The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 375: Arrangement and guesswork withdrawal

The time came to four in the morning.

Hualan City, the top floor of a tourist hotel.

In the white and bright room, Nobunaga, who was sitting on the leather swivel chair, raised his hand and pushed the ever-changing monster who had transformed into a bus driver to the top of his head. Looking at Dapei, who was standing respectfully at the desk, he said calmly:

"How is the situation in Hualan City? Has Team Rocket's base here been breached, and has the Alliance attacked other forces?"

Hearing Nobunaga's question, Dapei hurried to the table, moved a document with a black impression to the center of the desk, lowered his head slightly and said:

"Team Rocket's Hualan base has been occupied by alliance trainers, but we haven't done anything to small organizations like us. At present, all forces are still in the wait-and-see stage."


"Most intelligence organizations believe that the Guandu Alliance, which uses its heritage, will completely destroy Team Rocket in this war."

After listening to Daping's answer, he watched him straighten his back, keep raising his head and lowering his head, looking at himself with nervous eyes, and even a lot of water droplets appeared on the top of his head.

Nobunaga's heart immediately understood that Daping was afraid that the alliance would attack the tourist hotel, and he was even more afraid that he would ask him to evacuate Hualan City.

After all, in Daping's eyes, tourist hotels are the value of his existence and everything in his life.

If he loses this hotel and asks him to go to Little Orange Island to accept the arrangement of Nobunaga's other subordinates, perhaps his mentality will collapse directly.

Nobunaga, who was sitting on the leather swivel chair, understood the true thoughts of this loyal subordinate who was still quite loyal to him, he picked up a cigar and put it in his mouth, motioned for Daping to light it, and said to him in a flat tone:

"Since the alliance hasn't started, let's not act rashly."

"When the rumors of this period pass, you can give some big gifts to the officials in Hualan City to test out what the alliance means to the underground world."

Having said that, Nobunaga took a sip of a cigar, making the whole room cloudy with smoke. He put his left hand on the table and tapped a few times, and said to him seriously:

"If the alliance intends to clean up all the underground organizations, then you should withdraw directly to the Orange Islands."

"Remember, your life is the most important thing. I'm still waiting for you to be the logistics minister of the Holy Mountain."

Dapei, who looked a little nervous, heard Nobunaga's words, and a layer of water mist suddenly appeared in his eyes, and then he quickly wiped his face with his arm, bent down and replied in a low voice respectfully:

"Yes, your subordinates obey."

Seeing Daping's reaction just now, Nobunaga, who was already at ease with him, waved his hand to signal him to leave the room, while he relaxed his body and continued to enjoy this hard-earned moment of peace.

On the other hand, when Dahei saw Nobunaga's wave, a look of nervousness appeared in his eyes for some reason. He turned around and walked out of the office at the same time.

He also quickly thought about where he could get the latest information about the war situation.

After Dapei left the room, the entire office instantly became quiet. Nobunaga, who was sitting on the leather swivel chair, pinched the cigar in his hand, leaned back on the seat back and closed his eyes tightly, thinking silently in his heart:

"The alliance has now occupied most of Team Rocket's bases, and the only one who can reverse the situation is Banmu, who is far away from Hoenn."

"But the situation in Kanto is so serious, why does Itaki stay in Hoenn? Could it be that Groudon and Kyogre are about to wake up?"


After a few seconds of letting go of his brain, the expression on Nobunaga's face suddenly became solemn. He sat up straight and looked at the night outside the window, and whispered with certainty:

"Banmu will never give up Team Rocket's territory in Kanto, from Silver Corporation to secret research institutes everywhere, as well as the black market all over the continent."

"These things are the real foundation of the Rockets' ability to compete with the league."

"What's more, the four generals Apollo and Athena, these two loyal subordinates of Banmu are still resisting."

Thinking of this, Nobunaga's eyes couldn't help bursting out with a gleam, his right hand tightly squeezed the armrest of the seat, and he said in a very firm tone:

"Hoenn area?"

"No! Banmu should return to Kanto."

"Even he has arrived at the light red base now! The battle with Yulongdu, Shiba has begun!"

When the voice fell, Nobunaga did not control the strength of his fingers, and subconsciously crushed the armrest of the seat.

Looking at the wood shards that fell on the carpet, Nobunaga knew that because of this, the accuracy rate of his guess was almost 90%, and he was a little out of his mind.

He picked up a cigar and lit it again, leaned on the leather swivel chair for a moment, and Nobunaga's expression gradually relaxed again, as if the sudden return of Banmu had no effect on him at all.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Dapei's number, stood up and walked slowly to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the quiet night scene outside the window, the corner of Nobunaga's mouth suddenly turned up slightly, revealing an inexplicable smile, and softly commanded:

"Daping, you are responsible for the industry of Hualan City. It is up to you to decide whether to stick to it or retreat."

"I don't want to spread the news about my visit to Hualan City, so I will erase it all."

"So be it."

Without giving Daping a chance to speak, Nobunaga turned around and walked out of the office after hanging up the phone and putting the phone back in his pocket.

When he came to the rooftop of the building, he let out a cross-shaped bat and walked up to his back. At this time, the expression on Nobunaga's face completely calmed down, and he said calmly:

"Return to the Orange Islands and go to Joylin's place."

The cross-shaped bat, which was crawling on the ground, heard the target location Nobunaga said, and his eyes couldn't help showing a look of reassurance.

Immediately, he quickly flapped his wings and rose to a high altitude, hiding in the darkness, and flew to the south of Hualan City at high speed.

Tourist hotel, lobby on the first floor.

Dapei, who led many of his subordinates to wait for news, hung up the phone at Nobunaga's side, and the nervous look in his eyes instantly calmed down.

However, some tails still need to be cleaned!

Looking at the subordinates who are doing nothing around, UU reading www. The cold light in's eyes flashed, and after knowing that he had received several leaders of the organization just now, he stepped forward and patted their shoulders, and said in a serious tone:

"There is something very important to deal with, you guys come with me."

"The rest of the people stay where they are and wait for the crow to send the information before calling me."

Having said that, Daping stroked his obviously rich belly and took the lead to the back door of the tourist hotel. At the same time, he thought a little heavy in his heart:

"Obviously I came here late at night. Why does the boss want to leave here? He also asked me to get rid of the tail who knew his whereabouts."

"Could it be... Boss Xin did something earth-shattering again!!"

"If this is the case, it will be troublesome..."


With a few men, they walked from the back door of the tourist hotel all the way to the former Rocket Team Hualan Base, where they were scattered and hidden.

The expressionless Dapei looked around at random, then turned around and picked up the Poké Ball, released the big rock snake that Mitsuhide captured and handed to him by Nobunaga, and said to several of his subordinates in a flat tone:

"Don't worry, I will take good care of your family in the future."

The voice fell, and the big rock snake, who was entrenched beside Daping, used its iron tail to slam it at the panic-stricken subordinates whose eyes were full of disbelief.

I never thought that the eldest of his family would suddenly attack them, but he didn't react at all to the iron tail attack of the Big Rock Snake.

So several people were quickly buried in this deserted beach by this quasi-king-level big rock snake using rock avalanches.

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