The daughter of the Duke of Godding, Princess Alice Louise Of Nafar, regretted it now.

As Roy said, she was using her housekeeper to test the new king. She thought she was doing it very covertly. She hid in a ghostly way and observed from the side. She could observe the new king's personality and behavior at a close distance instead of using cold text information.

But she didn't expect that Roy could see through her trick at a glance, and then used the same trick on her, leaving her in a dilemma.

‘Perhaps I have been in contact with Alexander for too long and have somewhat forgotten that the God Slayer is the real Demon King. '

Princess Alice laughed at herself.

It's not that she has never come into contact with the God Slayer.

On the contrary, she has come into contact with almost all the God Slayers of this era.

However, she has only met other God Slayers once, and only Alexander Gascoigne has been known to her for several years.

Because of this, she is accustomed to using Alexander Gascoigne's character as a template for the God Slayer, and has completely forgotten that the Demon King can be extremely cruel and ruthless sometimes.

Princess Alice now has only one idea, and that is how to rescue her housekeeper, who is extremely loyal to her but almost died here because of her own mistakes.

But before Princess Alice could put down her attitude and apologize, Roy's"Eye of Sodom" had already looked at her.


This time, even Erica and Liliana cried out in surprise. They had not expected that Roy would actually use his power against Princess Alice. Didn't the"King" say that he needed Princess Alice's witch power to perform the ritual? Why did he suddenly kill her? Could it be that Princess Alice's behavior angered him and he no longer cared?

Just as Erica and Liliana were stunned, a huge amount of cursed power fell on Princess Alice in the form of the power of the magic eye. However, unlike what Erica and Liliana expected, Princess Alice's body did not turn into a salt pillar, but disappeared directly like smoke.

"It's a ghost body! The Princess Alice that appeared here is her ghost body."

As a witch, Liliana recognized the technique used by Princess Alice. For witches, the highest level of witchcraft is the"art of crossing the ghost world", which is to go to the ghost world in human form. The ghost world is the source of witches' spiritual vision. After mastering this magic, the witch's power will naturally increase greatly.

‘The Art of Crossing the Netherworld is the highest level of magic that even Liliana cannot perform now, and Princess Alice's ability to create a"ghost body" is even better. She can completely rely on the ghost body to shuttle back and forth between the material world and the ghost world, and she doesn't even need to use much magic power.

""Princess Alice actually went too far by using a ghost body to welcome the 'king'!"

This time, even Erica was a little angry. Facing the arrival of the 'king', Princess Alice did not use her real body to greet him. Instead, she created a ghost body to hide and observe secretly. This was tantamount to not giving Roy face and trampling on the dignity of the 'king'.

Liliana was also a little indignant. She and Erica were now Roy's knights. The lord being insulted was equivalent to them being insulted, and it was also the 'Copper Black Cross' and the 'Bronze Black Cross' being insulted. People would instinctively pass on this kind of thing in their hearts.

""Go up, our princess is waiting on the fourth floor."

Roy stepped over the housekeeper who had completely turned into a pillar of salt and walked up the stairs.

The housekeeper was not dead, but if Roy did not remove this power, or if the pillar of salt she turned into was broken, it would be equivalent to death.

The house where Princess Alice lived was extremely luxurious, and this was Hampstead, one of the few high-end residential streets in London. It can be said that such a residence with a garden is not something that can be bought with money.

In this four-story house, except for Princess Alice and her housekeeper, the rest are maids. These maids are ordinary people. After seeing the housekeeper strangely turned into a pillar of salt , they were all trembling, no one dared to stop Roy, watching them climb the stairs and go to Princess Alice's bedroom.

Erica and Liliana pushed open the solid wood door. Except for the housekeeper and a few personal maids, no one was allowed to enter the room on the fourth floor. But now, a man and two women walked into the princess's boudoir.

Princess Alice's boudoir was decorated in a simple and elegant style. The most eye-catching thing was the princess bed decorated with gauze curtains. A graceful figure was looming behind the gauze curtains. She lay on the bed like a sleeping beauty, waiting for the prince's personal greeting.

"Roy"King", please forgive Alice for not being able to get out of bed to greet you. The reason why I went to see you in my ghostly form is not because I intended to be disrespectful, but because my body does not allow me to receive you in person. It's just that it was very ungentlemanly of you to do such a cruel thing in a lady's room."

A light and pleasant voice came from behind the gauze curtain, but compared to the voice of Princess Alice heard at the gate before, this voice seemed much weaker.

Her tone was elegant, but there was also a hint of anger in that elegance, anger towards Roy, an uninvited guest.

Roy did not speak, he just signaled Erica and Liliana with his eyes. Erica quickly stepped forward to lift the gauze curtain on the princess's bed, while Liliana brought a chair from the house and placed it beside the bed, asking Roy to sit down.

Lying on the princess's bed was a weak girl. Just like what she saw at the gate of the house, Princess Alice in front of her still had a stunning face, and the petite figure emerging from the quilt was slightly raised, forming a beautiful arc, but unlike the Princess Alice in the ghost state seen before, her real body was much thinner, and her face was pale and bloodless, which easily reminded people of a patient after surgery.

"Are you satisfied to see me like this, King Roy! As you can see, my physical condition is very poor, even to the point where it is difficult for me to get out of bed, and I need a massage from a professional to maintain my basic health."

Princess Alice's pale little hands grabbed the quilt, breathing a little, as if even such a simple action was very difficult for her. It was only then that Erica knew that the world-famous Princess Alice was actually such a girl who was as sick as a dying person. She quickly stepped forward and helped Princess Alice to prop up her body with her hands, and put a soft cushion on her back so that she could lean against the bed safely.

""Thank you."

Princess Alice thanked Erica with an elegant and moving tone, more noble than the Italian girl, like a noble lady who has lived in a ball for a long time.

She was wearing a women's pajamas with ruffles all over her body, with only a part of her white wrist exposed. Her white-gold hair was not as translucent as imagined, but instead had a deep and dead silence.

"You won't live long, Princess Alice! You are only twenty years old now, and your body functions can barely keep you alive, but in ten years at most, your life will wither, dying when a flower is at its most beautiful."

Roy glanced at Princess Alice's body and said with certainty.

"This is probably what is called a beautiful woman with a tragic fate."

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