"Relax, relax, there's nothing to be nervous about. But since Erica has such a big reaction in you, that girl named Liliana must be very important to you."

Roy smiled and pressed his hand down, signaling Erica not to be too nervous.

His comforting words gradually calmed Erica down. Whether it was his voice or his face, every subtle movement made Erica feel like she was seeing a gentle priest in the church or an angel descending from the sky, making people unconsciously want to listen to Roy's words.

This is the passive ability of Roy's new power,"Seeing the Face of God". When he is angry, he will be more frightening than before, like the wrath of God; when he is gentle, he will be more gentle than ever before, like a sea of God's grace.

As a great knight, Erica could vaguely sense the curse-like ability emanating from Roy's face, which was enough to be called"beautiful", but she did not have any fear or resistance. On the contrary, Erica even felt that being comforted by the"king" made her more satisfied.

After hesitating for a while, Erica said without any concealment:"……Liliana and I are of similar age. Although she is a member of the Bronze Black Cross, a rival organization of the Copper Black Cross, we have always had a good relationship. She is one of my few friends, a true friend. If possible, I don't want her to be hurt."

"……『"My king, I dare to ask you, there are many witches and witches in this world, I will find qualified candidates for you, please don't let Liliana bear the pain she shouldn't bear."

Erica knelt on one knee on the ground, lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Roy. Although she was nervous, she spoke loudly. This"devil" woman had an admirable integrity to stand up for her friends at this time.

"Erica, you are also worried that if Liliana comes here, my love for you will be reduced."

Roy said leisurely

"I have this in mind, I am afraid that Liliana will take away your love for me. Although I am confident, I have to admit that Liliana is a rare beautiful girl with a charm that is hard to resist. I don't ask to be the only one to enjoy the king's love, but I still hope to make this love last longer within my ability."

Erica said sincerely. She has been with Roy for a long time, and she knows it's best not to lie to the king. He likes to hear the truth, even if it's hard to hear.

"I like your honesty, Lord Erica... I also know what you are worried about. It is because two years ago, when the Marquis of Vauban held the summoning ceremony of the God of Disobedience, although he successfully summoned the God of Disobedience, he also caused many witches and witches to die. You are afraid that I will let Liliana become one of the witches presiding over the ceremony, and her life will be in danger."

Roy walked out from behind the mahogany table, he came to Erica, and his palm fell on the girl's smooth face.

Well, he is the devil on earth, and it is his right to have such a beautiful girl.

Erica was neither shy nor evasive about Roy's mischief. In fact, she had already made all preparations, just waiting for the cruel"king" to make a request to her.

After taking a deep breath, Erica said in a deep voice:"……This is exactly what I am worried about, 'King', I witnessed the greatness of the God Slayer and the disaster of the God of Disobedience on Ponza Island, which made me thoroughly understand the reality of this world. If such a terrible existence wants to come on its own, it must cost a great price."

Generally, the appearance of the God of Disobedience is done by coincidence, or by the petition of the people. Gods are the product of faith.

Under such coincidences and petitions, the information of the 'Immortal Realm' will cross the netherworld and descend into the material world, and then absorb the essence of the earth and the magic power in the air to form a spiritual foundation, thus turning into wandering gods on the earth.

These Gods of Disobedience will generally complete something according to the petition of the people at the beginning.

When this 'contract' ends, they will completely enter a wandering state, thus bringing endless natural disasters to the world.

Whether it is a kind god who protects the people, or an evil god who kills the people, when He wanders, it is a disaster for mankind.

"I'm afraid that Liliana will become the price, please think twice!"

Erica pleaded sincerely. She was able to plead with the tyrannical demon king for her friend, which was enough to prove her feelings for Liliana.

Roy withdrew his hand from Erica's delicate face and laughed:"……The girl called the 'Red Devil' actually has such a fragile and kind side in her heart. It's hard to believe. By the way, I haven't congratulated you on getting the title of 'Red Devil' yet."

"This is what I deserve. It's only a matter of time before I get it."

Erica was not modest at all about defeating her competitors and getting the title of 'Red Devil'. She smiled confidently.

"But I still want to congratulate you here... Don't worry about the ritual of summoning the god of disobedience. I am different from the ignorant old man, Marquis Vauban. My magic skills are quite high. Erica, you should know this very well. Therefore, there will be no problems with my ritual. Now I just need the witch to perform the ritual. So don't worry, your friend Liliana will not be harmed as long as she does not disobey my orders."

Roy lifted Erica's golden hair with one finger, then let go and watched the beautiful hair pouring on the girl's body. Then he turned around and went back to the table."……I have explained what I need to explain to you. Now you just need to do as I ask."

"I understand, 'King'! Thank you for your kindness."

The young knight knelt on one knee on the ground, knowing that this was Roy's ultimatum, and all she could do was to carry out his orders. However, Erica was also touched in her heart. Roy could have given her the order without explaining it to her, but he chose to explain the whole story to put her at ease.

‘『Although the King is strong and unquestionable, under that inviolability, there is also an indescribable sense of security and gentleness.

Thinking of this, Erica bowed and left, and followed Roy's instructions to find Liliana.


"Lily, this time I risked my life to invite the King, so that you have the opportunity to serve the King and change the King's opinion of you, the Bronze Black Cross. You have to think about how to repay me.~~"

The red devil smiled maliciously, misleading the pure knight into making her misjudge her thinking and thus making her owe him a favor.

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