"Oh? Lord Erica Blantry, are you saying that you are going to make amends for your crimes?"

Compared to the shy Liliana, Roy was more interested in Erica.

"That's right, 'King'. Rather than letting us die, we can serve you more and bring you what you need. Therefore, I dare to meet you and hope that you can forgive our sins and forgive the disrespect of the 'Bronze Black Cross'."

Erica bowed her head deeply and prayed for Roy's mercy.

The other young magicians nearby admired Erica's bold resignation. They all knew that Erica and Liliana were close friends, and the 'Bronze Black Cross' and the 'Copper Black Cross' had been enemies for hundreds of years. But even so, for the sake of her friends and the survival of the hostile magic society, Erica put aside all her prejudices and dared to meet the 'cruel' king.

Only those more experienced magicians and the top leaders of the major magic societies could understand Erica's deep meaning. They looked at Paul Brontree and secretly envied that the 'Copper Black Cross' had found a good enough successor!

""Lord Erica, look up and talk to me!"

Hearing Roy's words, Erica raised her pretty face without any hesitation and looked at Roy boldly.

She had an exquisite and beautiful face, and her blue eyes were full of the nobility and pride of a young girl. Her gorgeous golden hair was in sharp contrast with her fair and delicate skin, especially the whiteness at the opening of her dress, which made it difficult to look away.

"Let me ask you a personal question. How old are you?"

"Reporting to the King, I am fourteen years old"

"Fourteen years old……"

Roy sighed. In his memory, Erica seemed to be two years younger than when the original story happened. But even so, this girl who should have been in junior high school already had a ladylike charm, and a mind that was still a little immature but already smart and deep.

Roy's sigh about Erica's young age made the other magicians complain.

Fourteen years old? What's wrong with fourteen years old? According to the information, the age of this"king" was only sixteen years old.

And this sixteen-year-old"king" cleverly seized the best opportunity to force the magic associations in Italy, and almost effortlessly made these magic associations have to swear allegiance.

No one expected that this"king" would leave the Vatican and personally take action. They caught them at the meeting. It can be said that there are witnesses and evidence, which confirmed the result of disobeying the"king's" order and easily occupied the righteousness.

The Seven Sisters of Italy were originally planning to have a unified action plan at this meeting to find the Sword King who was far away in Africa looking for the God of Disobedience. After that, it would be a battle between the new king and the old king. These magic societies only had to wait for the two kings to decide the winner, and it would be enough for them to be loyal to the strong.

But now Roy has seized the reason that they rebelled against the"king" and forced these people to directly pledge allegiance. If they disagree, Roy would have an excuse to execute all of them. If the Seven Sisters Alliance agrees, they will go all the way and must support Roy forever.

Because this oath is not the kind of loyalty when facing Salvatore Tony, where the power and obligations are not clear. When they come to this step, the possibility of betrayal has been eliminated. No matter who wins or loses the battle between Roy and Salvatore in the future, the Seven Sisters Alliance must stand firmly behind Roy.

‘This profound and wise thinking and method is not like that of a godslayer. Jian is in the emperor's heart and is as fierce as a tiger... He is really a terrible"king".』’

The leaders of the major magic societies are all masters of playing with power, and therefore they can understand the deep meaning of Roy's move, forcing them to do something they can't do anymore.

"Lord Erica, although you are young, you are really thoughtful... You seem to be speaking well of the 'Bronze Black Cross' and facing me head-on, but in fact you already know that there is no risk at all. If I forgive the 'Bronze Black Cross', the magic society will owe you a favor. If I don't forgive them, it won't do any harm to you, the 'Red Copper Black Cross', and you can use my hands to wipe out an enemy."


Lady Erica, you have already seen that I have no intention of killing you.

I am just trying to intimidate you and force you to express your views.

You have taken the initiative to stand up and pledge your allegiance to me at this time.

The identity of the 'first loyalist' will make you and the 'Copper Black Cross' have a good impression in my mind.

Later, I can use this good impression to let you, the 'Copper Black Cross', gain greater benefits and status in the Seven Sisters Alliance, in the whole of Italy, and even in the magic societies of the whole world.


After a pause, Roy continued:"……Is that so, Lord Erica! Don't lie to me, tell me what you really think."

Erica, who had intended to retort that she was truly loyal to the king and didn't have so many thoughts, opened her mouth after hearing Roy's last words and looking into his strange and mysterious double pupils, but couldn't say anything to defend herself, so she could only bow her head and said bitterly:"……『"Your Majesty, you have a keen eye and can see through all my little thoughts. It is disrespectful for Erica to try to guess your thoughts. I hope you will punish me."

Liliana, who was beside Erica, looked at her best friend in disbelief.

She was really moved by Erica's courage just now, but she didn't expect that her best friend had planned everything and included her in it, making good use of their"Bronze Black Cross".

The other magicians and knights who didn't see Erica's delicate thoughts were also frightened.

They felt ashamed of thinking that Erica was"upright" before.

This woman was not an upright knight at all.

She was just like a"devil" in her heart.

Erica was really scared at this time. Her body was trembling. Her thoughts were seen through. She was really afraid that Roy would be angry at her thoughts and actions.

"Punishment? No, no, no, Lord Erica, you don't have to be afraid. From ancient times to the present, ministers have to figure out the king's mind. Only in this way can they become the king's favorite. It's not wrong for you to figure out my thoughts, but you must know when to stop and don't use this wisdom in the wrong place."

Roy took a deep look at Erica, then looked around and said:"……So, my dear ministers, have you come to any conclusions from your discussion?"

While speaking, Roy released his power and restored the Bronze Black Cross's general Dianna Milito to her original appearance.

『Paul Blantry, the commander-in-chief of the Red Copper and Black Cross, stood up first, put a hand on his shoulder, and saluted like a knight:"……『"Red Copper Black Cross" is willing to serve under your command and respect you as our leader!"


"『Lily City……"

"『Bronze Black Cross……"

"『Blue Eagle Wish……"


In the blink of an eye, six of the seven sisters' magic societies swore allegiance to Roy. As for the one who didn't come, it had no choice.

"Very well, my dear ministers, I will issue the first mission here. Use all your resources in Italy to find Metatron for me!"

"……Secondly, we should increase the excavation and archaeological work of the ruins in Italy to find those real ancient divine tools!"

After the voice fell, Roy stood up from the chair, he glanced at Erica who was still kneeling on the ground and said:"……"Sir Erica Blantry, you really interest me. I have recognized your wisdom and means. Come to the Vatican tomorrow to find me and work for me. I will also give you the status and favor that the 'Red Copper Black Cross' deserves."

Many magicians and knights stood on both sides and looked respectfully at Roy's red figure disappearing in the conference hall, leaving the 'Wolf' headquarters and returning to the Vatican.

Having obtained the loyalty of the seven sisters and bringing the Crusader's headquarters under his command, Roy can now be said to be the veritable 'King of Italy'!

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