The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 89: All things in Kanto

After Nobunaga returned to his room, he took out everything in the space backpack.

Nobunaga was very surprised by the two sources of poison in the many resources. He originally thought that Athena would only come up with some ordinary resources.

It seems that what I have dealt with this time should be very important to Athena.

After Nobunaga put everything away, he came to Saburo's room and knocked on the door.

After the door opened, Saburo saw Nobunaga and hurriedly invited him into the room.

After the two sat down, Saburo asked Nobunaga, "Brother Nobunaga, why are you looking for me so late?"

Nobunaga put down the water glass, and then said, "I see everyone in the base has returned. Did Mewtwo find it?"

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Saburo explained, "I didn't find it. The headquarters ordered everyone to return to the base."

"But I have a little bit of gossip here. I don't know if you would like to hear it, Brother Xinchang."

Saburo's voice fell, and Nobunaga said quickly, "Don't betray you, what kind of gossip?"

Under Nobunaga's urging, Saburo said with a solemn expression: "I heard that the organization wants to unify the black market in Kanto, and then it may be against those underground organizations."

Nobunaga thought for a moment, and then said, "It is impossible for the alliance to let us expand. If this is true, it is very likely that a war will begin this time."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Saburo sighed and said, "Who said no, I'm assigned to the field now, and I can't go back even if I find a relationship."

The two chatted until late at night before Nobunaga returned to his room.

Lying on the bed, he thought in his heart: "It seems that the Rockets are really going to do something this time. I have to improve my strength as soon as possible and become a real quasi-king trainer!"

The next morning, Nobunaga got up and went to the training ground. After releasing all the elves, he let them move freely, and he took out the ingredients and started to prepare breakfast.

The Aboriginal's intimidation characteristics are quite satisfactory now, but the molting characteristics are unexpectedly strong.

Even if his tail was cut off, he could recover in less than a week.

The double-bomb gas is now stuck at the bottleneck, and the toxicity is at its highest point, and it has not been able to improve.

After the cross-hatched bat caught up in the poison department, the flight department didn't improve for a long time.

The sticky characteristics of stinky mud are now also very scary to control the field. After melting into mud, it can cover half of the training field.

Anyone who steps on the mud will be stuck, and if they touch a mud spot, they will be poisoned.

King Nido and Gengar are the ones that worry Nobunaga the most. The two elves have clearly understood their characteristics to the extreme, but they haven't been able to inspire the realm and break through the quasi-celestial king.

The poisonous algae dragon has a deep background, but because he has never fought on the island, his proficiency in the poisonous hand is almost zero.

The pincer-tailed scorpion is still an elf in its infancy, and it eats and sleeps every day, and eats when it wakes up.

Nobunaga skewered the whole head of Kentaro and placed it on the oven.

On the other side, after the water in the large pot boiled, Nobunaga poured the orange orange fruit, sakura fruit and some minced meat into the pot.

After preparing the food, the elves approached.

Seeing the elves gorging on their food, Nobunaga himself picked up the venom of Aboriginal and took a sip.

After the elves were full, they ran around the training ground ten laps under the leadership of Nobunaga, and then began today's training.

In the afternoon, the city guard found Nobunaga at the training ground after returning to the base.

Nobunaga saw the city guard panting and asked, "What's wrong? What's the panic!"

The city guard said quickly, "Bishas, ​​Cadre Bishas has come to Rainbow Base, and I saw him on the road!"

After Nobunaga heard the city guard's words, he took all the elves back into the Poké Ball, and said, "Go directly to the Light Red City, where you can collect poisonous weeds for me, and I will send someone to contact you in a while."

"If you don't hear from me, then wait for the organization to summon you before coming back."

After Nobunaga finished speaking, the city guard nodded and turned to walk towards the base exit.

Seeing the figure of the city guard leaving, Nobunaga thought for a moment and walked in the direction of the logistics office.

in an office in the back office

"Marilyn, help me transfer an elite named City Guard from our base to my command."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Marilyn checked ok with her hands, and then said, "Why, do you have any use for this person?"

Nobunaga heard Marilyn's question and did not respond, but instead asked, "Bishas has come to Rainbow Base, did you know?"

Marilyn was surprised when she heard it, and then asked Nobunaga seriously, "Where did you get the news? Are you sure it's true?"

Nobunaga nodded, and then said to Marilyn, "I also just received news that my people met Bishas at the gate of the base."

After listening, Marilyn picked up the landline phone on the table and called the guard room at the entrance of the base.

After confirming the facts, Marilyn said, "No, you should go out first to avoid the limelight, and wait for Lord Athena to inform you before coming back, otherwise Ibis' temper will probably tear you apart."

After hearing Marilyn's words, Nobunaga nodded and said, "That's what I mean, you tell Lady Athena for me, and I'll leave first."

After Marilyn responded, Nobunaga hurriedly left the Rainbow Base.

Walking out of the base from the logistics office, Nobunaga called Menyan at a phone booth on the side of the road and asked him about the recent situation between the Rockets and the league.

Men Yan picked up the information prepared on the table and said to Nobunaga, "All members of Team Rocket have been called back to their respective branches, and they have recruited people aggressively. At the same time, there are many elite teams running around in various cities."

"The alliance also announced a week ago that the Four Heavenly King Kikuko will also serve as the trainer of the Vibran City Gym, and at the same time hand over the responsibility of Sheba's special operations team and the fight against local criminals to Yulongdu."

After Menyan finished his report, Nobunaga said in a low voice, "Collect as much information about Team Rocket and the Alliance as possible recently. Team Rocket is about to make a big move."

After Menyan answered Nobunaga hung up the phone and walked towards the road leading to the Golden City.

Nobunaga was perfectly hidden among a bunch of trainers in plain sportswear.

in rainbow base

Athena's office welcomes an unwelcome guest.

"Bishas, ​​what are you doing here if you don't go on a mission?"

Hearing Athena's words, Bishas said angrily, "What did you say I'm here for? Tell me, how did my nephew die!"

After Bishas finished speaking, Athena threw the mission report submitted by Nobunaga to his face, and said angrily: "Isn't the mission report written clearly, why? I want to read it to you! "

After hearing Athena's words, Bishas stretched his hand to the lower back, took out the Poke Ball, and said, "You can either explain it to me honestly, or... hum."

Athena stood up abruptly and said to Bishas, ​​"You rubbish! How dare you talk to the four generals like that from there!"

When the voice fell, Athena released all her elves.

Seeing the elves surrounding Athena, Bishas immediately broke into a cold sweat.

Then his face changed, and he quickly said to Athena, "Lord Athena, I didn't mean that!"

But seeing Athena's eyes getting colder and colder, Bishas gritted his teeth, then drew his mouth, and said, "Lord Athena, I know I'm wrong!"

It wasn't until Bishas' mouth was full of blood that Athena sat down slowly and said softly, "This is not an example."

After hearing this, Bishas didn't dare to ask about his nephew again, and quickly left Athena's office.

On the elevator, Bijas said with a look of hatred, "Bah, I'll see how I will deal with you after my plan is successful!"


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