The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 360: Alliance background and Aju's advice

After hearing Du's chanting, the three old men dressed in different outfits quickly launched an attack behind Apollo's elves.

Morikawa with green-haired robes, Chunzong dressed as an ordinary trainer, Koga with a bald-headed samurai uniform, three Heavenly King trainers with alliance background suddenly appeared.

This made the faces of Apollo, Athena, Garm, Carter, and the four of them suddenly turn ugly.

Especially in their hearts, Gam and Carter, who had an opinion about Nobunaga hiding in the distance and paddling in the water, showed a look of resentment in their eyes.

However, the strength of the four Rockets should not be underestimated. Facing the sudden attack of the three veteran kings of the alliance, the three commanded their own elves and re-divided a new battle circle.

However, because of their actions, the situation on the field was quickly reversed. As the champion of the league, Yulongdu naturally fought against Apollo.

The battle-hardened Athena also reluctantly stalemate with Koga,

But Garm and Carter, who were not as strong as Nobunaga, fell into a disadvantage in just over thirty seconds due to the skillful cooperation of Morikawa and Chunzong, the two grass-type heavenly kings.

Seeing that the situation was reversed, Apollo, who was riding the blood-winged flying dragon, barely escaped the freezing fist of the fast dragon, his face couldn't help but look anxious, and he hurriedly turned his head and shouted to Nobunaga:

"Bastard! What the **** is your double-bomb gas doing in the sky!"

After hearing Apollo's words, Nobunaga still had a very calm expression on his face. He walked slowly to Abo's side, and said loudly to the few people who were already fighting together:

"They were originally high-level fighters, and the antidote they took had a strong inhibitory effect."

"Since you are in such a hurry, then I can only let the double-bomb gas release colored toxins."

Hearing Nobunaga's answer, before Apollo and Athena could speak, they were jointly attacked by the two grass-type heavenly kings. Gamm and Carter, who were hugging their heads on the field, replied loudly:

"Stop talking! Let it go!!!"

"Bastard! Hurry up and poison it!"

Nobunaga saw the eager expressions of Garm and Carter. Although his heart was dark, he still had a serious expression on his face. He looked up at the double-bomb gas floating in the sky above the square, and said to him in a condensed voice:

"Release the enhanced colored poisonous mist!"

When Shuangdan Gas heard Nobunaga's order, his big head was stunned, and his little head was a little overwhelmed.

But soon he thought of Nobunaga at the training ground, turning his back to the wink from Athena and the others, and then he controlled the pores all over his body and released a mixture of concentrated smoke and upgraded toxins.

In just a few seconds, the black smoke of double-bombing gas enveloped the square, and Garm and Carter, who continued to dodge the attack, also took advantage of this opportunity to quickly approach Athena.

After being blocked by the black smoke, Yu Longdu couldn't help showing a solemn look on his face. He immediately joined the other three senior heavenly kings in the alliance and said to them in a solemn voice:

"Seniors, the antidote you take is made in German by the Hoenn Alliance, and was specially developed for the poison of Nobunaga Spirit."

"But now, it seems that this antidote can't completely prevent people from being poisoned, so I ask the seniors to help me delay Apollo."

"Let me go and kill Nobunaga directly!"

Du increased his tone on the last sentence, and Morikawa, Chunzong, Koga, after hearing his words, the expressions on their faces gradually became solemn, and they all responded:

"Leave these four people to us."

When the alliance was discussing, the four Rockets also gathered together again, and Garm and Carter asked Apollo anxiously:

"Can Nobunaga's poison really kill them?"

"What shall we do next! Yulongdu's strength is too terrifying, so let's retreat."

After hearing what the two of them said, Apollo, who was standing on the back of the blood-winged dragon, gasping for breath, couldn't help revealing a faint murderous aura in his eyes. He stared at the two of them and roared angrily:

"Retreat? Since the alliance has launched a general offensive, our bases in major cities must also fall!"

"Even if you escaped from the light red base! Then what? Where else do you want to escape!!!"

Seeing Apollo's angry appearance, Athena, who was directing the double-bomb gas analysis to analyze toxins, hurriedly took out a remote control and persuaded softly:

"With the self-destruction device in the base, these backbones of the alliance will never be able to escape. I think we should take advantage of the double-bomb gas smokescreen to leave the light red base and let Nobunaga stay in charge of the rear."

Athena's voice fell, and before Apollo and the others could respond, Aju, dressed as a ninja, suddenly appeared beside them, and said calmly:

"The fog is poisonous, it's probably impossible for you to want him to be the queen."

Aju's remarks instantly aroused the panic of Garm and Carter, but Athena and Apollo were still calm, and even showed an expression on their faces, we already knew he would do this .

After Garm and Carter shut up in this quiet atmosphere, Apollo explained to Aju:

"I have two boxes in my hand, a by-product accidentally discovered when the Niijima Research Institute was making Mewtwo, a drug that can catalyze cell growth."

"Even if all the organs of the body are taken out of the body, it can allow people to re-grow their internal organs and restore their vitality."

"Take this medicine, and then take out the internal organs to detoxify with instruments. No matter how strong the toxins are, they will be excreted from the body."

"So don't worry about poisoning."

After listening to Apollo's explanation, Athena was not surprised, but Gam and Carter's eyes showed joy.

A Ju, who was standing quietly beside a few people, was indeed interested in this potion, but there was a penetrating look in his eyes, and he directly rejected Apollo's plan.

"Mixed toxins, there are at least thirty-six kinds of lethal neurotoxins. If you can take off the brain and grow a new one, then run away as Athena said."

After hearing Ah Ju's words, the calm expression on the faces of the few people was immediately shrouded in haze again.

After a moment of silence, just as Apollo was about to continue his questioning, Aju, who was standing beside Athena, suddenly and silently disappeared in front of several people.

After Aju disappeared, the three veterans of the alliance, Morikawa and Chunzong's grass-type elves, pierced deep into the ground and started to attack, and Koga's fighting-type elves quickly attached to the four Rockets' sides.

As the battle started again, seeing Yulongdu riding a fast dragon and heading straight for Nobunaga standing on the high platform, Apollo and Athena looked at each other, without any intention of blocking, and commanded their respective elves to rush towards, The two grass kings of the alliance.

When Garm and Carter saw this, the fear in their eyes disappeared instantly. They jumped on the back of the cross-bat, and the elf commanding them attacked Koga.

Above the platform.

Every move of everyone did not escape Nobunaga's eyes, after they found out that the four of Team Rocket were talking about retreat, and Yulongdu faced him and attacked him.

With the help of the smoke screen that enveloped the audience, Nobunaga retrieved the Poké Ball from Abo, King Nido, Alidos, Toxicosaurus, and the four elves, and at the same time, he whispered to the bat under him:

"Rise very fast, go to the side of the double-bounce gas."

When the bat that was crawling on the ground flapped its wings and left the high platform and flew into the air, Nobunaga understood in his heart that this distance was nothing to Du and his fast dragon.

But if he was accidentally entangled by the champion, his plan would not be able to be implemented, so Nobunaga reached out and patted his shoulder, and said softly to the stinky mud hiding in his collar:

"Battle mode, covering the whole body."

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