The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 376: The end of the undercover war

Deadleaf City, the ruins of Team Rocket's base.

Standing on the ground already covered with blood, Ma Zhishi looked at the only five men left beside him, and the motionless corpse of the Alliance candidate Heavenly King not far away, he suddenly laughed twice, and said calmly:


"Da Malanqi, the old man, really doesn't trust me. He even sent a ground king to watch me regardless of the frontal battlefield."

"However, I'm not the **** of Hualan Gym..."

Having said that, Ma Zhishi stretched out his hand and tucked his golden hair back, and led his subordinates to the elf center in Deadleaf City.

When the group of six left the ruins, the figure disappeared into the night, and the alliance king who fell in the blood, opened his eyes with difficulty, clutched the big hole on the right side that penetrated his chest, and stood up forcibly.

Looking around, seeing that only himself survived, the Alliance Heavenly King couldn't help but shed tears, looked towards the direction where Ma Zhishi and the others disappeared, clutched the big hole in his chest, and whispered to himself:

"Deliberately deflecting Raichu's attack and leaving my life, do you want me to pass on the last words you said to the Alliance?"

"Team Rocket, Alliance... Ma Zhishi, what kind of person are you, ahem!"

Afterwards, the Alliance Heavenly King endured the pain, controlled his body that had lost too much blood, and moved with difficulty to walk to the side of the elf who had lost his breath.

After confirming that all of them were killed, the ground-based Alliance King suddenly exuded a sad atmosphere. He took out his mobile phone from his backpack, dialed the internal number of the Alliance Police Department, turned on the recording function, and reported with a heartless heart. arrive:

"In the battlefield of dead leaves, everyone died."

"Ma Zhishi has now led the five people back to the city."

"In my preliminary judgment, Ma Zhishi has the idea of ​​being recruited by the league after the Rockets' failure. Please tell it to President Damalanqi for me."

He hung up the phone and looked at the elves who had been with him for decades. A reassuring smile suddenly appeared on the face of this king of the alliance. He lay down in the blood on the ground and gradually lost his life.


Golden City, an industrial park.

Na Zi, who was sitting on the top of the wall, turned her black hair on her shoulders slightly with her fingers, and looked at the extremely clean field below with cold eyes.

At the same time, the middle-aged evil king who was sent by the alliance headquarters stood with a lonely look. Heluga, Gentleman Crow, Majula, Moon Ibrahimovic, Absol, who had lost his ability to fight, Zoroark, next to the seven elves with ecstasy eyes.

And Hu Di, who was prevented by Nazi's telepathy to stop the last attack, after cleaning up the alliance personnel in this industrial park, floated back to Nazi's arms and returned to the original Casey form.

After the picture stagnated for a while, the evil king of the alliance slowly raised his head, looked at Nazi, who was sitting quietly on the wall with no expression on his face, and asked in a low voice:

"Why did you leave me... What are you trying to do?"

When Nazi heard the middle-aged man's question, she still had no expression on her face. She just put down the fingers that turned her hair, hugged Casey in her arms, and replied softly to him:

"Killing you should be a complete tearing of the face with the Alliance."

"I was very comfortable in Golden City, and I didn't want to leave here, so you go back and tell Damalangi that this incident was an accident and the last time."

After the middle-aged man heard Na Zi's words, the originally lonely expression on his face suddenly changed, his eyes revealed deep shock, and he whispered in disbelief:

"Aren't you from the Rockets?"

"No! Betray the alliance at this time, you must be an undercover agent of the Rockets!"

Hearing the confused words of the middle-aged man, Nazi's face immediately showed a little icy coldness. The super power in her eyes floated into the air, turned around and flew to the Golden City Gym, and said without a hint of tone:

"Anyway, bring my words to Damalanchi, you can go to the gym to find me if you have something to do."

Looking at Nazi who was gradually leaving, although the middle-aged man was still a little confused about the situation, he understood that at least the battle in the Golden City was over.

So he took back the elves lying on the ground, turned around and walked quickly towards the road leading to the north.


In the waters of Honglian Island, an unnamed island.

After the trainers of the police department of the alliance arrived at the island that Xiabo mentioned, they quickly released their own elves and secretly guarded themselves.

After all, Xia Bo was the first to arrive, but now the island is so quiet, and everyone has not found any traces of battle, not even the buildings hidden in the woods, there is not a trace of light.

It was found that the situation was gradually moving in a strange direction. After the island pointed to by Xia Boyu was obviously problematic, the commander temporarily selected by the trainer of the police department directly directed his elf to face a few hidden in the forest in the distance. A house with a jet of flame.

Along with the fire-breathing dragon, the nine-tailed, the wind-speed dog, the duck-billed fire dragon, the coal turtle, and the fire-breathing camel, the six heavenly king elves spewed out mixed flames with a diameter of more than three meters.

Arranged by Xia Bo in the sea on the shore of the island, the Rocket elves who were waiting for the signal immediately landed ashore and released the elves to charge towards the alliance.

At the same time, in the headspace of the island, Dr. Nanbo, Dr. Seg, Dr. Cyranu, and Xia Bo, who were temporarily protected by Team Rocket because of the war, appeared at the same time on the back of a huge eagle.

The four doctors in the white coats of the researchers looked at the people who were fighting below, but the expressions on their faces were extremely cold.

After the Rockets elites and the Alliance trainers, the personnel and elves from both sides fought together, Dr. Nanbo, who wore a fiery red mustache, turned his head to look at the three beside him, and said calmly:

"Detonate the R-a1."

After hearing what Dr. Nanbo said, Dr. Shiranu and Xiabo did not speak, but their eyes showed signs of approval.

Only Dr. Seg, with silver hair, stretched out his hand to adjust his glasses, and said with an unpleasant expression:

"R-a1 was invented by I don't allow you, a guy who only studies elves, to say my proud works at will."

Seeing Dr. Seg and Dr. Nanbo, the atmosphere between the two suddenly became tense. Dr. Sylano, who was standing by the side, stepped back a few steps to get out of the way. With a strange smile on his face, he persuaded just right:

"What's there to quarrel about, anyway, who cares about each other's research in private?"

The two of them, who had been holding back their anger, could no longer control the anger in their hearts after Dr. Cyranu's remarks, so they grabbed each other's collars and questioned each other on the back of Pidiao.

"Tell me! What's wrong with my work!"

"Bastard! I should have asked you! You are a villain who only plays tricks behind your back!"

Seeing that the two of them were getting more and more angry, the noise was not enough, and he was ready to start. Xia Bo, who was already starting to have a headache, hurriedly stopped them with his arms, and said in a deep voice:

"I'll detonate the bomb. You two should sit down and think about your future research topics."

After saying these words, Xia Bo didn't care whether the two listened to their persuasion or not, he took out the controller from Dr. Seg's pocket and detonated the bomb.

"Bang! Boom! Bam!"

"Boom! Bang!"

With the detonation of the R-a1, the so-called peak of the bomb, the entire unnamed island shattered and disappeared in an instant, and in the sky of dust, only the waves of the sea remained.

When Dr. Nanbo and Dr. Seg, who were still pulling each other's collars just now, saw this, they could only helplessly turn sideways and sit on Bi Diao's back, sulking alone.

"Bidiao, go to the original island."

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