A cafe on the street in London, England. The cafe is not luxurious, but a common chain store on the roadside. Roy, Erica and Liliana are sitting by the window of the cafe, tasting the"common people's" coffee and the cake that Erica, a young lady, thinks is a bit greasy.

Erica and Liliana are sitting on both sides of Roy. This combination of a man and two women also attracts the attention of English gentlemen. Many men working with laptops in the cafe will peek here from time to time.

Erica has the unique enthusiasm of Italians. Her golden hair and proud aristocratic girl temperament, coupled with her exquisite and beautiful face and proud figure, make her look as elegant as a gem. Such a woman walking on the street is enough to become the most eye-catching focus.

Not to mention that there is a beautiful girl next to Erica who is very different from her style but equally admirable. As an Eastern European, Liliana has fair skin and looks like a cute doll. Especially when she frowns, she looks like a knight, which shows an alternative style.

Surrounded by two girls of different styles, Roy naturally became the object of others' peeping and even envy.

However, Roy was not interested in the gazes of the"common people". He just looked at the building that could be called a palace through the window and the road.

"This must be the residence of the Duke of Godding. To have such a palace as a residence in London, even if it is not in the central area, is enough to show the power of the Duke's ancestors."

Roy said with a tut-tut sound, and took a sip of ordinary coffee in the cup.

"Duke Godding has a close relationship with the royal family. This palace belongs to the royal family. As the only daughter of Duke Godding, Princess Alice, who is well-known in the entire European magic world, now lives here.……『King, why should we observe here instead of in the past?"

Erica heard Roy's sigh. Although she wanted to complain that Roy now regarded the entire Vatican as his own, and that the palace-style building of Duke Godding was nothing compared to the Vatican, she still suppressed her inner impulse and gave Roy a brief explanation of the glory of the Duke's ancestors.

"Before kidnapping a target person, you always need to scout the location to ensure that there is no risk of error. What we are doing now is scouting the location."

Roy casually explained to Erica's question.

"『"King, shouldn't we ask for a meeting with Princess Alice and then meet with her to help you complete the ceremony?"

Liliana couldn't help but ask.

"What if Princess Alice is unwilling to perform the ceremony for me?"

Roy asked.

"I think Princess Alice would not dare to refuse the King's request, right?"

Liliana said with her own understanding.

"Haha, Lily, although you are smart, you are still a little naive. Even if you are the"king", not everyone respects you. Others will obey whatever they say. This"white princess" has messed up Alexander Gascoigne's affairs many times. With the previous experience of this"black prince", I don't want to see a princess who is hypocritical to me."

Roy smiled heartily, but then he restrained his expression and became cold."……So when facing some people, you must be strong, make her feel afraid of you, and know that you can do extremely evil things without any bottom line. Only in this way can she not dare to resist in fear."

"……Besides, I am the King, so why should I ask for a meeting? It would be an insult to me. When I come here, our princess should welcome me. I am not Alexander Gascoigne, who would let the princess think she can handle me."

"Humph, why did the Marquis of Vauban go to the Far East to look for the witch two years ago? If the Marquis had come to London to look for the princess at that time, I wouldn't have to be so tired. I'm sure that the White Princess would know how to please the Marquis with her attitude under his training. Let's go and meet this princess who is the most famous in Europe."

Roy stood up and opened the door of the cafe and walked across the street. Erica followed him closely, and Liliana got up quickly to pay the bill.

"『King, according to the news from Oceania, Lord Salvatore has not found the God of Disobedience and may return to Italy soon.

Erica, who was following behind Roy, whispered

"What do you think of Salvatore Donni, Erica... Do you think he'd be mad at me for taking something from him?"

"From what I know about Lord Salvatore, he probably won't care about these things... but he is likely to challenge the"King". He is a battle fanatic obsessed with swords."

Erica answered without thinking, and it was obvious that she had already considered this answer.

""Well, Erica, you are right. That man is just a bit stupid. If he comes to find me, I will just fight him... I know what you mean. Don't worry, I am not a demon. I don't like to cause meaningless killings when it is not necessary. If he wants to fight me, I will choose a quiet place."

Erica smiled a little when she heard Roy's evaluation of the Sword King, but she had to admit that Roy was right. At the same time, Erica was relieved. After the Seven Sisters Alliance learned that Salvatore was going back to Italy, they urgently notified Erica, hoping that she could find a way to persuade the new"king" to try not to cause too much damage to Italian cities.

If the two godslayers fight in big cities like Rome and Milan, it will be a war!

��Erica was still worried about how to persuade the"brutal" and"self-willed""king", but now it seems that although the"king" is a little weird in thinking and behavior, he is not the kind of person who takes human life lightly.

At this time, Liliana also paid the bill and ran to catch up with the two. After seeing the hint in Erica's eyes, she also felt relieved. As a magic society in Italy, they are also Italians, so they naturally don't want the land and people of Italy to be affected by disasters.

""Sorry, this is private territory, not a palace open to the public. Please leave."

When Roy and his companions approached the gate of the palace-like building, security guards stepped forward to stop them.

These security guards were ordinary people and had nothing to do with magic.

Before Roy could speak, Erica and Liliana looked at each other, and the two girls stepped forward at the same time and directly launched a suggestion magic to let the security guards let them go. They were afraid that these people would rebel against the"king" and end up being turned into pillars of salt.

The security guards who were influenced by the suggestion magic quickly stepped aside and let Roy and his companions enter the manor.

Roy was not angry about Erica and Liliana's behavior. He knew that the two girls hoped to minimize casualties.

Roy only wanted the result and did not care about the process, whether to kill his way in to see the White Princess or use suggestion magic like this. Go in and meet the White Princess, as long as the result is the same, it doesn't matter.

As for the kindness in Erica and Liliana's hearts, Roy doesn't hate them. No matter they are kind or murderous, as long as they don't go against him, don't think they are right, abide by their status, don't do anything beyond their means, and have the ability, they will be happy with Roy.

Since they have this kindness, don't distort their temperament, let them bloom this flower of kindness as much as possible.

There was no obstruction along the way. With the two great knights as the pioneers, Roy easily walked through the garden and entered the building.

Then Erica and Liliana's hint magic finally failed, and a middle-aged woman stopped them.

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