"Thank you so much, Erica! We in the Bronze Black Cross have been thinking about how to gain the forgiveness and recognition of the King. What happened at the She-Wolf headquarters in Rome last time has caused the teacher to be criticized a lot within the Bronze Black Cross. Some elders have some complaints about the teacher's actions, and even think that she should give up her position as the Commander."

"……My behavior was a bit out of line that time, but fortunately the King forgave us in the end."

Liliana said gratefully to her friend beside her.

Although her thoughtful friend had plotted against her at the headquarters of the Wolf She-Wolf, compared to the survival of the Bronze Black Cross and the consolidation of her teacher's status, her gains and losses were nothing.

Erica and Liliana were on the way to the villa. Because Roy did not set a time for Erica, Erica was not in a hurry. Instead, she found Liliana and used the time on the way to the villa to talk to Liliana about the things she should pay attention to when meeting the King.

"『Since the King has said that he has forgiven the Bronze Black Cross, he will not cause trouble afterwards, so Lily, you don't have to worry.……"

Erica paused for a moment but didn't say anything. Her friend was too politically insensitive. Until now, she hadn't realized that the King was not angry at the Bronze Black Cross.』,『The King was just looking for an excuse to recruit the Italian Seven Sisters Alliance.

The Bronze Black Cross where Liliana was was just treated as a typical example by the King by chance. This can only be said to be bad luck.

However, since Liliana couldn't see through some things, Erica didn't plan to say more.

The devil-like girl blinked and said mischievously:"……Lily, considering that I risked my life to advise the King this time, shouldn't you thank me?"

"Erica, how do you need me to thank you? As long as I can do it, I will definitely complete it."

The pure knight said honestly.

But Liliana was also scared in her heart. Why did Erica use the word"life-threatening" to describe it? Could it be that the"king" is really that cruel?

In fact, after the old rival"Red Copper Black Cross" completely surrendered to the new queen,"Bronze Black Cross" also had the idea of whether to surrender to another"king" to obtain the means of survival, and even decided on the candidate, that is, the oldest demon king, Marquis Vauban.

But Roy's coercion in Rome made the seven Italian sisters all loyal to him, which completely cut off the way for these magic societies to betray, so that the entire Italian magic society could only follow behind him and become a vassal.

Just as Liliana was thinking about the recent disasters, Erica's beautiful eyes lit up, and she smiled and said:"……Lily, why don’t you use the romance novels you wrote as compensation? I have always wanted to read the novels written by Lily. Don’t worry, I will become your loyal fan!"

"You, you, you, you... Erica, how did you know I was writing a novel!!"

Liliana was shocked when she heard Erica's words, and she almost jumped up. Her crystal clear skin turned pink because of shame.

"I just accidentally heard your maid Karen Yankolovsky mention it, but looking at your reaction, Liliana, it turns out it's true."

Erica was thoughtful.

Liliana realized that she was teased at this time. Her face flushed, and she thought carefully about what happened after meeting Erica, and suddenly said:"……Erica, you lied to me. It wasn't you who advised the King to give us, the Bronze Black Cross, a chance to make amends. It was the King himself who needed me!"

"Oh, I knew I couldn't fool you, Lily. Although you look stupid, you are actually very smart!"

Erica sighed exaggeratedly. In fact, she knew that her friend was very smart, but she couldn't think rationally in the current environment and atmosphere.

"You are so bad, Erica! No wonder everyone calls you a 'devil woman'’!"

Two fourteen-year-old girls came to the villa where Roy lived while arguing.


"『Bronze Black Cross Liliana Kranichal meets the leader of the Seven Sisters, Roy King』!"

In the luxurious residence, Liliana knelt on one knee, performed a perfect knight's salute, and greeted Roy.

She was wearing a knight's uniform that was very suitable for action, with a black and blue cape draped over her shoulders, and a piece of pink and tender absolute territory was exposed between the hem of her skirt and her white knight socks.

Liliana's voice was not as gentle and graceful as Erica's, but rather had more of a dignified style, which made it easy for people to associate it with knightly virtues such as"honesty" and"bravery".

""Liliana Kranichal, I have a deep impression of you. At the headquarters of the Wolf Shepherd, you were the only one who dared to draw the sword against me."

Roy's tone was leisurely, neither angry nor smiling, as if he was just stating a very ordinary fact.

But this simple sentence made Liliana sweat all over, and her petite body, kneeling on one knee on the ground, swayed a little. An unspeakable fear struck her heart, especially under the blessing of Roy's power, this fear was infinitely magnified. If Liliana's spirit was not strong enough, she would probably faint from fear.

"Liliana has offended the majesty of the King, I am willing to bear any punishment.

Although the girl was terrified, her words were sonorous and powerful, and she did not retreat at all.

Erica, who was standing by, just lowered her head and did not say a word.

"Are you willing to bear any punishment?"

Roy asked with a smile. He stood up from the chair behind the mahogany table, stepped on the soft carpet and came to Liliana, then half-crouched down in surprise.

The two were very close, and Roy could clearly see Liliana's beautiful face that had not yet grown up, and even every detail of her delicate and flawless skin.

The unique fragrance of the girl rubbed into Roy's nose, bringing a touch of sweetness to this cold atmosphere.

Liliana's nose fluttered. Although she was a little uncomfortable with Roy getting so close, she still said seriously:"……Yes, 『King』! I am willing to accept any punishment, just to change your mind about our 『Bronze Black Cross』, so that you can believe in our loyalty!"

"Then, raise your head!"

Liliana raised her head as she was told, and then she saw Roy blowing gently on her slender neck.

The light hot air swept across her sensitive neck, making Liliana groan, her body softened, and even got goose bumps all over her body. She had to use her hands to support herself from falling.

"Hahaha!! Erica said that Liliana's neck is very sensitive. It seems that she was not lying."

As if he had got an interesting toy, Roy laughed out loud.

Liliana did not dare to complain to Roy. I just glared at Erica secretly, thinking that she was bullying me, and Erica blinked innocently, indicating that she knew nothing.

"Well, forget about the punishment. Since I have already forgiven you, I will not bring up the past. Now I have a task for you, Lady Liliana!"

"……Follow Erica and I to England, and after we have found all the materials, use your witch blood and magic to perform a ceremony for me!"


Liliana didn't know what Roy asked her to do, and she didn't ask any more questions about it, so she just agreed.


A plane took off from Rome Fiumicino Airport and headed for England.

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