the back of the cross-hatched bat smoothly, without showing any expression on his face, and commanded his elves in a gentle tone:

"Double bombs of gas, releasing poisonous mist in the headspace."

"Abo Monster, King Nido, Poisonous Algae Dragon, Alidos, all of you will guard by my side and attack the elves of Yulongdu from a distance."

After hearing Nobunaga's order, the double-bomb gas slowly floated above the mission hall, opened the air holes all over his body, and began to release a large area of ​​poisonous mist.

And the four elves, Abo, King Nido, Toxic Dragon, and Alidos, did not have the idea of ​​going all out. They obediently stood in a row in front of Nobunaga and the bat, and took turns to expand to the elves. bombed.

Seeing Nobunaga's actions, Tou, who was surrounded by the center, was controlling his pores and closing his breath. At the same time, he couldn't help but secretly doubt in his heart:

"Did they split internally? Nobunaga's double-bomb gas released poisonous mist, why didn't the other elves besiege me with the four Apollos?"

"Forget it, no matter whether they split or not, the poisonous fog of Nobunaga's double-bombing gas is not something that ordinary trainers can resist. This trouble must be solved as soon as possible."

Thinking of this, Du's face immediately became serious, and he said loudly to the alliance trainers who were already fighting with the Rockets:

"Everyone takes an antidote!"

"Senior Morikawa, Senior Koga, Senior Chunzong, I'm going to trouble you."

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