(I will use this chapter to roughly explain the current abilities of the protagonist and the protagonist's power system.)

(Those who have watched Magical Index should be able to understand it easily. Those who have not watched it should also understand it. I will slowly write it out with the plot later.)

Roy's"Divine Right" has great limitations. First of all, if you want to activate the"Right Light", you can only activate it once every seven days. This is a time limit.

However, compared to the time limit, the condition limit is more stringent.

『The real reason why"Holy Right" will definitely bring victory is that the power of"Right Light" must be stronger than the enemy. This is an ability that becomes stronger when facing a strong enemy and weaker when facing a weak enemy.

In simple terms, if the enemy's combat power is 50, then the power of"Right Light" will be 51 when it is activated. If the enemy's combat power is 100, then the power of"Right Light" will be 101 when it is activated. No matter how strong the enemy is, the power of"Holy Right" will be stronger, thus bringing victory with a wave of the hand.

『The power of the"Light of the Right" is completely determined by the opponent's output, so Roy said that when Marquis Vauban used the power of"Black Dragon of the Underworld", the opponent was defeated.

Although Marquis Vauban had many powers, only a few of them could really cause a lot of damage to the God Slayer and the God of Disobedience. Among them, the power of"Black Dragon of the Underworld" was Marquis Vauban's ultimate trick that he had never used in the past eighty years. This power may not be the strongest in terms of destructive power, but among all the abilities of Marquis Vauban, there is definitely no power that exceeds it.

Destructive power has never been a standard of constant strength and weakness, just like Roy's"Holy Right", it does not have much destructive power from the performance, but it can bring"victory".

Therefore, when Marquis Vauban used"Black Dragon of the Underworld", Roy said that all the puzzle pieces had been put together, because this was Marquis Vauban's maximum output. His"Holy Right" had calculated the opponent's output, so he could use a stronger force to kill him with"Light of the Right".

The biggest flaw of the current"Divine Right" is that Roy cannot control the power output. At the same time, he does not know the power limit of his right hand. Now it is completely triggered automatically. When to use this move depends on Roy's grasp of the timing and the battlefield.

According to the numerical explanation in the game, if the enemy's maximum power value is 50, then the opponent uses the"Right Light" when the power output is 40.』,『The power of the"Right Light" is only 41, which can't bring victory at all. Roy must wait until the opponent's power reaches 50 before using this move to kill instantly.

『The"Divine Right" ability is that when the opponent uses his trump card, he will definitely be stronger than the opponent. In a way, it is similar to the"Backlight Sword", but it is many times stronger than the"Backlight Sword".

This ability is almost invincible when facing an enemy of the same level or slightly stronger than himself, but if facing a strong person who is far stronger than himself, it will be useless, because such a strong person does not need to exert maximum strength to kill Roy, and he can probably kill Roy in seconds by just using some abilities.

‘If only I could completely control the power of this hand.'

Roy sighed secretly. He didn't know the upper limit of his right hand's ability, but he had a hunch that if he could completely control the power of this hand, at least he could crush the universe like the right hand recorded in the Book of Law.

At the same time, because of the weaving of the Book of 777, this hand also possessed 'all the miracles of the Cross'. Theoretically, Roy should be able to use this hand to resurrect the dead, reverse the rules, make mathematics deviate, destroy the world, and even recreate a new world. If he could reproduce all the 'miracles of the Cross', Roy should be equal to or even higher than the 'Demon God' in status, that is, the so-called 'God Above'.

In the power system created by Aleister himself, he roughly divided the power into two parts, namely 'man' and 'god', and Aleister himself was at the 'top of man'. He could have become a demon god, but he chose to give up.

In the 'realm of God', Aleister also divided it into three stages. The first stage is an ordinary demon god, which is '8=3', which means to explore the extreme of magic. Such an existence is infinitely close to 'omnipotence'. However, although the demon god can distort and change everything, it may not be able to restore it, so it cannot be considered a complete 'omnipotent'.

The second stage is to surpass ordinary demon gods and let their theories and ideas affect the multiverse, which is '9=2'. The demon god who reaches this stage is enough to be truly called 'God above', because He can not only distort everything, but also restore everything. In Roy's cognition, it seems that only 'Othinus', the 'one-eyed demon god', is close to this realm, and if Roy's right hand can complete all the 'Christian miracles', it is enough to reach this level.

(Note: In the real Aleister theory, the people he personally said reached '9=2' were Christ, Buddha, Laozi, Odin, etc., so my Bible system is quite close to Aleister's mysticism, and Othinus is Odin.)

As for the final '10=1' stage, it is completely Aleister's imagination, which even he himself cannot understand. He can only call it"his own existence", which has completely surpassed the scope of mortals' understanding.

"But I want to complete 'all the miracles of the Cross', which requires a lot of knowledge. The knowledge I have now is not enough to complete those miracles."

Roy muttered. How difficult is it to achieve 'the existence of all ultimate mysteries'? In this endless multiverse, how many people can really reach that realm?

So for Roy now, he has two major goals. One is to be able to completely control his right hand so that he can truly achieve 'the power of shattering the universe'; the second is to exhaust all knowledge and let himself complete 'all the miracles of the Cross', so as to reach the 'realm above God' and become a true son of God!

Before completing these two major goals, he has another small goal, which is to make his current power stronger first... Compared with the two major goals, it is still the kingly way to make yourself stronger little by little first. It is impossible for a person to become fat in one breath. If you take too big a step, it is easy to pull your balls.

Roy came back to his senses. He looked at the Marquis of Vauban who had turned into a black dragon and crawled on the ground, then raised his right hand, and the blood-red cross sword appeared in his hand!

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