The woman who appeared in front of Erica and Liliana was in her forties. She was wearing expensive but very low-key clothes. Although she was middle-aged, she was well maintained. At first glance, she looked only in her early thirties.

The woman had a very serious expression and a pair of silver-rimmed glasses on her nose, which easily reminded people of someone like a dormitory manager.

"This is the residence of Her Highness Alice, the daughter of the Duke of Godding! How dare you break in here?"

The middle-aged woman suppressed her anger and asked sternly.

Erica and Liliana looked at each other, and when they saw Roy, who was walking slowly behind them, did not say anything, they asked on Roy's behalf:"……Who are you?"

"I am the housekeeper and protector of Her Highness Alice. Who are you? Why do you use such means to forcibly break into the residence of Princess Alice?"

The housekeeper quickly restrained her anger and did not let herself lose her mind, but her eyes were full of hostility and deep fear when she looked at Erica and Liliana.

Since she could be called the bodyguard of Princess Alice, the housekeeper's strength was not weak, but when she realized that Erica and Liliana were young but had powerful magic in their bodies, she was secretly shocked. These two girls who looked to be in their teens were actually Grand Knights.

The title of Grand Knight is a title that can only be given to people who have reached a pinnacle in the field of swordsmanship and magic. Even Salvatore Tony could not become a Grand Knight because he had no talent for magic before becoming a God Slayer.

"I am Erica Blantry of the Copper Black Cross, and this is Liliana Crannicar of the Bronze Black Cross. I apologize for breaking into Princess Alice's residence, but an important person has arrived, and Princess Alice should come to greet him!" Erica stopped Liliana from speaking. She was better at this kind of diplomatic negotiation. She smiled confidently and politely on her beautiful face.

Unlike Roy, the God Slayer, Erica could not do whatever she wanted with her strength. Now she not only represented Roy but also the Copper Black Cross, so she did not want to lose her manners.

"『"Red Copper Black Cross"? It's an Italian magic society... Are you the next successor to the one who just got the title of"Red Devil"? Then isn't the big shot you are talking about……"

At this moment, the housekeeper's expression finally changed. As the housekeeper of the former chairman of the Council of Sages, she was of course well-informed about the magic world. Thinking that this girl named Erica had served the new king not long ago, that was to say...

Just as the housekeeper was shocked, Roy had already walked leisurely to the four-story palace-like building. He didn't look like he was here to"kidnap", but to enjoy the mountains and rivers, and even had the leisure to admire the flowers and plants planted in the courtyard.

"Roy King』!"

Seeing that Roy looked exactly like the description in the intelligence records, the housekeeper finally changed color. She quickly suppressed all her anger and bowed to greet the Demon King.

"Princess Alice can have such a strong and loyal housekeeper like you, which is enough to show her excellence."

Roy, wearing the extremely bright and gorgeous cardinal robe, put his right hand in the special pocket, walked in front of the housekeeper from the path made by Erica and Liliana.

"Your praise frightens me, I just……"

The housekeeper was about to say something modest, but she heard Roy suddenly say angrily:"……Since you knew I was coming, why didn't Alice come to greet me?"

This sentence can be described as extremely willful. Princess Alice didn't know Roy was coming at all, and she hadn't received any news before, so how could she come to greet him?

But the housekeeper didn't dare to refute. At this time, she had already covered her heart with her hands. A pain that almost tore her chest apart was stationed in her heart.

That was the ability of Roy's power"Seeing the Face of God". Although Roy did not actively activate this power, the housekeeper was already affected when she saw his face.

Roy's previous gentleness made the housekeeper feel like spring breeze under the blessing of the power, but the sudden rage was like a cold winter wind. This too abrupt emotional change, under the blessing of the power, even caused the blood vessels of this housekeeper who almost had the strength of a great knight to rupture.

Taking two deep breaths to make her body feel more relaxed, the housekeeper said in a hoarse voice:"……Please calm down, King. I will go and inform the princess right away!"

The devil was famous for his willfulness. The housekeeper did not dare to disobey him, and did not even dare to raise the slightest resentment.

"How dare you! Since I came here to see her, do I need to report it?"

Roy personally demonstrated what it meant to be moody. His terrifying appearance even made Liliana tremble with fear. Only Erica, who had lived with Roy for a while, knew that Roy's move must have a deep meaning, so she stood beside Roy respectfully and performed her duties as a knight.

The rather strange double pupils looked at the housekeeper, and then the housekeeper found that her soul, body and even magic power seemed to be collapsing. Starting from her toes, her whole body began to salt, and in an instant half of her body turned into a salt pillar.

This is the highest level of magic eye attached to Roy's"Holy Right"——『Eye of Sodom!

Seeing this familiar power, Liliana's face flashed with a subtle fear. Back then at the Roman Wolf Headquarters, Roy almost killed her teacher with just a glance, the commander-in-chief of the Bronze Black Cross.

"Please stop, King Roy! The Alice you are looking for is here to greet you!"

A woman's voice came from not far behind the housekeeper. Her voice was very lively, like a lark in the valley. The crisp and delicate voice was elegant but also angry.

A female figure suddenly appeared at the door of the building. She had platinum hair, a beautiful face that any man could praise, and a beautiful figure. Her movements were noble and elegant, and she had a noble lady temperament that was as addictive as perfume.

But now this princess in her twenties has ruined this beautiful scenery because of the anger on her face. Her snow-white skin is also tense.

"You finally showed up, Princess Alice! You had been hiding there and spying without showing your face, but you asked your housekeeper to test me. What a bold act! You were so bold even though you knew the devil was coming. It seems that our Mr. Alexander Gascoigne made a wrong judgment on you."

"……White Princess, whose reputation resounds throughout Europe, if your housekeeper dies here, all the sins will be blamed on you, for using her as a chess piece."

Roy's heart-piercing words made Alice blush with regret and shame, but what was even more terrifying was that Roy's double pupils actually looked at her.

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