The illusory wings seemed to have turned into the sunset glow of the Shadow Kingdom, shining above the sky, sweeping across the entire Shadow Kingdom in a Planck time. The earth was wailing, the sky was trembling, and there was an illusory feeling that the world was on the verge of collapse.

However, this was Scathach's kingdom after all, a kingdom of God that had transcended the world and reached the outside of the world. Its solidity was far from being something that Aiwass could easily break.


Before Aiwass appeared, Scathach was alert and used her sixth sense that was far superior to time to raise her magic spear in advance to block Aiwass's attack. Otherwise, if Aiwass really flapped his wings first, I'm afraid that if he wanted to block this attack, he would have to reverse the cause and effect.

In one Planck time, even Scathach would definitely not be able to react.

"Tampered with the laws of physics!"

With just one strike, Scathach's wisdom in the magic realm saw the principle and method of Aiwas' attack, but that was all. Being able to see the principle of the attack does not necessarily mean that it can be cracked. At least in terms of speed, Scathach did not think that she could beat Aiwas, because the other party directly crossed the concept of speed by modifying the law.

Scathach had long known that there was a"spirit behind" behind Roy. Now when Aiwas appeared completely, when Scathach really saw this angel-like figure, her blood as a warrior boiled again, and her eyes were filled with fighting spirit like the roar of the sea. It was the excitement and enthusiasm that a warrior who had been fighting all his life naturally showed when he saw a strong man.

The wisdom obtained in the abyss allowed Scathach to see the essence of Aiwas. She was the incarnation of the"material world", a mysterious thing condensed from the laws of the universe studied by science, and an existence inside this world. A monster that is absolutely invincible.

The inside of the world is the 'material world' where humans live. Whether it is the spokesperson of the planet or the laws of the alien planet, they are essentially just part of the 'material world', belonging to the 'internal organs' of the mysterious 'spirit' in front of them, and are objects that can be tampered with.

In this world alone, in Scathach's impression, the only ones who can defeat the 'spirit' in front of them are probably the few who have transcended the existence of this universe, and the only ones who can compete with it are those who have transcended the world and reached the outside of the world.

But how many people in this world have reached the outside of the world? In Scathach's memory, in addition to the magician who stayed here for a short time, Scathach was the only one who sublimated this realm as a human being. Otherwise, she would not have to survive here alone, eager to kill the person who killed her.

In other words, Aiwas is almost invincible in this world!


"I have no interest in you, and you are not my opponent now."

After seeing the true nature of Aiwass, Scathach suddenly lost interest in her. The two were not in the same system at all. Fighting with such a person would not bring Scathach any happiness. What she longed for was fist to flesh, the collision of cold weapons, the splattering of blood, and the wailing of broken limbs, but this was not what Aiwass could do.

And as she said, the current Aiwass could not be Scathach's opponent, because Aiwass was not a complete body.

In the Kabbalah's four-world theory, the world is divided into the archetype world, the creation world, the formation world and the material world. Although Aiwass is an angel in the material world, she is essentially a spirit in a higher world. She has no physical existence and is from a high position to a low position. In order to advance in the material world, an important medium is the"body", but Aiwass has no body, and it is difficult to create a body that can carry her.

Therefore, Aiwass's position is a bit awkward. Although she is noble, she cannot exert her power due to the lack of a medium. One of the purposes of Aleister's plan is to create a body for Aiwass so that she can intervene in the material world.

Scathach is the opposite of Aiwass. She is moving from the material world to a higher world. She is a person who moves from a low position to a high position. She has a body that has been tempered a thousand times. Although she is completely inferior to Aiwass in status, she is stronger than Aiwass now in terms of the power she can show.

"Do you really think so, Queen Scathach of the Kingdom of Shadows... This place is outside the world, it is no longer the material world. Even if your Kingdom of Shadows operates in the way of the 'material world', I can still exert some power here, instead of being able to observe but not influence like in the material world."

Evans' tone was calm and emotionless, with incomprehensible noises. She lacked the human-like emotions when she spoke to Roy, and was more like a machine with rules.

She didn't have to show her 'human' side in front of Scathach, because human emotions are flawed. Only when she is in a machine state like she is now can Scathach not find any flaws.

"But you are not my opponent now. If you want to fight me, you must first find a physical medium that can carry your existence!"

Scathach's tone became a little anxious, and her right hand holding the magic spear loosened and tightened, tightened and loosened.

It was not easy to find such a good seedling, a seedling with the same"overflowing talent" as her. She wanted to cultivate him well, cultivate him to be able to kill herself and satisfy her humble wish, but who would have thought that there was such a troublesome thing guarding him in his body

『Holy Guardian Angel Aiwass now fully lives up to his name

"But you have to admit it, Scathach!���If I just want to protect him, you can't break through the 'physical wall' I built."

Aiwass's voice seemed to blow from the distant horizon, with incomprehensible chaotic syllables, some of which even Scathach could not understand. The wisdom obtained from the abyss could not fully penetrate the existence that was born on the other side of the abyss.

"I won't hurt him. I think I've made it clear enough."

Scathach is not someone who will compromise. Even if she knows what Aiwass said is true, she will not show any cowardice or retreat. She always takes the initiative to make others compromise, and she will never compromise herself!

She can talk to Aiwass in such a negotiating tone. It is her limit, and it is also a respect for such a noble existence as Aiwass.

"Human words cannot be completely trusted. After spending a long time with a certain man, I have come to understand human lies and deceptions and... the ridiculous failures of humans. Of course, I also have to admit that humans still strive to move forward despite eternal failures."

Evans' cold and stiff machine-like words unconsciously carried a mockery. She was not mocking Roy, but someone named Aleister Crowley.

Evans could see that Scathach did not hurt Roy's heart, but this did not mean that there was no lie.

The abyss gave Scathach the wisdom of the magic realm, and this wisdom made Evans unable to see through her true heart.

She could not afford to gamble.

If Roy really died, she could only return to the isolated island called"Magic Forbidden" and curl up on that small island with those demons.

After seeing the beauty of the world, who would be willing to return to an isolated island? Besides, Evans did not want Roy to die, because he was an interesting person, a person that she was reluctant to leave, and raised the banner of rebellion against her father.

She was still waiting for this scene to be staged.

"The last sentence, his body is close to the limit, you don't have the ability to heal him, if you still don't get out of the way, then fight me here! Then, we will watch him die together!"

Scathach said coldly, posing a fighting posture. She is a lonely queen who will not bow to anyone. Even if her wish is right in front of her, if it requires her to lower her proud head, she will give up her wish and choose to fight.

Aiwass was silent. Scathach was right. Roy was now close to his limit in the previous battle. If he was not treated, he could only wait for his mind and soul to dry up.

Even though she had recovered some of her strength outside this world, she still lacked the means to heal Roy.

Scathach would not compromise, but Aiwass was not a human being. Although she was proud, she would choose to compromise.

"As you wish……"

『The figure of the Holy Guardian Angel disappeared and possessed Roy again.

Seeing this, Scathach was somewhat amused. She actually defeated the enemy with her mouth instead of the gun in her hand?

For a moment, Scathach felt complicated, not knowing whether she should be happy or sad.

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