The violet fragrance spread from his nose and penetrated into his lungs, giving Roy a sense of leisure as if he was wandering in a sea of flowers in the countryside, chasing and strolling in the warm sunshine.

But soon, this comfortable warmth was replaced by the coldness of death. The bleak chill and death blew through his body and stirred his soul, making Roy feel that he was dead and had fallen into the underworld for no reason.

If it was in the world of the God Slayer, even if he fell into the underworld, he would be accompanied by the goddess Athena, but if he died in the Kingdom of Shadows, he might become the slave of the queen forever.

Softness - when Roy regained consciousness, he found that he was resting on something soft, more tempting than any velvet pillow.

‘Knee pillow! '

Roy's rich experience made him think of this word instantly, and then he quickly opened his eyes, and a dark purple figure came into his sight.

It was different from when he woke up and saw Pandora in the underworld.

At that time, when he opened his eyes, he saw a flat land and could see Pandora's appearance at a glance, but now his sight was blocked by two majestic mountains.

He could only see a pair of wine-red eyes in the gap between the mountains.

There was no coldness and ruthlessness in those eyes, but more gentleness like the big sister next door.

The temperature and feeling of the back of the head were also completely different.

Pandora was too thin, and lying on her legs was like a pillow on a wooden board, but Scathach was completely different.

Her thighs were plump and strong, neither too soft nor too hard, and it was very comfortable to pillow on them.

For a moment, Roy wanted to lie there and not get up.

A trance flashed in his eyes, but he soon remembered that he had been insulted by Scathach in a way that was almost brutal.

Roy quickly came to his senses and jumped up from the legs that made him linger, looking at the woman vigilantly.

The woman, who was completely wrapped in purple, was kneeling on the hard ground in a"duck sitting" manner.

Her posture was seductive and charming, exuding a deep and confusing feminine scent.

Even Roy had to admit that Scathach was really feminine, combining heroism and seduction into one.

He looked around. This was the Kingdom of Shadows, for sure. He was still in the Kingdom of Shadows. His injuries were almost healed. In addition to the strong physical fitness of the God Slayer, he should also have the help of Scathach. She mastered the original rune and was able to heal her own injuries.

"Didn't kill me?"

Seeing that Scathach was just kneeling on the ground and not saying anything, with two magic spears inserted not far behind her, Roy thought about it and took the initiative to speak.

"Do you remember what I said before you passed out?"

Scathach wore a mask that covered half of her face, and spoke in a gentle tone, completely different from when she fought Roy before. Her wine-red eyes were as soft as water.

Roy raised his eyebrows and shook his head:"……I only remember you saying something about life or death, I can't remember the details."

At that time, Roy was a little insane because of Scathach. All his will and thoughts were thinking about how to defeat this woman. How could he pay special attention to what she said?

"Can't remember? That's fine. Just know that your courage, will and strength are recognized by me."

Scathach just replied in a gentle voice.

"Why do I need your approval?"

Roy's tone was a little unhappy, or a little childish. Although he was cheated by Areska once in his past life, Roy had smooth sailing most of the time, so he was naturally arrogant and looked down on everything from the bottom of his heart.

To put it bluntly, he is still immature and too young.

But this is also natural. It has only been more than a year since Roy truly mastered the power, and he was able to ascend to the sky at the beginning, without going through the process of going from weak to strong.

With his current strength, if he goes to the Type-Moon world, except for a few people, their apparent strength is simply not his opponent. Those servants that modern magicians find difficult to defeat are nothing in front of Roy's power. Servants are not as powerful as the God of Disobedience.

But Roy's luck is not sure whether it is good or bad. No, he did not go inside the world, but ran to the outside of the world. This is no longer the material world.

Scathach was not angry at Roy's dissatisfaction and arrogance. In her eyes, Roy was just a child. She had taught countless heroes in Celtic mythology, and each of those people had the same attitude when they first became her disciples.

It's just that Roy's strength is the strongest among the disciples she taught, even stronger than when she taught Cu Chulainn. If Roy had seen Scathach of that period, it is estimated that the battle now would be a reversal of offense and defense, and she would do everything she could to win.

But if it is just if after all, the current Scathach is no longer the Scathach of the past. She has transcended the world because of her enlightenment on the battlefield, and gained the strongest power and wisdom from the abyss.

""I don't hate your arrogance. On the contrary, I admire it. If a person doesn't even have arrogance, then he can only be cowardly and humble. I don't like such people... But there must be a limit to arrogance. First of all, you must understand yourself thoroughly, know your limits, know your talents, and know your shortcomings. Only in this way can your arrogance be meaningful."

Scathach was like teaching her students the principles of life. Her tone was gentle but stern, which made Roy think of the scene when he was criticized by his teacher in school. He subconsciously stood up straight.

"You have unlimited room for growth, and I am also looking forward to your growth. Don't let me down."

Scathach said this, and she slowly stood up from the ground. As she stood up straight, her charming and enchanting figure became heroic and awe-inspiring. Roy was shocked by the rapid change in her temperament.

Roy wanted to argue a few more words, but he finally shut himself up. Arguing in front of someone who is stronger than himself, especially someone who is much stronger than himself, is really too self-righteous. Only a"child" who loves to compare will argue in a rage. As Scathach said, he should learn to know where the limit of his arrogance is.

"I understand. Now you are stronger than me, so whatever you say is what counts.

Although it sounded like angry words, Roy did remember Scathach's words.

""Rushi is teachable."

Scathach smiled slightly, and a soft but sharp voice came out from the cherry lips under the mask.

"I don't know your name yet, foreigner."

"Roy, Roy Crowley!"

It's just a name, Roy is not going to hide it.

"Well... then Roy, what do you want to do here?"

Scathach said 'hmm' lightly, and after a pause, she added:"……Be honest and tell me what you really think."

Roy wanted to say, 'I didn't come here by choice, but I came here for no apparent reason.' He opened his mouth and fell silent.

What was he really thinking? Why did he come to the world of the God Slayer, and why did he come here? In fact, Roy already had the answer.——

"Looking for an opportunity to become stronger!"

Yes, this is his real purpose.

Shaka nodded with satisfaction, and said with a smile:"……Then your opportunity is here, become my disciple, and I will teach you everything I know!"

"Become your disciple? Then as a teacher, you must show your true face. This half-hidden look is a little hard to believe."

Roy didn't know why he said such a thing.

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