(Please order by yourself, order by all!)

The hand that was powerful enough to"smash the universe" revealed its true face in front of Scathach. Although it was not big, in front of a strong man like Scathach, it was like facing a"right hand of God" that was overwhelming and powerful enough to suppress everything! It

's been a long time since I last felt the fear emanating from the depths of my body and soul, the trembling sense of the critical point of death.

For many years, I haven't felt this kind of excitement and fear that made me almost excited to the point of climax, almost wanting to groan loudly.

That was when I was still a mortal, fighting with gods, and facing life and death dangers every time, I had the blood of a warrior, and the understanding of life and death.

Fear is not shameful, fear is not terrible, fear is the greatest emotion of human beings, it is because of fear that human beings can survive, and it is because of fear that human beings can seek benefits and avoid harm.

But after Scathach's enlightenment, after she and her own Shadow Kingdom transcended the world and arrived outside this world, this fear no longer existed, and even when she recalled it, she couldn't remember it.

I thought that I had no more pursuits in my life, and I could only wait quietly for the demise of the world.

As a warrior, she could only continue to improve by fighting against powerful enemies, but Scathach, who had already reached the edge of the abyss, could not find an opponent who could fight with her in this world.

The few beings who crossed the abyss had already transcended, and the people who could not even see the edge of the abyss were just drifting and struggling to survive in this world.

Scathach, who was in this most embarrassing situation, could only hone her"wisdom of the magic world", stand alone on the outside of the world, and watch the changes of the world with cold eyes.

Even if the planet was destroyed, even if humans died, it would not affect Scathach's body outside the world.

Even the prayers of desperate people, even the wailing of the planet could not move her at all. For someone who had"graduated from the world", she was just a bystander and could only be a bystander.

She was looking forward to it, she was waiting, waiting for the final end of this world, waiting for the requiem of destruction to drown the outside of the world, and then, she would finally be able to walk on the path she had been heading for -

I look forward to death!

However, there was no need to wait that long, because she saw the end of her own death in the 'hand of all miracles'.

One step, two steps, three steps, Scathach walked towards Roy with a confused look in her eyes, towards the 'right hand', like a moth to a flame, she only wanted to burn her rotten body and let her consciousness sink forever.

However, the confused Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows regained her clarity in the next moment, her eyes gradually became firm, and she refused resolutely:"……No, that's not it! This is not the death I seek. The death I seek is to hope that there is someone who can defeat me when I try my best, so that I can willingly walk into the final darkness."

"……O foreigner, I have seen your power, the power that can bring death to me, but you cannot fully master this power, and you cannot let me use my full strength. I am looking forward to it, I am waiting, I am waiting for the day when you can let me fight you with all my strength, and then be killed by you!"

Scathach said longingly, as if she was saying, 'I'm waiting for a great hero to come and marry me on a colorful cloud,' expressing the incomprehensible girl's feelings.

The image of a certain blue-haired man in the mind of the Queen of Shadow Country gradually disappeared, replaced by a silver-haired man covered in blood.

The Son of Light missed the only chance to 'kill her' and 'get her'. At that time, the Queen of Shadow Country was still in the world and could not transcend. It was the weakest moment in her life.

And the mastiff who became a glorious heroic spirit has lost that qualification forever.

But just outside this world, outside the world where Scathach often sighed, 'No one can kill me', she actually met such an incredible person.

If this is 'fate', she hopes that this 'fate' can last longer; if this is a 'miracle', then even if she has killed countless gods, she will pray to the gods.

"You have already excited me, made me excited! The warrior's soul is calling out, the blood of fighting is boiling, foreigner, take up the responsibility of making me excited and giving me hope, but this responsibility is not something you can bear now, so——"

So, I will train you, teach you, cultivate you, make you the greatest achievement of my life, and then die quietly in your arms while fighting you.

"I'm waiting for the day when you kill me!!"

The aloof queen showed a beautiful smile, but the annoying mask prevented Roy from appreciating the beauty.

"Who the hell cares whether you live or die, you psycho!! If you want to die, just go and commit suicide!————"

Roy, who was already somewhat insane, yelled angrily

"Come and die, Beast 777, I will overcome all the evil of mankind!!"

Roy waved his"Holy Right" in a fierce and angry manner, and a ray of light that illuminated the entire Shadow Kingdom flashed out from his"right hand".

"I'm sorry, I've tried to commit suicide before, but unfortunately I can't do it even if it's suicide."

Scathach smiled softly, then her eyes gradually became stern, and a hint of disbelief flashed in her wine-red eyes.

『The"Right Light" acted on Scathach at the same time Roy swung his right hand, ignoring all concepts of time, space, cause and effect, fate, etc.

Scathach, who was at the peak of her powers, could feel the mystery hidden in this"right hand" more than Marquis Vauban and Athena.

In the"Right Light" of the"Sacred Right", there are only two concepts:"strong and weak". No matter how strong you are, it must be stronger than you. After"strong and weak" are determined, the Right Light will deprive the enemy of all the factors of victory, thus ushering in defeat.

"Is this the"miracle of the Christian Church"? If I use all my strength now, even if I make a"temporary breakthrough", I will still face defeat... But unfortunately, I am not using my full strength now. In terms of the concept of"strong and weak", I am the"stronger" one."

"……This is indeed the 'right hand' that can easily wipe me out, but you can't master it now!"

Scathach held two guns in her hands, and a stronger force burst out from her body than when she fought Roy before, causing the Shadow Kingdom to tremble as if it was a force of destruction!

The earth was shaking, and the broken stones floated up as if they had lost gravity. Even the thick dark clouds in the sky formed a terrifying vortex.

"Let me break your struggle! Pierce! Pierce! Pierce!』!!"

Two crimson streaks condensed at one point, turning into thunder that killed gods and pierced the golden giant hand on Roy's right shoulder!

The two spears hit the palm of the 'right hand' at the same time, and time seemed to freeze in an instant. Roy's 'holy right hand' was unable to determine Scathach's strongest output, and was at a disadvantage under the concept of 'strong and weak', and directly turned into golden powder and disappeared.

It's not that the mystery of the 'right hand' is not as great as Scathach's magic spear, it's just that its owner can't see the corner of Scathach's clothes standing on the edge of the abyss.


The red light spread across the sky, bringing a psychedelic color to the dark and silent Shadow Kingdom. Roy was also affected by the aftermath of the explosion of the magic gun, and finally his eyes went black and he fainted.

""Huh... It's been a long time since I felt such an exciting battle. Although I'm still a little behind, you've passed."

Scathach saw Roy lying unconscious on the ground, and her sharp eyes gradually softened.

She stepped forward with her strong and slender legs towards the direction where Roy fell. Suddenly, a ray of light from wings appeared from the void and swept towards Scathach.

"I don't allow you to kill him... If you want to kill him, try to kill me first."

Amidst the noise, the"Holy Guardian Angel" Aiwass appeared in front of Roy's unconscious body. Above her head shone an angel's halo, and behind her, there was a pair of illusory wings!

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