The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 90: encounter and training

After Bishas left, Athena called Lance again.

"This **** has found me, when can you get rid of it?"

Lance on the other end of the phone heard Athena's annoyed voice, picked up a document on the table and said, "We don't need to deal with it specially, he will come to a dead end by himself."

Hearing Lance's words, Athena showed no expression on her face, and said coldly, "Since you are sure, then I will ignore this matter."

After hanging up the phone, Athena put on a cape, then walked up to the rooftop and embraced the sky with open arms.

"It's time for the rocket to lift off!"

On the other hand, Nobunaga's side was safe and sound, and he came to the Golden City with several trainers.

After walking into a hotel and opening the room, Nobunaga stayed here.

The next day, Nobunaga packed up his things and was ready to leave the Golden City. After all, there is a super-powerful girl with a bad character here, and trouble will find him at some point.

After coming out of the hotel in the south of the golden city, Nobunaga walked north on the street.

Walking to a restaurant in the center of the city, he smelled the fragrance of food, Nobunaga rubbed his stomach, and then decided to eat here before leaving the Golden City.

After walking into the restaurant and finding a seat by the window to sit down, the waiter hurried over.

"Sir, what do you need?"

After taking the menu and ordering the dishes, Nobunaga sat leisurely at the table and flipped through the books he carried with him.

At this moment, a man in red casual clothes walked in and sat directly on the table next to Nobunaga.

Nobunaga glanced at him and immediately recognized this person, the trainer guarding the Golden Department Store! Fire Element Heavenly King Uchiyama Shou! ! !

After noticing Nobunaga's gaze, Uchiyama Mamoru also looked back at Nobunaga.

Seeing Mamoru Uchiyama turning his head to look at him, Nobunaga pretended to be calm and said to the waiter next to Mamoru Uchiyama, "My food is not ready yet! How long have I been waiting!"

The waiter heard Nobunaga urging the dishes, and quickly said, "I'll go to the back kitchen for you to ask, please wait a moment."

Hearing that he was urging food, Uchiyama Shou turned around and said to the waiter, "It's still the same old man, go down and prepare."

After the waiter went down, Nobunaga still looked at the book in his hand leisurely.

Mamoru Uchiyama glanced at Nobunaga again, making sure that he had never seen this man. Uchiyama Mori no longer observed, thinking about what Miyata Jun said to him in the morning.

Although Miyata Junichi, who was sitting on the chair, looked very refined and gentle, what he said completely shattered Uchiyama's self-esteem.

"Neishan Tianwang, don't recommend your eldest son Yuhong University to mention it. It's only been less than a year since the Golden Department Store was robbed! You have the courage to mention it!"

"A dignified Heavenly King trainer, he couldn't even win a quasi-Heavenly King, and was poisoned to death by his opponent! Are you still a Heavenly King trainer!"

"I don't know if you colluded with Team Rocket, or if you say that the fire king is a waste!"

Mamoru Uchiyama felt a chill when he thought of Junichi Miyata's words in the morning.

"His Miyata family was almost wiped out by that Quan Tiantian, but now he's pouring all his grievances on himself!"

Mamoru Uchiyama couldn't help thinking of the past when he was a Heavenly King-level trainer, but he was invited by the owner of the house, Katsu Miyata, but now Miyata Junichi has no respect for him at all.

Holding up the wine glass, Mamoru Uchiyama poured the wine into his mouth one by one.

Then he said to himself, "When did I, Uchiyama Shou of the Flames, become like this..."

Thinking of the family's virtuous wife, smart eldest son, naughty young son...

"Maybe it's time to make a decision!"

Nobunaga's side really calmed down after the food was served, and glanced at the despairing Uchiyama Mamoru next to him.

After quickly finishing the food on the table, Nobunaga left the restaurant and strode toward the forest north of Golden City.

In the evening, Nobunaga finally found a place in the forest suitable for long-term camping.

After releasing the elves, let them move freely, and Nobunaga himself took King Nido to set up a tent.

It was not until the moon reached its highest point that Nobunaga built the entire camp.

Lying on the grass, Nobunaga said to the elves, "We will have special training here in the next period of time!"

"Gas~Gas~", "Abo~Chabaku~", "Cha~cough~", "Bai Duo~", "Niga~", "Hey~", "Zao~"

Seeing that the elves were so motivated, Nobunaga said, "I'll make you feel wronged today, eat some energy cubes, and I'll cook you a big meal at noon tomorrow."

After all the elves had eaten and drank, Nobunaga washed their rice bowls.

Afterwards, he returned to the tent with the Variety Monster and the Pincer-tailed Scorpion, and slept on the soft bed.

In the early morning, Nobunaga woke up from his sleep, got up and walked out of the tent. He saw the prey piled up in the camp, and he quickly asked Abo, "Abo, did you do it?"

"Abo~", Abo swam to Nobunaga's side in a strange manner, then flicked his tail.

Upon seeing this, Nobunaga quickly praised him a few words, and then said to King Nido, "Take these prey and clean them up, and then cook for you at noon."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, King Nido picked up the prey and walked towards the river.

Then Nobunaga began to arrange their own training for the elves.

Recently, the Iron Tail has gained initial combat effectiveness, and the double-bomb gas has also stabilized its strength in the early stage of the Quasi-King.

The main goal of this special training is to allow King Nido and Gengar to break through the quasi-king.

The training of the other elves is proceeding in an orderly manner, while Gengar is fighting the poisonous algae dragon in the clearing.

The two elves constantly use their own characteristics in their and are familiar with the application of their abilities.

After King Nido returned, Nobunaga asked him to take turns to release various skills against an open space as usual.

King Nido's forcible characteristics have reached the brink of breakthrough, and any burst of destruction and death light can make a big hole in the open space.

But it was such a thin layer of window paper, but it became a solid iron wall, which King Nido could never pierce.

The elves are all training hard, and Nobunaga is busy by the stove by himself.

Since there are more and more elves and their bodies are getting bigger and bigger, Nobunaga spends a lot of time preparing food for them every day.

Although there is an artifact such as an energy cube, the nutrients of the energy cube cannot be covered in all directions.

And good elf food is the only magic weapon to improve strength.

After all, three points of training, seven points to eat, and the remaining ninety points to rely on resources.

Behind every powerful trainer is a mature cultivator.

Although Nobunaga himself is not a great breeder, he has fully taken into account the nutrition required by each elf when it comes to elf food.

Under the sunlight, Nobunaga and the elves were covered in sweat, perhaps this is the price of growth.

Just like the gas bomb that Nobunaga used to hold the most, it has now become a powerful double-bomb gas.

If you want to be hugged by Nobunaga, you have no strength to protect him.

But now that he has great strength, he can no longer be hugged by Nobunaga.

Seeing that the food in the pot was ready, Nobunaga shouted to the sweaty elves beside him, "It's time to cook!"

Hearing Nobunaga's cry, many elves quickly gathered around him.


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