Roy is not a person who"bullies the weak", nor is he a person who becomes arrogant and forgets himself because of his power.

In essence, he is actually a very gentle man who is thoughtful and decisive.

He is not a great man, otherwise he would not have been just a photographer before crossing.

But Roy has an unimaginable talent, which is his code of conduct, and he will perfectly reproduce his position and identity.

When he was an ordinary person, this behavior would make him more ordinary, but when he gradually became great, it would make him greater.

If he becomes a knight, he will strictly require himself according to the code of knights; if he is a magician, he will spur himself on to pursue the truth and the root; if he is the Messiah, he will save the world with his own sacrifice.

Roy is such a simple but not simple person.

It's just a pity that he is neither a knight nor a magician now. He is now a godslayer, and he will act in the way of a godslayer!

The pair of strange pupils looked at Dianna Milito, the head coach of the Bronze Black Cross. Then, under the horrified gaze of the crowd, this young lady, starting from her feet, gradually turned into a pillar of salt.

"The power of the Marquis de Vauban?!"

"Eye of Sodom!!"

"Deanna, don't move!"


The whole venue immediately became chaotic, and everyone was in a panic. Several generals of magic societies stood up from their seats and shouted at Diana anxiously, asking her not to move.

Even though the Italian Seven Sisters might be hostile to each other in organization, these generals had a good relationship in private, and it was their alliance that allowed the Italian magic world to maintain a stable development.

Otherwise, with the wonderful situation that the Vatican, the headquarters of the Cross, was stationed in Italy, this place would have become a mess long ago.

Diana Milito's expression was very ugly. She followed the instructions of others and sat in the chair without daring to move. She could only watch her feet turn into salt with a pale face, and then the salt column rose up little by little, turning her calves and thighs into salt-like substances.

At this time, no matter who touched her body part that had turned into salt, this powerful magician would lose a part of his body.

As the chief commander of the"Bronze Black Cross", Diana's strength is naturally not weak, and she is one of the top figures in the entire Italian magic world. However, even such a powerful magician with wisdom can lose her life at any time under the eyes of the God Slayer.

"The power of Marquis Vauban? No, no, no, I don't know which god Marquis Vauban killed to obtain such a magic eye, but I know that his power is definitely just a castrated fake, and what I possess is the original appearance of this power, which reproduces the myth of the destruction of the sinful city of Sodom in the Bible. This is exactly one of my seven powers!"

『The Sin of Sodom, this is the second power Roy obtained

《The Bible, Genesis, records that Sodom was one of the five cities in the plains of Moab. It was known to Yahweh for its sin of indulging in male chastity and promiscuity. The Lord sent two angels to destroy the city. However, the angels rescued a righteous man named Lot and his wife and daughter in Sodom who were innocent. Yahweh burned the sinful city to ashes with fire and sulfur from the sky. The angels warned Lot and his wife and daughter to run forward and never look back at Sodom.

However, Lot's wife did not listen to the angel's warning. She looked back at Sodom and turned into a pillar of salt.

《In the Book of Zerubbabel, Michael once said: I am the one who brought sulfur and fire to Sodom and Gomorrah.

It was this myth that allowed Roy to obtain this power. The limit of"Sin of Sodom" is that it can only be activated once every three days, but once it is activated, fire will fall from the sky and sulfur will pour out from hell, and a city will be annihilated in an instant. It is a large-scale AOE power among Roy's seven powers.

Other godslayers such as Marquis Vauban have large-scale natural disaster powers, but their power is definitely not as strong as Roy's power that can only be used once every three days. It can be said that most of Roy's powers are of the"must-kill" type. Although there are various restrictions, they are all unusually powerful.

The Eye of Sodom is more like an additional state of this power, reproducing the divine punishment for not listening to the angel's warning. It is a top-level magic eye comparable to Medusa's petrifying eye, which can turn any creature into salt. It can even be said to be the strongest killing move against ordinary magicians and knights. As long as Roy looks at them, they will definitely die. It is a true killing with eyes.

"Seven powers?!"

"How is it possible? How is it possible to gain seven powers by killing a god? This has never happened before."


Roy's words caused another commotion, and Liliana was already horrified.

She was a member of the"Bronze Black Cross", and Diana Milito, the general commander, was also her magic teacher. When Roy looked at her teacher, she almost turned into a pillar of salt. The salt pillar had already invaded Diana's lower abdomen. When her head turned into salt stains, it was the moment of Diana's death.

In a panic, Liliana quickly chanted a spell to Diana and performed a magic to remove the curse.


Seeing that her magic had no effect on the salt phenomenon, Liliana panicked.

"Don't waste your energy, Lily... This is the power of God, and it can't be removed by ordinary magic."

Although Diana was facing death, as the commander-in-chief of the"Bronze Black Cross", she managed to remain calm. Seeing that Liliana still wanted to continue using magic to remove the curse, she stopped her.

"How could it be!!"

Seeing that three quarters of her beloved teacher's body had turned into a pillar of salt, Liliana's upright and beautiful eyes gradually misted over, and her eye sockets turned red.

If Diana herself was not an extremely powerful magician and had a strong resistance to magic, she would have been cursed by God to become a complete pillar of salt.

Looking at the teacher's pale face and the desperate eyes fighting against the curse, Liliana's rationality suddenly broke, and she unconsciously drew out her beloved sword 'Silver Master' and was about to point the tip of the sword at Roy.

At this moment, A fiery red figure flashed in the corner of Liliana's eyes. Erica rushed to Liliana's side in an instant and grabbed her slender wrist holding the sword.

Then, Erica saw the sword in her left hand flash, and the"Heart of the Lion" was held in her palm. With a sneak attack, she knocked the sword in Liliana's hand away, whose reaction speed had greatly decreased due to losing her mind.

At the same time, Erica pulled Liliana's wrist fingers down, and when Liliana staggered, she kneeled hard into Liliana's abdomen, forcing her to kneel on one knee. The severe pain also made Liliana regain her reason and thinking.

"Liliana Kranichal, if you dare to raise your sword against the King again, I will personally chop off your head!"

Erica shouted fiercely, then quickly turned around, put her sword down, knelt on one knee on the ground, lowered her head and said to Roy:"……『"My king, I am Erica Blantry, the great knight of the Copper and Black Cross. We are guilty of offending your majesty and deserve death. I have the courage to come to you and hope that you will forgive our sins and allow us to remain useful to atone for the offense!"

After she finished speaking, Erica anxiously signaled to Liliana with her eyes.

Liliana was stunned for a moment and then reacted. She showed a look of gratitude to Erica and hurried over to kneel on the ground. However, compared to Erica, she was not good at speaking. She just blushed and her eyes were full of anxious tears.

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