(I will update it frantically in one go after the storm passes.)

《There is a story in the Bible that God decided to test Abraham and said to him:"……Take your beloved son Isaac to Moriah and offer him as a burnt offering to me on the mountain I have designated."

After hearing God's instructions, Abraham was stunned, but he did not dare to disobey God's will and finally decided to do as God instructed.

Just when Abraham was ready to kill his own son with a knife, an angel called out from heaven:"……Abraham, do not harm the child. Now I know that you fear God and have not withheld your only son from me."

In the Book of Zerubbabel, Michael once replied:"……I am the one who rescued Isaac and mourned for him."

Roy's ability of 'Divine Right' comes from this myth. It is the only one of Roy's seven powers that is related to healing.

Because this ability is only one of the powers, not a complete power, it also has many limitations.

Unlike Lady Aisha's power, it can be released at will as long as you have the power of the spell. Roy's power can only be used once a day.

But because of this limitation, his power is unusually powerful in terms of effect. Lady Aisha's power can revive her as long as she has a breath, but she is helpless in the face of 'curse' or 'negative state' like Princess Alice.

When Roy's power is used on others, it can not only turn decay into magic and heal any pain, but also remove all negative states and form protection. When used on himself, it can allow Roy to quickly recover no matter how serious the injury is, even if he is on the verge of death, allowing him to shield all injuries in a short time and return to the peak until the injury suffered after the power expires.

This can be said to be an ability to escape in desperate situations.

Roy named this ability——『Isaac's Redemption!

This power can be exerted on others by physical contact, and Roy used the method of exchanging body fluids just because he wanted to do so.


Princess Alice whimpered, and she pressed Roy with her pale hands to push him away from her, but the girl who had been lying on the bed like a vegetable didn't have the strength to do that. After struggling for a few times and finding that she couldn't do it, she could only give up helplessly and let Roy take what he wanted from her.

Erica and Liliana stood by and were extremely surprised. They never thought that Roy would do such a thing. They just blushed and were at a loss. Liliana had a sudden idea, and somehow a domineering CEO novel style came into her chaotic mind.

The smell of the man rushed to her face, making Princess Alice's heart beat faster, and her brain was groggy due to lack of oxygen. In addition to Roy's smell, what Princess Alice felt most was the unusual"curse power" that passed into her body.

This kind of cursed power is completely different from ordinary magic power. In addition to the difference in quality and quantity, it also forms a mysterious effect in a way that Princess Alice cannot understand. She knows that this is the power of the God Slayer, the great feat that mortals have taken from gods, and it is an existence that is difficult for mortals to analyze. And now the power formed by this cursed power is rapidly improving Princess Alice's body.

Her body, which was weak due to the overly powerful spiritual power, began to become flexible, just like a rusty gear that was filled with engine oil again and started smoothly again.

Princess Alice has never felt her heart beating so strongly, and her brain has never been so clear. Her slender wrist finally has enough strength to push Roy away before she almost suffocates.


""Roy, don't you think this is too shameless?"

Princess Alice scolded in shame and anger. She breathed heavily and stroked her chest with her hand, slowly letting her breathing become smooth.

Then Princess Alice was surprised to find that her roar was full of energy, which was completely different from the weak appearance of a seriously ill patient before.

Her limbs became strong, and she could even feel the blood flowing rapidly in her body, and even her pale hands had blood color.

Although she was still like an anemic patient and looked much weaker than ordinary people, overall, she had made great changes compared to when she was terminally ill before. At least she could eat, drink water, and walk like an ordinary person.

This was the vigor of life that Princess Alice had never felt since she collapsed on the bed six years ago.

Roy did not answer Princess Alice's topic. He half-squinted his eyes as if reminiscing, smacked his lips and said:"……Very awkward, it seems this is Princess Alice's first time, I thought that with the relationship between Princess Alice and Alexander Gascoigne, you should have had intimate behavior a long time ago."

Roy's teasing words made Princess Alice even more annoyed, she said dissatisfiedly:"……Please don't compare me to that troublesome guy, Roy."

"Oh? Alice, you are called the 'White Princess', and Gascoigne is called the 'Black Prince'. I thought you two were a perfect match."

Roy looked surprised, but the surprise looked fake, it was just a joke.

"I feel helpless about this, but since everyone calls us that, I have no way to refute it... Moreover, if I really have a close relationship with Alexander, what you did before is equivalent to declaring war on him."

After regaining strength in her body, Princess Alice became more eloquent.

"I don't mind declaring war on him. Besides, if you really have an intimate relationship with him, I might be more excited now. As a demon king, isn't it my job to snatch the princess I love and make her and her loved one despair?"

"……Gascoigne is a very cautious person, so cautious that he is unique among the godslayers. Do you think he is watching nearby now, wondering if what I did was to lure him out, and then envious of me for getting Princess Alice's virginity?"

Roy said this, looking around seriously, as if Alexander Gascoigne was hiding in a corner and didn't dare to come out.

"You are really……"

Princess Alice didn't know whether to laugh or cry. What could she say to such a shameless person?

Erica and Liliana also had obvious changes in their eyes when they looked at Roy.

‘What a pervert!

Princess Alice muttered to herself, then tried to remain calm and said:"……Roy,"King", if you force a girl to do something like this without considering her wishes, she will hate you. Although some girls like to be treated in a strong way, I am not that kind of person."

"I don't care whether you hate me or like me, whether you are willing or not. I am the devil who roams the earth without restraint and does whatever he wants. Even if I declare that you are my woman, and I want to open a harem of all kinds of beautiful girls in this modern era, people will not be surprised at all, because this is my power!"

After a pause, Roy shrugged and said:"……Well, now that you can move around, Princess Alice, you have no reason to reject me. The rest of your life is mine!"

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