Princess Alice was not surprised by the death notice Roy issued to her. She looked neither shocked nor frightened, as if she had expected this result.

She leaned against the bed, raised her pale jade hand, lifted the white-gold hair beside her ear, and smiled at Roy:"……I know my physical condition very well, Roy Wang』!"

"……I am not bragging, but as a witch, I can be said to be the most powerful witch in the world. However, I am not happy about this, because you can see the price I paid for it, which is my current body."

"I have possessed extraordinary spiritual power since I was born. I even mastered the most difficult magic for a witch when I was ten years old. This powerful spiritual power allows me to easily go to the"ghost world", where I can get enlightenment and knowledge."

"This is why I was able to become the speaker of the Diogenes, the highest organization of the Council of Sages, at the age of just over ten, even though the average age of the people there are all elderly. Some of my knowledge was learned, but a large part of it was acquired through 'clairvoyance'."

Perhaps because she knows that her life is limited, and even that she has already lived two-thirds of her life, Princess Alice is fearless. When facing a brutal and powerful god-killer like Roy, she can face it with a normal heart, because she is not afraid of death.

When a person is not afraid of death, she will lose her fear and become brave and crazy.

"My body can hardly leave here, so I usually live in the form of a 'ghost body'. The 'ghost body' also has its advantages. I can appear in every corner of this world in an instant, using the 'ghost world' as a stepping stone to cross the distance. I can go wherever I want to see the beautiful scenery."The long talk made Princess Alice's face even paler. She covered her mouth and coughed twice, gasping for breath.

Liliana on the side poured some water from the bottle, carefully sat next to Princess Alice, handed the edge of the cup to her pale thin lips, and fed her water.

"Thank you, you are Miss Liliana, right? Although you look majestic, you are actually a thoughtful girl.

Princess Alice thanked her and then stared at Liliana with a smile. It was unknown whether it was the witch's"vision" or her own experience, but she saw through Liliana's heart with just a few simple glances.

"I, I'm Liliana! But I'm a knight, and you say I'm thoughtful or something.……"

Liliana was in a panic. Facing Princess Alice, a senior on the witch road and her huge fame, Liliana, who was not good at dealing with such things, looked even more embarrassed.

"Hehe~~ This is not an embarrassing thing. Miss Liliana must maintain her current appearance. This contrast between being upright on the outside and extremely sensitive on the inside will gain more favor from the"king"~"

Seeing Liliana so interesting, Princess Alice teased her again.

"Stop bullying Lily."

Roy interrupted Princess Alice at the right time, earning Liliana's grateful gaze.

"Princess Alice, although the 'ghost body' is a very convenient ability that allows you to travel around the world at any time, it also has a big flaw, because it is only a spirit body without a physical body. When you move in the ghost body, you have no sense of taste or touch at all. Living in this state, you can't even be called a 'human'.’!"

Roy's words hit the nail on the head, causing Princess Alice to smile bitterly.

"『Wang, you are right. Because I have no sense of smell, I cannot distinguish the fragrance of perfume. Because I have no sense of taste, no matter what I eat, it has no taste. It can be said that I do not have the basic feelings of a human being. Even I would complain and feel sad about it."

"……Just like a blind person, if he is born blind because he has never seen the colors of the world, he will not be too sad. But if he is blind later in life, because he has seen the colorful world in the past, he will be more painful after losing all of it."

"When I was young, I was in good health. I once tasted desserts, was obsessed with ladies' black tea, and liked the fragrance of flowers. But all of this was lost when I was in my teens. My stomach is very poor. Now I can only survive by the delivery of nutrients. I can't leave this house, which will accelerate my death. My life now is just one day at a time."

Princess Alice's tragic life shocked Erica and Liliana. The two fourteen-year-old girls were at the age of sentimentality. Listening to Princess Alice's vegetative life, they showed pity in their eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, it will make me even sadder."

Princess Alice saw the pity in the eyes of the two girls and said with some discomfort.

"That's right, Erica and Liliana, don't have too much sympathy for the unfortunate people. Although compassion is an emotion that humans must have, 'compassion' is also 'human evil', a stain that humans cannot overcome, and one of the main causes of human extinction."

Roy reminded the two girls, and then she looked at Princess Alice's beautiful face full of smiles but sadness, and said softly:"……No wonder you encountered the God of Disobedience when you were in your early teens. That was because your spiritual power was fully awakened. No wonder you resigned from the position three years after becoming the Sage Council Chairman. I thought the so-called physical problem was just an excuse, but now it seems to be true."

"……No wonder Marquis Vauban didn't look for you when he wanted to hold the Summoning Ceremony of the God of Disobedience 20 years ago, because he knew your body couldn't do it at all."

Princess Alice nodded gently, her smile was like a withered flower, beautiful and sad,"……When you, King Roy, came to my residence to look for me, I knew your purpose. The reason you would need a witch like me could only be related to the God of Disobedience. I'm afraid you, like the Marquis, want to actively summon the God of Disobedience."

"……But it's a pity that I made you go for nothing. I can't leave here in my physical condition. I'm afraid I will die before I can perform the ceremony for you. Magic can't heal the physical damage caused by my powerful spiritual power. Even the power possessed by Lady Aisha can only heal external and internal injuries, but it can't be used for the stubborn disease in my body that is like a curse."

"I'm afraid you need to seek help from someone else."

Princess Alice smiled very happily, as if she was very happy to have an irrefutable reason for making Roy, the God Slayer, suffer a setback.

"Ha, others may be helpless in the face of Princess Alice's condition, but there is an ability in my power that can solve the current dilemma."

Roy suddenly stood up, and came to Princess Alice's bed in the panic when she felt that the situation seemed to be out of control. He stretched out his left hand and grabbed the princess's pointed chin, looked at her pale lips, and bent down.

This is the fifth of the seven abilities of the"Divine Right"!

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